
First teen love(20August 2021)

(At the school first day of middle wing 8 class mom and entering with me in school. We meet my old teacher and she leads us to new one)

me: A.o.a

miss Fatima: Hi! sweet heart what is your name

me: My name is FST

miss Fatima:Awww..... cute name.

me: (shy) thankyou

miss Fatima: You should go to the class I will escort your parents to head mistress so they can meet your other teachers.

me: oki....

(I go to class and meet my new class mates and class teacher enters the class I wanted to meet my teacher that I had crush upon from 2 years since class 6, finally Bell rings)

miss Fatima: Bye class!

students: Bye take care!

(Finally miss that I had crush on miss Amelia entered class)
