
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs

The ever peaceful grove

Despite being almost drawn into the war and facing one inexplicable evil after another, the grove and its inhabitants remained colorful and full of life.

From jelly-looking gummy-worm-like bugs that would inflate themselves like balloons at the slightest danger to talkative tree roots that whispered riddles at night, the grove was filled with wonders and magic. If one could successfully solve the riddle, they would be rewarded with a buried treasure box. No one could tell that the outside world was in deep shambles; it had that kind of peaceful effect.

The day was beautiful and sunny, Aatish was helping Gimpi roast a long, slimy, inedible-looking pink limb. Gimpi insisted that it tasted heavenly and was a known delicacy, but Aatish had her doubts.

#212 and Khadija were sparring, and Isra was still unconscious by the side of the Zar-e-zameen. She had been sleeping for three days continuously. Medic bees would check up on her, but with their limited knowledge about humans, they felt constrained. Still, they were trying their best.

Suddenly, during the practice session where Khadija was trying to shoot at the moving #212, who was in his bee form, a crimson dot appeared in the sky above, in front of the sun.

#212 ignored the arrow; its trajectory was still off anyway, and flew up without wasting a second, changing into his bird of prey form. He shot through the sky and landed right in front of the intruder.

To his relief, it wasn't a threat but a small bird of prey with a striking hue of crimson colors and a long, beautiful tail, carrying a human girl on top of it.

"Justuju?" said #212.

"Hello #212!"

Haniya and Justuju had arrived at the grove.


Haniya descended from Justuju on the ground, and Khadija jumped at her instantly, embracing her. She stayed clinging to her for a few long minutes until something knocked at Haniya's feet. She looked down and gasped; it was the wooden critters drawn up in a line, hell bent on never leaving their marked path. 

Haniya kicked the front one in panic, and it felt like hitting a brick. She left Khadija's embrace and knelt down, holding her feet.

"Oww," she groaned.

"Welcome to the grove, aapi," Khadija said.

"Dijji!" Haniya placed her feet down and looked at Khadija with love.

"I missed you two, where's the little monkey?" She then looked around, and by every inch that her vision was covering, her lips were frowning into extreme awe.

She bent down to Khadija and whispered, "Diji, am I dreaming? None of this is real, right?" she said.

"I wish we were dreaming, Hanu aapi," Khadija replied.

"By the way, Dijji, where are your goggles? Can you see clearly?" She lifted two fingers up and asked Khadija how many she was seeing.

"Five fingers?" Khadija said.

"Correct!" Haniya replied.

"Come, Hanu aapi, let me introduce you to everyone," Khadija said as they moved away from the path of those angry little demons. She looked down at them and gave them a glare. The wooden critters glared back.

She pointed at #212, and #212 waved with his wing. Then she pointed at Gimpi. Haniya melted with awe, she waved at him, but he rushed off into the bushes. They started walking towards where Isra and Zar-e-zameen were.

"Diji, how is Isra doing?" Haniya asked, a slight hint of worry in her voice.

"Hanu aapi, Isra didn't take the news of Qatan well. She was thrown into deep trauma. Then the thing with the core happened, and I didn't know what to do; she just fell asleep. She did wake up once but fell asleep again."

She paused and then said, "You will see for yourself, Hanu aapi when you meet the creature she is with; please bow your head in respect." Haniya nodded.

They walked through the trees and entered the familiar opening of Zar-e-zameen's lair. There, Haniya stood still, her eyes refused to believe that such a beautiful creature could exist. Hira, who was napping with Isra, stood up in front of Haniya and started unfurling her long tail.

Haniya bowed her head in respect.

"Hanu aapi, meet Hira, she's my friend. She is also the protector and creator of the twilight grove."

"Hi," said Haniya.

"Hello," replied the dark queen.

Haniya looked down and saw Isra laying unconscious, her eyes slowly opened just before Haniya approached her.