

Today, I'm in school.

Naturally we all weren't supposed to be in school until the next few days for graduation, but the school had called us for a 'dress fitting.' as they called it.

So now, all 12th graders are in school to collect the gown for graduation.

Trisha had successfully dumped me to go with Caleb.

Only god knows where they are right now.

I have been in school for over three hours and I still haven't gotten my gown.

And in those three hours, I have successfully and completely avoided Christian. 

It hasn't been easy, always looking left and right in case he showed up. I couldn't face him. I wasn't ready to face him yet. The humiliation was just too much.

Trisha told me Christian feels just as shitty as I am.

That serves him right.

Maybe he didn't come today.

I really hope so.

Oh shoot. He can't but come, he's the valedictorian.
