
Clouded moon

Just so you know... This novel is paused for the time being. Matured content... R18 ******** Kalz drove in and saw Zeh and Banni sitting together on the seat in the field there, he went closer to see what was happening, Banni was still leaning on Zeh without even noticing Kalz, probably, Zeh saw Kalz coming but he wasn't bothered about him. Kalz ran to him, dragged him up and gave him a punch in his face, Zeh almost fell to the ground but he got back his stand as soon as possible, but he didn't retaliate. "What are you doing out here with Banni? Don't you have some shame left in you, Zeh? She's my wife to be for goodness sake, why is it so difficult to accept that and move on?" Kalz asked. "What's wrong with us sitting out here?" Banni asked. "You had better shut your mouth Miss." Kalz shouted. "Are you scared of loosing her like you lost Zarah? Maybe you're never able to satisfy your women that's why they keep wanting men outside." Zeh said and immediately Kalz gave him another punch and he started bleeding. "I know the truth hurts, but don't worry, Banni is sure different, I know that, but you don't deserve her, you deserve exactly someone like Zarah, I think she's the perfect one for you, just like you always cheat on her, she cheats back on you and it's a win win, isn't that great?" Zeh said laughing out loudly. Kalz became very furious and hit him again and they both started to fight. Banni ran inside to call Mr. Peters, only him could stop them. ************* Yeah, read to find out what happens in Banni's life after she moved into the Luna Mansion to live with the two brothers.

SuZzanne · Urban
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35 Chs

The Baby's Father is unknown

Zarah went to an inn to drink, she wanted to get her self drunk. How could this have happened, she thought while she drank. She can't even tell who the baby's father is. "How" she thought. She wanted to screamed, she wanted to shout and ease her mind a bit but she couldn't, there were so many people in the inn, she couldn't behave insane there, people would think she's mad. She got herself drunk while buried deep in her thought.

"Hello, Nuella, it's me Zarah.." she said as she started to cry while still on the phone.

"Are you alright? Why are you crying?" Nuella asked.

"Please can you come over, Smiley suits, that's where I am." She said.

Zarah emptied the next bottle while she waited for Nuella, she was so intoxicated and immediately Nuella got in she blacked out.

"Zarah... Zarah" Nuella called out her name but got no response. She helped her get up and took her to her own place. The next morning she was sober, she thanked Nuella for coming over to meet her.

"What happened?" Nuella asked.

"I don't know what to say" Zarah said.

"I'm all ears baby girl, you don't look nice at all" Nuella said.

"I'm pregnant" Zarah said.

"Wow, Kalz would be so excited.

"That's the issue" Zarah said. She didn't know how to talk about it but she needed to share her burden, the burden she has in her heart, she needed to share it with a friend.

"What issue?" She asked.

"The child is not Kaz's." Zarah said with a straight face.

"What do you mean? If it's not Kalz's, then who's child are you carrying?" Nuella asked.

"That's the issue here, I don't know baby girl, I don't." Zarah said calmly.

"How? Like, I don't understand, what do you mean?" Nuella asked again.

"I don't understand my self, how, the child is not Kalz's then who's child is this?" She said and was in tears again.

"Zarah, you possibly can't be virgin Mary so how are you pregnant and don't know how?" Nuella asked. "I think you should calm yourself down and think properly, you should have a clue somehow." Nuella said trying to be more understanding.

Zarah was calm for a while. She was in deep thought.

"Wait, hmmmmmm, no way, this is not happening" she said as she gazed in to the empty space.

"What is it?" Nuella asked.

"I don't know how to say this, I don't know what I'm thinking." Zarah said trying to hold her self.

"What?" Nuella asked.

"Sometime ago, I found Kalz cheating on me with some prostitute in the living room at that, I was mad at him, I left the house and went to a bar, I wanted to sober up but I ended getting drunk because of and I don't remember anything else that happened other that I woke up the next morning in some hotel room booked by someone I do not know and I found his cum all over my body." Zarah explained.

"What the..... Zarah!!!" Nuella shouted her name like she was far away from her. "What were you thinking Zarah? Why didn't you take contraceptives? Why didn't you check yourself up in a hospital to be sure you're free of infections? What were you thinking?"

"I didn't even think of it this much" she sobbed.

"If I am to say that I do understand you, this..., I mean, this pregnancy probably is from that night? Is that right?" Nuella asked.

"Yes" Zarah said like she almost murmured it. "I'm losing it" she said out loud and started sobbing loudly.

"What can I say now? What do we do? If only Kalz didn't cheat on you again, wasn't Banni enough, he already caused you enough harm." Nuella said trying to console her.

"Exactly, Kalz has done enough now, and I know he will blame me for this." She said.

"Don't blame your self okay, I suggest you terminate the pregnancy" Nuella said.

"Right? I don't know who the father is, and even if I find him what will I say? How do I explain all of these to him?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, abortion is our only option, the baby is just a few weeks old. Let's get the abortion done as soon as possible." Nuella said convincingly and Zarah accepted.


Banni was back to the Luna Mansion, she didn't have any plans of moving out again just yet. The police called and said they found the house agent so Banni and Zeh went to the police station together.

"He is the man right?" The officer asked Banni while pointing at Ernest, the house agent.

"Yes, he is" Banni replied.

"Why? Why did you want to kill me? Did anyone pay you to?" Banni asked Ernest.

"He said he used up the money you sent to him and was scared you would be mad since he had no plans or means of paying back." The officer explained on Ernest's behalf.

"So??? Does it worth her life?" Zeh asked.

"I'm sorry" Ernest said calmly. One could hardly read if the apology was sincere or not since he was already in pains due to torturing.

"Thank goodness Mr. Zeh came in just in time, or else, this would have been a whole different story." The officer said.

Zeh and Banni left the station after that. She was glad at least, it wasn't because he had a grudge against her.

"I'm thankful because at least, it's not because I did something wrong" Banni said. Zeh was driving.

"I'm thankful that you're alive." Zeh said. They were both quite for a while before Zeh broke the silence again. "Do you have plans for tonight?" He asked.

"Me?" Banni responded with another question.

"Yes, you. Do you have plans for tonight?" He asked again.

"No, I don't, why are asking anyway?"

"Be my date." He responded. She wasn't expecting that so the response was deep for her.

"Let's not do this today" she replied.

"Do what? I'm only asking you to have a dinner date with me." Zeh replied.

"Oh that, we do that almost every day." Banni said.

"I know, but this night is different, let's have a midnight date this time around" Zeh said. He seemed relaxed saying it but inside of him was anxious.

"Midnight date?" Banni screamed.

"What? Just consider it a way of being grateful to me for saving you from that 'Ernest guy' okay" Zeh said smiling.

"So I need to do that much to prove I'm grateful?" She asked.

"It's not much, and yeah, you need to do it." Zeh said smiling, he was already sure, the date is a done deal.