
Cloudkitty Chronicles - Baadal Billi

Meet Isra, a little genius with a mischievous spirit. When she and her partner-in-crime Khadija stumble upon a talking cat made of clouds, all bets are off! Isra, the tiny maniac with knack of making world ending schemes, cooks up a plan to kidnap it. Little do they know, this plot is the start of an adventure that will lead them into a world of powerful magical creatures and far-off alien lands. Get ready for a journey packed with laughs, sorrow, and amazing powers.

sherjanmirza · Fantasy
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104 Chs

A lonely heartbroken star wandered too close!

Far away upon a broken comet, waltzing through the endless vastness of space, was a hideous giant made of stone, hopelessly in love with the sea of stars above and below, for centuries or perhaps years on end, no one could tell precisely. She would gaze above and reach out to them, but they'd always remain distant, no matter how much she'd struggle.

Heartbroken, the poor lonely giant would spend centuries, shedding tears of stone and sorrow. Stars and constellations were the only things she had seen ever since her birth. Why wouldn't they love her back?

At times, it seemed as if they were eager to meet her as she was eager to meet them, they'd wiggle and trail around but they were all somehow trapped, caged, in a net of infinity.

After no one knows how much time had passed since the yearning had started, a star from above—the one she looked at the most—wiggled, broke free, and flew to the stone giant, twinkling and shimmering as it danced around her in joy.

Illuminating her entire face with bright blue light, it looked like a giant firefly. But the stone giant's grief was far too great to look up and gaze upon them anymore. Centuries had passed since she had buried her head between her knees, not daring to spare even a glance.

The star shimmered, something crackled on the comet. Sluggishly, the stone giant looked up and stared at the shimmering little orb of light, and then she screamed.

No one could hear it in the vastness of space, but all the stars above reacted, quickly turning towards them both. She could tell they were all looking at them.

The stone giant did not know how to speak, she had so much to say, so much to tell the star, her toes curled in excitement, she could not believe the time had finally come,

but she did not know how to communicate, the star remained patient, infront, as she tried very hard to communicate, after long tries of failed attempts, she simply extended a palm for the star to land upon.

The star stayed still, then slowly hovered to her giant palm, it settled upon it and then jumped, that made her giggle.

It jumped again, the stone giant felt warm inside, this was the best day of her existence.

But the tiny star had other plans; and exactly on the third jump, it submerged into the stone, crackling the outer shell and then illuminating the giant from within in deep blue color.

This threw her into deep panic. She started scratching her hand against the comet's surface, but the star was deeply tucked somewhere within, eons of longing for a meeting as short as this. She could not bear it.

A few moments later, the comet crashed into a system of tiny planetoids, of which there were four.

The stone giant woke up, her perspective seemed extremely off.

She saw many other creatures much larger than her running around, dodging the impact point, dodging her.

Extending her hands outwards, innocently she looked down; they were much smaller than before and smoother. The stone was gone, replaced by a kind of rubbery material that looked like a pale star.

Something cracked in her mind.

She started scratching her arm as blood seeped out—the star, she had to find her beloved.

It wasn't there. She started scratching her head, which had weird fibers upon it, fibers she had never even imagined feeling before. Blood seeped out.

On that fateful day, on Shargh,

The Stone demonness, Sovereign Wasl, was born, completely covered in blood and rage.


Aatish streaked through the air, shattering pillars and stones of the citadel. Before she could regain her footing, a giant black maw, seething with poisonous green liquid, loomed over her, mere seconds away from devouring her.

Amawas lay beside the gateway, slowly recovering from deep gashes. She had greatly empowered herself through an extremely sensitive deal made with the crimson death, King Salazar, regarding the slither core.

But core or not, the unholy demon simply outmatched them both greatly in terms of strength.

Yet, Amawas refused to let it overwhelm Aatish. Gritting her teeth, she picked herself up, and before the maw could close, a serpentine creature, the same size as the unholy demon, struck it from the side.

It had two huge long horns trailing along its slithering body. It bit the demon on its neck, only to be impaled by the countless spikes protruding from its body.

"Aapi!" Aatish shouted.

Amawas, who had gained the ability to transfuse, making her countless times more formidable, pushed the demon back, giving Aatish the moment of respite she so badly needed. As she got up, in the next second, she was upon the hideous creature as well, wielding a long sword made of fire.

Both sisters pushed it back with all their strength, and a crunching sound resounded in the air. This was Aatish's cue.

The demon, extremely intelligent, caught onto their plan a second later and extended all its spikes outwards at once, some of them completely impaling Amawas as they passed through the serpentine body.

But there was an empty spot, only a few inches round, where a spike had broken away moments ago.

Aatish screamed with all her strength and propelled herself forward into the tiny gap, her speed so grand that she looked like an extremely bright string of immolating heat.

She passed through the demon, appearing from the other side.

This made the unholy abomination even more enraged than before as it screeched and violently shook its body, poised to throw both of them off. But before Aatish could be thrown away, she quickly summoned flames to envelop her hand, and a slender spear appeared in her grip. She then slammed the tip into the bulbous flesh of the demon, and in the next moment, she was thrown away at an incredible pace.

Mid-flight, the hero of the shargh, Commandress Aatish, twisted as the flame string from the spear coiled around her body, and something unexpected happened. In a matter of seconds, the orange string changed colors as Aatish's flame went from deep orange to purple, then to blue. The hues changed.

The demon was only a second slow to notice the change that was happening to its body, as it convulsed and shrieked in pain. Then, a carpet of blue fire originating from the tip of the spear engulfed its entire body, as a layer of thick frost rendered it completely unable to move.

Aatish handed over the string to Amawas, huffing wildly, the tiniest drop of energy she had left was completely sucked out in the last move and then fell down.

It was her trump card; facing creatures that had body heat, she was unmatchable, but facing creatures as abominable as the demon, that had no sign of pureness or life anywhere inside them, she had devised this move inspired by her brother.

Amawas summoned a serpent that had its tail coiled around her waist as it streaked towards the falling Aatish. Below was the crack from where the abomination had first emerged, below was the abyss and death.

The serpentine coiled around her body as she dangled mid-air; Amawas then turned her head towards the abomination, fury and rage burning within every cell of her body.

It was time to finish the beast.


Rohaan had the lightsword clenched in his fists, a stainless long piece of metallic artistery that would usually be too pure to gaze upon, covered with runic symbols from the mid to the hilt, but today, it looked corrupted.

Drenching in blood of uncountable colors, slowly dripping upon the slick mud, Rohan had made a mesmerizing pattern of corpses around himself.

The lightsword also provided him with relief and a temporary burst of energy, his hair, the thick rays of yellow lights that danced wildly in the air, were completely disheveled and his usual noble eyes were filled with bloodlust to the brim.

It scared mercenaries from approaching him anymore, they simply left him be amidst the chaos, even the lesser rank demons among them and executioners dared not attack.

Across the brutal field, rampaging, was the most devlish abomination he had ever seen, towering like a giant in the battlefield, the demon general had already slain a number of captains.

The clock was ticking,

Rohaan had only a couple of minutes left according to his estimate, before the damned sovereign would arrive and introduce a whole another level of bloodbath.

His strength was also vaning, fighting one executioner after another had left his soul exhausted.

He struck the lightsword into the empty air, spraying blood upon the mud and in the next heartbeat he was upon the general, at the speed of light, a forward slash struck the abomination across its face as the light sword dug deep into its forehead, between the menacing looking horns, but it stayed still, unreacting.

An instant later, a retaliatory blow was already about to struck Rohaan on his face but before it connected, he had already disappeared then something inexplicable happened, suddenly, the whole battlefield was drenched in a light of a million suns, blinding every single creature upon the field.

The demon general stuttered and took a step back, and then after a few moments the light completely vanished.

Leaving a flurry of ashes and burning sparks in the air.

Upon the ground, covered in soot and blood, was the near death Rohaan, his weapon tightly clenched in his right hand, with a satisfied grin on his face.

And beside him, where the enormous abomination had been mere moments ago was nothing but a long stumpy leg, about to disintegrate into ashes.

The lightsword hissed and dimmed itself, until it looked like nothing more than an old scrap of metal.

Noone could exactly tell, what had really happened during only the few seconds of blinding light, but Rohaan, the prince of Luminaras, had slain the most formidable enemy among the foes and claimed an impossible victory, this battle would later go on and be one of the most reknown heroic tales told in the entire Sehra.