
chapter 3:the plot has finally started

Well,now that Miguel has walked in with mc like aura time to bully him and get my ass beat by him in the toilets instead.

But I have to make sure I don't get beat up to much and I know Miguel won't try and force it as in try and finish me but incase he does I'm gonna fucking beat the shit out of him.

Me Brucks and some next guys go over to Miguel and start bullying him.

"Wassup,Rhea?what don't you look cute?"

"Yeah..yeah kyler what do you want from me man just leave me alone!"

I was about to say something when Brucks slapped him across the face.

"Wait,when the fuck did this pig teleport here?oh shit he was already here!"

I then noticed that Miguel seemed to be looking down probably having flashbacks about Johnny telling him to not take shit from anyone anymore.

I decided to improvise and get the fuck out of there before anyone knew I ran.

I then stood next to Eli and dimitri who were also watching what was about to happen when Miguel kicked Brucks in the face.

By now everyone got there phones out including me.

'Sorry,fat boy but you getting beaten up Miguel to get his protagonist confidence going is much more appealing then faking getting my ass kicked.'

I then saw a tremendous beat down of Brucks and some other random guys it was almost unfair.

Hell,even I wanted to jump in.i would probably just beat up Miguel tho.

and with that a lot of oooofs and sounds where heard.

Oh,and Daniel was also watching!Yay this couldn't get any funnier!I then switched my phone to Daniel's face and knew I was gonna meme the shit out of his face on whatever this worlds version of YouTube it.

After seeing Miguel land almost a billion kicks and everyone start cheering.

Sam was standing by me for some time now.

'It seems this bitch also teleported like some Minecraft character.'

Her eyes where matching Miguel's perfectly staring at each other.

It was like some passionate love shit.

'Well,I'm out of here.oh and I'm definitely not gonna chill with Brucks any more after he got his ass beat my Miguel!'

'Now then time to upload this shit to the internet!'

The next day,west valley high

People had been taking about cobra Kai a lot earlier now but there was less people then the cafeteria fight.

Because some people weren't at the Halloween party but they did get to see the fight since it's all over the internet.

Miguel then looked at me and I pretended to be scared and walk away.

I then smiled and thought everything was going to plan when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey kyler,got something you wanna say!"

Miguel said in a cocky way.

'This fucking peice of dog shit I'll spit on you peice of shit!'

"Nah man I'm good dude you know it was jokes man come on."

But before I could react I received a punch to my gut and a knee to my stomach.

alot of oooofs and sounds where heard and everyone got there phones out.

'The fuck?how the fuck did he drop me in a pinch and a knee?wtf?Fucking plot armour pisses me off!'

I then got up but before Miguel could do anything else a teacher came to stop the fight.

a lot of cheers where heard and Sam was smiling at him once again.

'Wait?isn't she still supposed to be my girlfreind?what the fuck!'

I then went over to Sam and she looked at me while crossing her arms I only said one word before I walked past her "Bitch,go suck your dad!"

and I walked off.

'Well now that the plot has begun I can finally start my training!it's safe to say that cobra Kai and miyagi do is out of the question.'

Well maybe I can get Daniel to train me miyagi do but I have to make sure that Sam doesn't find out.

'Wait no forget it I don't want a fucking bonsai tree!'

to be continued
