
Co-Renting Immortal Doctor

Others treated disease to save people's lives, he treated disease to steal women's hearts. Competing in medical skills? He was the one who treated the Godly Doctor. Looking at the beautiful girl beside him, he had a headache as he said," Beautiful girl how did you fall in love with me?"

BallardKing · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Beep Beep

Xia Wentao was an extraordinary person. He had a large corporation under him that paid tens of millions of taxes every year. Such people were people that he deeply admired.

As Xia Wentao's precious daughter, Xia Bing was naturally doted on dearly. However, Xia Bing's health was not that okay since she was young, and this was known by all doctors from the older generation. Therefore, when Hu Desheng saw Tang Yu messing around, he was instantly enraged!

Hearing the other party's words, Tang Yu could not help but frown, but since the other party was a doctor, he still said seriously: "I can't let go of my hand, otherwise, even if she doesn't die, she will be in shock."

Just then, the old lady whom Tang Yu previously gave the bag to anxiously added: "Doctor, this fellow also has some medical skills, he was the one who took care of the lady before we arrived here, look he even as a medical book in his bag right here."

"Medical Book?"

Hu Desheng took the medical book from the old lady's hands and casually flipped through it, and immediately revealed a mocking smile: "What bullsh*t medical book, such lousy things are written on it, it is only able to fool an inexperienced brat like you!"

With that, Hu Desheng threw the medical book onto the ground and kicked it to the side of the trash can. He coldly looked at Tang Yu and said: "I'll give you another chance, immediately take away your dirty hands. Or else don't blame me for not being polite and letting the security throw you out!"

"This is our family's inheritance, don't throw it away like that."

Seeing that the other party threw away his medical book as though it was trash, Tang Yu's eyes burned with rage, his left hand tightly clenched into a fist. But for the woman's life, Tang Yu emphasized once more: "If I were to let go, the strange Qi will cause havoc in her body.


"Bullshit, do you think I don't know about Xia bing situation, Get out of my way."

After saying that, Hu Desheng snorted coldly, and directly removed Tang Yu's finger, which was holding Xia Bing down, aside. His eyes were filled with disdain.

At the moment, Hu Desheng wanted to show off his abilities. This was the daughter of the richest man in Moon City. As long as he could cure her, Xia Wentao would reward him greatly.

As a result, he would not let a boy ruin his plans.

Seeing the other party's disdainful gaze and actions, Tang Yu's gaze turned cold. Looking at Xia Bing on the bed, Tang Yu picked up his precious medical book, patted off the dust on it, and took the bag from the old lady's hands. Then, he turned and walked out of the ward.

Looking at Tang Yu's back, Hu Desheng felt disdain in his heart.

He hated people who came to act tough and show off despite being unskilled. He was a specialist. What did a lousy kid know? And looking at Tang Yu's shabby clothes and his wet and pathetic appearance, Hu Desheng felt even more disdainful.

Besides, that kid had just confidently said that if he let go, she would either go into shock or die. This was pure bullshit! His hand had been removed for more than ten seconds, however, what he had warned off had not yet happened.

"Beep Beep Beep!"

However, in the next moment, a buzz entered everyone's ears. Hu Desheng turned his head to look and his entire body staggered.

He saw that the number of breaths on the electrocardiograph had suddenly decreased, and even her heart rate had plummeted. Xia Bing was no longer able to hold on!

"How is this possible?!"

At the moment, Hu Desheng was truly panicking. This Xia Bing was truly unlucky, he did not even know what to do next!

Put an oxygen machine on the patient? However, she was about to stop breathing. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation? No, he understood Xia Bing's condition very well, the other party has a heart problem, if he simulated her heart, she would die!

The power of Xia Bing's family was so extraordinary, that not only would he lose his job, if the other party was going to blame this on him, then he would not even be able to keep his life!

Thinking about it, Hu Desheng immediately broke out in cold sweat, trembling from head to toe. He was truly afraid!

"Doctor Hu, what are you daydreaming for? That little girl is going to die!" At this time, the old lady looked at Xia Bing who was on the bed, and anxiously urged him forward.

Originally, they felt that being in the operation room wasn't good and they were already prepared to leave, but looking at the situation now, they really couldn't relax. This Hu Desheng was going to kill her!

"I... I... I don't know what to do. she had a heart problem from the start, but now that the heart problem seems been aggravated, there's no cure! "

Hu Desheng's face was filled with fear as he spoke incoherently.

Hearing this, the old lady became angry as well, "What the hell are you doing? That child just told you that if his finger is removed she is going to die, but you refused to listen. Now what?"

If he had heard this in the past, Hu Desheng would have been furious.

But suddenly, he thought of something, and his eyes brightened and he anxiously dragged Tang Yu who was walking out of the operation room and pleaded: " Doctor, I have eyes but could not recognize Mount Tai, and did not know how skillful you are. Please help me save her. As long as you can save her, I'll do whatever you want! "

Seeing Hu Desheng in front of him who looked like a completely different person, Tang Yu remained expressionless and said coldly: "I'm not interested. Before I get angry, you'd better let go of my hand. "

When he said that, not only did Hu Desheng not release his hand, but in front of everyone's shocked eyes, he directly knelt in front of Tang Yu and slapped himself, "I beg of you, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't have been arrogant and doubted you. Please be magnanimous and help me!"

When he thought about what he had said before, Hu Desheng felt like dying. This was the first time he felt that he was the most despicable, with his dog eyes looking down on others. The other party was able to stabilize Xia Bing's condition with just a finger, how could he afford to offend such a person? I foolishly laughed at him. I'm courting death!

Seeing that Tang Yu was still unmoved, Hu Desheng gave up all hope. If Xia Bing died, then he definitely wouldn't be able to live. Even if he lived, he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life. Thinking up to this point, he seemed to have lost his soul, and his gaze became lifeless.

Just then, the old lady looked at Tang Yu, and advised sincerely: "Young lad, although this doctor is deplorable, the young lady is innocent, we cannot just stand by and watch her die, can we?"

Tang Yu nodded and sighed in relief, saying, "Old lady, I understand. However, some people need to be taught a lesson. "