
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Perfect team

The frantic, eye-twitching, beak-broken crow flew over a series of green wastelands, soaring high through the clouds.

Born skimpy, weird, and an eye-twitcher, he became an outcast among crows who kicked him out for being obnoxiously scared all the time for no reason at all. Bees adopted him, and although he found happiness with his new bee family, they required him to smash into a lot of things, messing with his head—quite literally.

He was losing his mind, lately he would see things in the corner of his eyes, hovering in the sky, observing him, unspeakable horrors of the past which made him shudder.

making his already delusional personality even worse. Like an old patched up boat that one had tried saving too many times but it refused to be repaired anymore, the crow was like that, it was sinking within his ownself, day after day.

Suddenly he heard a sound from the left, it made his feathers stand up from the edges,


He stopped midair and frantically looked to the left and even screamed for no reason.

"Not there."

"Look up, crow."

Above him, he saw something strange even by his standards, there was a never ending sheet of fluffy clouds herded together, led somewhere north, and a single tiny one hovering about in the other direction, The crow narrowed his right eye and tilted his skimpy head to observe, his eyesight was giving up aswell, as the cloud wiggled, then descended.

"You know who I am; you know what I am capable of," the cloud said.

"I don't," the crow replied.

The crow infact, really didn't know what was happening, who the cloud was or what he was indeed capable of, he just never learned to connect the dots and since all the assignments with bees were mostly physique focused.

He preferred keeping his mind shut all the time.

So the weird cloud stood there and told him who he was in great detail. Nonstop rumbling about his adventures. Stupid stories, one after another and after an hour or two of continuously listening to his annoying chatter, something finally clicked in the mind of the crow.

"oh you're him..."

The crow recognised baadal billi1 by his annoyance and nothing else. 

"Wait... it took you two hours to remember who I am?" the cloud asked, answering himself when the crow said nothing.

"Anyways... um... Crow, do you maybe know where the hive is?"

No one could say if the crow knew, but at that moment, the crow's neck twitched. To his bad luck, Baadal Billi, as carefree as the crow was dumb, took that as a yes. They both set off on an adventure to find the hive, though the crow remained suspicious.