

The world will be a sad, sad place without a bit of humor in it, a dreary place without a bit of thriller and action. And even worse than this, absolutely unexciting without gods to tease, demons to taunt and monsters to tame. From a long line of strange, from a clan unwilling to conform with the generic rules of the world, sprouts a seedling of beautiful chaos with a knack for pranks, taunts and bone to never let go of a grudge. To all lay a path, to a fated destiny, and of all the myriad paths to choose from, he chose to become the Lord of Jesters, to bring about a happy ruin, to put a smile on the faces of those he holds dear and the opposite on the face of those who dare go against him. The world is not ready for him, yet they must deal with him best they can, beware the path of the CLOWN.

Edel_Elensi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Time slowed, whilst I pushed my mind to it's limit for a way out, he made his way towards me, there was no grace in his steps, just a prowl of a predator gaining on it prey and in that split second, a thought flitted through my head and with the speed at which I was thinking of a way to free myself from death sure grip on me, said thought was a blessing.

It was an idea, one which was royally dangerous but at this moment, I was grasping for straws, I wasn't going to say no to a chance in saving my young life.

So I ran towards him, and just before I got too close, I toss myself to the ground, contorting as I fell to force my back to him. His foot smashed hard against me and once again, I tasted pain, and pain reveled in the agony it seared upon and within me, I knew not respite. Clenching my jaws to keep myself from screaming, I forced myself to stand, wobbling my way to the open door of my room on the left, I walked into it as fast as my legs could move me. I could hear him standing up already, trying to get his bearings right, the fool was blind after all, and I intended to take full advantage of that.

The fear of death is deeply ingrained in the subconscious of every human, it forces them to choose between any three of the major paths to life with a zeal so powerful it is unmatched by none other. To be scared stiff and do nothing, the path of fright, to battle against all odds for the slightest chance of survival, the path of fight, and to run away with your tail between your legs, praying you had more legs to run with, praying to the Saints that death doesn't catch up to you, the path of flight. I chose the path of flight, but I neither hoped for more legs nor prayed to the Saints for their grace, no I was going to run and I was going to battle too, and I was going to win.

"Over here you fucking traitor, you disgusting critter, you slimy Saints forsaken bat!". I yelled as loud as I could whilst enduring the pains that threatened to drive me both unconscious, I had lost lot of blood already, but I was unwilling to die, much as being alive drove me insane at this time, I refused to give in, I was going to cheat death today.

And he appeared by the door, well, it was open anyway, so the fool pretty much fell through it, ha, I let out a mirthful chuckle as I watched him struggle to his feet again. Standing in front of the wardrobe wherewith my clothes lay, I watched the bastard, his jaws where tense now, the predatory smile gone from his lips, they where on mine now. I refuse to die today, no matter what it took, I was going to live.

"Do you want to hear a joke? Ha, it doesn't matter whether you want to or not, I will tell you either way. There's a creature known by all, with an erratic flight path and no allegiance to any kingdom, neither bird nor mice, neither mammal nor oviparous, truly the worst there is. Even the Saints loathe, they cursed it and willed it to be blind. Ha! You remind me of that filth, you damn beast!". I mocked him, and of course, he gave me the reaction I so wanted.

Like a man possessed, perhaps he was at this point, he let out a guttural roar as he ran towards my general direction, wildly swinging the knife he held. His swings where wide and predictable, I may be no fighter, but I wasn't hopelessly foolish either, I dodged with ease, though what little movement I made sent spikes of pain through my whole body, it threatened to destroy the work which I was using all I had to do, the work to save myself, still, I clenched my jaws and did my best to ignore it. I wobbled to the window as fast as I could while he smashed his way through the open wardrobe and through the clothes, his knife stabbing deep into the woods behind.

I yelled towards him again, this time I prayed and hoped he didn't tire of our little game, "Yes! Yes! That's it, the foolishness of the bat, you blind fool, why do you want me dead so badly? Because your partner died? Ha! You think I'm stupid? Your partners are getting slaughtered by my family downstairs and you aren't going to give them aid, the other fool lost his manhood and is dead yet you haven't even mentioned him once throughout your rant. But simply because your hormone relief object is dead you are raging like a damn beast, running into object like the sickening bat you are. You disgust me!"

If he was angry before, then now he had totally lost it, his face twisted into a look of pure savagery, brutality and madness, "you dare tarnish her like so? You fucking rat, die die die!!!".

He yelled while running towards my direction. He slammed feet first on the bed, falling forward just to crawl up throw himself at me. Heh, it seems I had touched his reverse scale, oops. Also, I didn't think matters through, with the bed in the way, he wasn't going to fall through the window as I had hoped he would, well fuck.

He crawled through the bed in seconds and together we fell through the window and into the tenebrous, stormy night.

Fate is cruel and so is the universe, they are unreasonable housewives whose decisions no matter how delusional have little that can change it. My death on this night it seemed was set in stone, nothing could change such fate. As I fell, slicing through the wind and towards my demise, I laughed. The night was bleak and tenebrous, without a single star to send me on my journey to the other side, nay, all I got was a blanket of blackness that engulfed everything.

My life flashed before my eyes, I thought of everyone I could think of as I laughed in scorn of the fight for life I had so radically put up several minutes ago. I had even murdered someone, deprived a man of his donger and later driven a dagger through his skull, or was it his neck or was it his back? Honestly, it doesn't really matter at this point. For here, doth death lay it claim on my soul.