
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billli

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The New Nector#1

After hours of searching, the two misfits forming a sorry excuse for a team were finally intercepted by the Nector#1 Squadron, the new Nector#1 squadron, now led by #212. The squadron appeared formidable, with everyone donning yellow and black vests, except for #212, who wore a crimson and white uniform.

"I specifically mentioned that you were not to approach bees anymore, and we had decided to break off from you. Why did you come here?" asked the newly appointed captain in a confident bold manner.

"The crow brought me," Baadal Billi said, very casually shifting all the blame to the eye-twitcher.

Upon this, the crow's eye twitched, and its tongue was already hanging out. It looked at Baadal Billi for a long few seconds, trying to comprehend where he was or what was happening, then glanced at #212. No one could know what was going on behind that battered mind. No one could ever hope to imagine.

"Uh, yes, I found this... Then I led him here," It finally spoke as #212 sighed.

"Listen, I need to meet the queen. I have something that can help her. And I promise it's real this time. Your hive can benefit a lot from it," Baadal Billi insisted.

"Uh... I doubt that really"

#212's antenna comms buzzed

"but since you're already spotted and I've been instructed to bring you in, to the queen herself, so let's go," he said, #212 had a distinctive glimmer to him now and a whole new attitude.

Describing the hive as enormous was an understatement to its grandeur, built with impossible intricacy, the hive appeared to spread outwards in every direction for hundreds of meters at first glance, the bees had managed to create such a space that not even humans were capable of, infact humans were completely left behind in terms of the skills that were displayed in the hive.

There were thousands of workers of different factions carrying out their respective missions, each in different uniforms, casually flying by, and entirely dedicated to their craft.

These bees were a unique breed, anyone could tell that they were not from the earth, For starters their sizes were abnormal, some were chonky, some were extra long, it was as if hundreds of new alien species of bees, totally undiscovered were living together in perfect harmony, underground.

They were also ancient by the usual standards, living up to hundreds of years and remaining the same size. Some even lived a thousand years, There was nothing normal about them. 

Baadal Billi followed #212 on a golden ramp, and the crow followed him, walking third in line. This odd march of unlikely creatures attracted glares, whispers, and awe. Bees were not happy to see Baadal Billi return. Some even resignedly fell to the ground, leaving everything they were doing to look at Baadal Billi. A few meters away, a baby cried as well.

'Ah... I knew that they loved me,' Baadal Billi thought to himself.

At the front, #212 had stopped and was now chattering with Commander Buzz. They both threw glances at Baadal Billi, who was lost in his thoughts, smiling without a care in the world. After a brief conversation, the convoy moved on, and they finally reached the queen.