
Clouded moon

Just so you know... This novel is paused for the time being. Matured content... R18 ******** Kalz drove in and saw Zeh and Banni sitting together on the seat in the field there, he went closer to see what was happening, Banni was still leaning on Zeh without even noticing Kalz, probably, Zeh saw Kalz coming but he wasn't bothered about him. Kalz ran to him, dragged him up and gave him a punch in his face, Zeh almost fell to the ground but he got back his stand as soon as possible, but he didn't retaliate. "What are you doing out here with Banni? Don't you have some shame left in you, Zeh? She's my wife to be for goodness sake, why is it so difficult to accept that and move on?" Kalz asked. "What's wrong with us sitting out here?" Banni asked. "You had better shut your mouth Miss." Kalz shouted. "Are you scared of loosing her like you lost Zarah? Maybe you're never able to satisfy your women that's why they keep wanting men outside." Zeh said and immediately Kalz gave him another punch and he started bleeding. "I know the truth hurts, but don't worry, Banni is sure different, I know that, but you don't deserve her, you deserve exactly someone like Zarah, I think she's the perfect one for you, just like you always cheat on her, she cheats back on you and it's a win win, isn't that great?" Zeh said laughing out loudly. Kalz became very furious and hit him again and they both started to fight. Banni ran inside to call Mr. Peters, only him could stop them. ************* Yeah, read to find out what happens in Banni's life after she moved into the Luna Mansion to live with the two brothers.

SuZzanne · Urban
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35 Chs

Zarah apologise's to Banni again.

Kalz dropped Banni off at her work place that morning, she was late for work already. She hurriedly got in and tried to look 'not too sad'. She was out of it the entire morning, alot went through her mind. How would she manage living for ever with Kalz, he's surely going to treat her however he wanted in the name of ' you're my woman'. Banni wished she could run away but what about the baby. The baby would have no identity if she does.

That afternoon, surprisingly, Zarah visited Banni at her work place, she came with Nuella. Everyone there was surprised to see her. "Is she not the lady that hit Banni yesterday?" They murmured. Banni was short of words too.

"Hi pretty, how are you doing?" Zarah said as she kept her bag on Banni's table. "What's with the attitude"'Banni thought. "Hi" Banni responded.

"Come on, don't act like you don't know Zarah, you've lived with her for some time, haven't you?" Nuella asked.

"Yeah" Banni replied. "But to what do I owe this visit?" Banni asked.

"Emmmmm, you know how Zarah can be, she only acted out yesterday because she was angry with you, but she's already regretting it." Nuella explained.

"Just like she did the last time you guys insulted me." Banni thought but couldn't say that out.

"Banni, I'm just here to apologise, I'm sorry about yesterday, please forgive me." Zarah said smiling sheepishly.

"No, it's alright, there's no hard feelings left, so I'm not angry with you at all." Banni said trying to sound nice.

"Why would there be when you've succeeded in kicking me out of the Luna Mansion and getting married to my Kalz." Zarah thought in her head but still kept a happy face because she dare not let her emotions get the best of her.

"Alright, if you're really not angry with me anymore, let me treat you to lunch." Zarah said.

"Aaaah, no, I'm alright, and just so you know, I'm not angry with you at all, I totally understand how you felt and why you acted that way and it's fine." Banni said.

"Come on Banni, she wronged you and this is also a way for us to move on and leave the mistakes she made in the past." Nuella said.

"Yes Banni, I'm insisting." Zarah said.

"Alright alright, it's alright, if you insist then it's not a problem, let me hand what I'm doing over to someone else." Banni said.

"Alright then, we would be waiting in the eatery." Zarah said smiling.

"Gina please take care of this work, I'll be right back."

"Which means, you won't be having lunch with me today." Gina said.

"I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow." Banni said and then hurriedly left to join Zarah and Nuella.

"You're welcome, what would you have, let me get it for you." Zarah offered. "Anything here is okay." Banni said.

"Alright then." Zarah said as she went to get the drinks herself. When no one was looking, she gently got some stuff into the drink for Banni, she turned the drink with a spoon and it got mixed with the substance which made it impossible to be noticed.

"Alright, here you go guys." Zarah said as she gave Banni her own cup. The food was served by a waitress and they immediately started eating.

"Isn't it strange how you're already friends with us and even eating on same table with us?" Zarah asked.

"We were never enemies and we once used to eat on same table at the Luna Mansion." Banni replied.

"How do you feel? I mean, becoming the lady of the Luna Mansion?" Zarah asked with a straight face.

"How am I supposed to feel? There's nothing special about it." Banni said as she sipped her drink.

"Okay, if you say so." Zarah said as she watched Banni sip her drink again.

"What if I poisoned your food ?" Zarah questioned this time not giving a straight look but just stared into her plate of food.

Banni was startled, she stared at Zarah for a while. "What? Come on stop staring at me, I'm just kidding, I didn't even serve the food myself, come on." Zarah said laughing.

"Banni, don't mind her, she's just kidding okay, eat up and finish your drink, your baby needs it." Nuella said.

Banni sipped her drink again and said she was okay. "I have to go back to work now, and I'm full, thanks for the meal Zarah." Banni said feigning a smile.

"It's my pleasure sweetheart." Zarah responded and Banni left the eatery quietly. Zarah immediately started to laugh. "Finally" she said.

"Zarah, I hope that substance doesn't..."

"Doesn't what?" Zarah interrupted Nuella. "Come on, Nuella you shouldn't be thinking about her, who cares what happens to her, Dead or alive, who cares?" Zarah said. "Let's leave, our job is done here." Zarah said as she took her bag and left, Nuella followed her immediately.