
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs


Anger ignited Rohaan's Gaze in brilliant red as in the next moment, veins of bright yellow crawled up his pale arms, ending up at the hilt of the long dagger,

Seeing such rigorous rage in person dimmed the smirk for a second from the demonesse's usual expressions. She was ataken back by the bloodlust the prince was demonstrating.

He had abandoned all his beliefs, nobility, the dagger from which the blood dripped down, simply meant to carve her to the point of absolute death.

She hesistantly took a step towards him,

"YOU KILLED HER" Rohaan shouted,

"YOU KILLED MY SISTER, OH HOW I WISH TO.. HOW I LONG TO PIERCE THAT FACE THROUGH AND THROUGH", Rohaan's eyes were overtaken with with madening energy.

Seeing this, instead of similiar hatred, something else sparkled in the demonesse's eyes, she couldn't help but.. feel a bit flusttered over, her standing gesture changed a bit, it was as if, instead of being in a battle ready position, for a second there, she swooned over the prince.

Rohaan couldn't care less,

The name Wasl brought nothing but dread and depression into his life, this demoness, infront of him, was the main reason his family had never been completed,

Bending his right knee, he springed forward with all the strength his legs permitted him with, Rising into a high arc,

All the tactics and battleplans were long abandoned, nothing but pure rage remained

he rose only a few metres into the air when something invisible struck him from the above, nailing him against the ground, making it dunk due to the impact,

A crackling voice resounded in the air, followed by a painful scream.

His ribs were completely cracked.

The rage remained,

He was once again in the same position before, or worse, as he heard an ominous voice of ground tearing, blood had entered his ear, making the sound like a muffled scratch.

With great struggle he lifted his head up and saw a wide gash upon the stony ground infront,

The wound widened and just by looking, to make things a hundreds times more worse, a mangled stone hand emerged from the ground, it was huge,

"No.." Rohaan mumbled,

Another hand followed, spreading open the crack like mere fabric and at last an unholy demon, towering tens of meters in the height, slowly crawled its way out.

Rohaan closed his eyes, he did not wait for the demon to emerge completely, he knew exactly who it was.

Defying death yet agian, He grunted and stood up, every cell of his body ached, his ribs were cracked, the posture was bent, but it didn't matter,

The rage overtook all, the rage and longing to kill the demoness pushed him further than his limit, He looked at the abomination and spread out his only working hand, the

It was the same demon general, he had fought during the initial battle, only this time there were meddling of corruption that made the beast looked way more formidable and ominous than before

Wasl was thoroughly enjoying the show,

When she suddenly felt a deep alert, something great was approaching from below, her eyes widened as she made an assumption of the power.

She exactly knew who it was, she gazed at the prince in a deeply unsettling farewell look,

In the next second a gigantic heavy axe was upon Rohaan and his dagger was spread out to parry.


Samarkand used to be one of the greatest and largest intellectual hub of the entire sehra, Before corruption had defiled the planets, great value was given to research and scholarships, producing some of the finest skills and craftsmen among the series of planets,

all of the research and information used to be stored into giant libraries that were spread throughout the sehra,

Samarkand hosted one of them, along with a long gone university, the first of its kind.

Everything was well preserved until a certain event occurred that cursed the plantoid forever, Knowledge was torn away from the people, This was one of the biggest crimes of the sovereigns, they had extinguished research and knowledge from the planets.

Currently, Samarkand was nothing but an ever moving pile of darkness that floated above the skies, occupied by the most cruel of the sovereigns, Zulmat,

He was the second to Wasl, upon shargh

Noone could tell exactly what the ancient city looked like anymore, as it moved its location quite often, Zulmat had it plucked off the ground entirely, it was usually seen wandering above the shores of Oqyanus ocean, one of the largest water bodies of entire shargh.

The planet was loathed in wounds, it had suffered alot, the ground ached and the skies wept more often than any other place.

So the ardous task Empress had embarked upon was not as straightforward as just liberating it, she had to plant the seeds of hope into its rocky soil and that simple task amounted to something nearly impossible.


Construction was ongoing at Isra's house, the paint was being renewed and the cracks were getting filled, it took her exactly four days to whitewash sufficient money so that they could make the quick repairs,

Along with the financial benefits from the money laundering scheme, the bakery was becoming more and more popular among the youth, seeing it crowded all the time played quite an impression in the overall reputation.

Isra's initial strategy was to pay a group of eight people, occupying two tables at the bakery at all times, but recently more and more youth had started coming in, on the third day exactly, the place was filled to brim for the first time.

The satisfaction such sight brought to her was simple too great, after the turmoil she and her sister had gone through very recently, the normal routine was turning out to be a blessing.

Currently she was overseeing the laborous work being done at home, the same crack behind the clock was getting filled,

she sighed, glancing one last time at the hideous crack that had mostly prompted her to turn into this money laundering gangster, then turned around in haste, hitting the freshly painted door-frame face first,

Then she grabbed the door frame in haste and messed it up further, the painter behind was simply astonished at how can someone be this thick in the head.

The funniest part was, her Mother, Amna had warned everyone to keep her away from the paintjob, she knew exactly this would happen, but isra Insisted due to the feeling she felt of being an adult after financing everything indirectly.

Luckily there was noone around, she sheepishly went out of the house, her lips were curled into a smile.

Something felt different immediately, the usual chirping and singing, all the beautiful sounds of nature were hushed and replaced by sinister whispers that surrounded the entire area, she could not understand properly what was being said in the whispers

but it sounded like a hundred conversations happening at the same time,

everytime she tried to focus, it simply dissipated,

reeling from the shock she entered the garden and there the whispers became just a tiny bit sharper,

"wait a minute" she mumbled to herself, then knelt down on the ground until her ear was gigantically placed right above an ant colony,

"Ugly hideous being" she made out three words

"Ugly get her away, such a hideous ogre"

Isra gasped and fell back on her hands, her eyes were widened in shock,

she could hear the ants talk to each other.