

The next day Liam walked to school curious to what Kreese and Johnny Lawrence fought about, and what they spoke about. Why did Kreese and him move to the Valley? What is Kreese doing? And why did he feel like he was a target? Liam looked around him and saw some other students walking to school, people going to work and so on. Liam saw out of the corner of his eye some of the Cobra Kai members he saw while he challenged their sensei, the ones that stuck out the most were the kid with a mohawk and messed up lip and Miguel Diaz, a latino boy that was the first place winner of the All Valley tournament. He continued to school casually as he monitored the Cobra Kai students actions.

He spontaneously ducked into an alley. His pursuers were confused so they turned the corner to not lose track of him. Liam continues going to school after climbing the alley walls, getting on top of the building and dismounting a distance away. He enters school and goes about his day casually. During lunch he gets cornered by the Cobra Kai squad at a table while he was just eating. Miguel is the first to speak up "So, how do you know sensei?" Liam stops eating and responds "It doesn't matter" then continued with his meal. The mohawk kid, who Liam learned was nicknamed Hawk, slammed his hand on the table as he shouted "Just tell us how you know him?!" This drew the attention of the other occupants of the cafeteria. A brunette girl gets up from her seat and walks over "hey, leave him alone" she says in a self-righteous tone. Hawk, Miguel and most of the Cobra Kai group turn their heads to look at the girl."He doesn't need protection Sam, plus we only wanted answers" Miguel reasoned with his ex girlfriend."Yeah, he even beat sensei without getting hit" Hawk added with a complex look on his face."Don't forget about yourself" Liam chimed in while still eating. The questioning almost broke out into a fight but the looming fear caused by him easily besting their sensei was ever present. So his school day ended and he returned home doing simple exercises inside.

He heard someone knock on the door. He opened the door revealing Kreese with some bags."Hey kid, I'll be moving in with you, it took me a couple favours to get this place really cheap" Kreese said as he stepped inside past Liam. Liam was expecting something like this to happen, they have been living together and moving houses often because they don't have the most sustainable income."Where have you been staying till now old man?" Liam asked genuinely as he knew they couldn't afford two places. Kreese sighed and turned away with a serious face and replied "I've been staying at a homeless shelter" Kreese then turned to Liam with a slightly less serious face "anyway, let's forget about that, I wanted to tell you I will be at Cobra Kai."

"So what? You want me to join them? Is that why I transferred schools a week before summer holiday?" Liam said trying to get to the point of what Kreese is saying. Kreese only placed his bags down and confirmed Liam's questions by saying simple yeses.

The next day after school Liam strolled into the dojo. Many people had mixed reactions, the people from the last time he came got ready for a fight, Kreese in the corner smirked, the new students were confused and Johnny was conflicted. Liam took of his shoes and put them on the side, took a breath and announced "I am going to join Cobra Kai…" he then bowed to Johnny and Kreese "…Senseis!"

They preceded to start the lesson."Diaz, Warm them up" Johnny said. Miguel obeyed and started the warmups."Fighting positions!" Miguel chanted as he and the others, excluding Johnny and Kreese, got into stance."Front kick!" And they all did a kick while making a hiya sound."Forward strike!" And they all performed a punch with their leading hands while making the noise."Side jab!" And all the students, except for Liam, all did a dab. The ones who dabbed giggled while Johnny looked a little ashamed and Liam seethed at the back."What the hell was that?" Johnny asked Miguel as to why he and the others were messing around.Miguel turned to his sensei "We were just messing around. We have eleven and a half months till the next All Valley" then Hawks chipped in "Plus we already know how to kick ass."

"So you have nothing left to learn huh?" Johnny responded in a frustrated and husky voice, questioning if his students really believe this after just one win. An overweight, mixed race girl laughed aloud."What's so funny, Ms. Robinson?" Johnny walked over, stood in front of the girl and asked in the same gruff voice. She recovered from her fits of laughter and said with a smile "sorry sensei, you just wouldn't understand."

Johnny replied coolly "Try me." The girl looked at her sensei with a smile "It's a snake do" as she and most of the others snickered. Johnny replied confused "What's a snake do" and most of the students raised their hands to mimic a snake and hiss."ENOUGH!" Liam at the end of his fuse shouted from the back of the dojo, causing many to jump and yelp in surprise."Is this how you treat your training? Pathetic, I understand now why most of you are subpar now" many of the students got angered by this and wanted to rebuke him but were interrupted by Johnny."Five am tomorrow morning at the corner of Fulton and Raymer, you don't show, then your off the team" Johnny commanded in a booming voice as he walked towards his office in the back."Class dismissed" Johnny said when he stepped of the mat.

The next morning the Cobra Kai's were mixing cement in wheelbarrows, many complained but Liam focused on the task doing it as though it was nothing. After about half an hour a cement truck showed up and Johnny got the attention of everyone."You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off?" He looked around at his dojo's students "Well, I got news for you, winning one championship don't mean squat! A true champion never stops training. You got to keep moving forward otherwise you'll get stuck…" and Johnny continue giving his speech about how champions never stop training or they will get stuck like cement.

Johnny ordered them to enter the cement truck to get it to spin. Liam was the first to go in as the others were reluctant. When he went in and tried making it spin it spun, though it was not fast it was a testament to his might and will, Kreese looked on in pride while the others looked on in surprise. Some students gained determined looks and entered the cement truck to make it spin, and it spin faster than before. The others struggled as Liam went at a decent pace, yet held the strength and resolve as many of the others combined. He was beyond them in everything, an insurmountable height they may never reach even in their dreams.