
Clouded moon

Just so you know... This novel is paused for the time being. Matured content... R18 ******** Kalz drove in and saw Zeh and Banni sitting together on the seat in the field there, he went closer to see what was happening, Banni was still leaning on Zeh without even noticing Kalz, probably, Zeh saw Kalz coming but he wasn't bothered about him. Kalz ran to him, dragged him up and gave him a punch in his face, Zeh almost fell to the ground but he got back his stand as soon as possible, but he didn't retaliate. "What are you doing out here with Banni? Don't you have some shame left in you, Zeh? She's my wife to be for goodness sake, why is it so difficult to accept that and move on?" Kalz asked. "What's wrong with us sitting out here?" Banni asked. "You had better shut your mouth Miss." Kalz shouted. "Are you scared of loosing her like you lost Zarah? Maybe you're never able to satisfy your women that's why they keep wanting men outside." Zeh said and immediately Kalz gave him another punch and he started bleeding. "I know the truth hurts, but don't worry, Banni is sure different, I know that, but you don't deserve her, you deserve exactly someone like Zarah, I think she's the perfect one for you, just like you always cheat on her, she cheats back on you and it's a win win, isn't that great?" Zeh said laughing out loudly. Kalz became very furious and hit him again and they both started to fight. Banni ran inside to call Mr. Peters, only him could stop them. ************* Yeah, read to find out what happens in Banni's life after she moved into the Luna Mansion to live with the two brothers.

SuZzanne · Urban
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35 Chs

Zarah learns about Kalz's marriage.

While having breakfast the next morning, Kalz told his family that he was going to make his relationship with Banni public. He said he didn't want to hide it from the world any more, Banni is with his child after all and he would be getting married to her in a few days.

"I've spoken to "Funky Gist news papers" and magazine about Banni and I, the story would be published this morning." Said Kalz.

"What news about us?" Banni asked.

"That we would be getting married soon and we are now a couple." Kalz explained.

Zeh felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't do anything so he just sat there quietly.

"There's no problem, if that's what you want." Mr. Peters said.

"Yeah, and thanks for your support Dad." Kalz said.

When Banni got to work that day, the news was already everywhere and everyone in her office was talking about it.

"Are you really getting married to the billionaire's son?" Rita asked while her friends just stood at her back to monitor. Banni looked at them briefly and turned away her face. She completely ignored them.

"Banni, I saw the news this morning." Gina said smiling but Banni didn't seem happy to her. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Let's talk during break, this is just the beginning of the day and we're just at the entrance door." Banni said.

"Alright then" replied Gina.


Zarah got wind of the news, she was staying with Nuella because she had an abortion and could not go back home. Nuella had showed her the news on the internet and she was mad.

"Now I get it, this is why Banni suggested I get a DNA test done right? So she could take Kalz away from me" she said as she gazed into the thin air.

"Zarah take it easy on yourself" Nuella adviced.

"Nuella I'm doomed, it's over now." Zarah cried, Nuella swiftly stood up and sat next to her, trying so hard to console her.

"Zarah it's enough, you need to be strong and look pretty so you can get some one better than Kalz." Nuella adviced.

"Exactly, I have a great idea." She said snapping her fingers.

"What could that be?" Nuella asked.

"I'll deal with that Banni-girl." Zarah said as she stood up and got dressing.

"Zarah come on, Banni is a low life, she's not worth your time." Nuella said.

"So is she worth having my man? No she's not, it's better someone else has him than Banni, I can't stand it, it's insulting." Zarah said.

"Zarah, I feel you are over reacting, you and I ....."

"What?" Zarah shouted as she cut Nuella short. "Are you even my friend? Why are you supporting Banni and not me?"

"I'm your friend Zarah" Nuella shouted.

"Then act like one, you should stand by me." She said as she looked at her. She seemed furious. "Get ready, you should come fight with me." Zarah said.

Zarah and Nuella went to Banni's workplace. Zarah made up her mind to deal with Banni when she sees her so Kalz wouldn't recognize her again.

It was already break time at Banni's workplace, Banni and Gina were having lunch together.

"What's bothering you?" Gina asked.

"Can't you tell?"

"I can't" Gina responded. "The goodnews this morning was about you so why the long face?" Gina asked.

"You're close to me, so you should know by now who amongst the two brothers is more of a friend to me" Banni said.

"The second son I guess." Gina said. "Yeah" Banni replied. "But you're pregnant for the first son Banni." Gina shouted but still tried to keep her voice low.

"But that doesn't mean I like him or want to live for ever with him." Banni said firmly.

"So what will you do now?" Gina questioned. Immediately Zarah and her friend Nuella rushed in and started to beat Banni, Banni didn't even get the chance to know who it was that was beating her, she just realized when she heard the person shout "you stole Kalz from me." "It was Zarah" she thought. People tried to stop the both friends from beating Banni but they refused. They kept on doing so until the security men came in and dragged them out.