

Hyuga Nàiluò reincarnates into the Naruto world and becomes a branch member of the Hyuga Clan . In Konoha’s 51st year, while Kumogakure and Konohagakure were at war. In an attempt to put an end to the fighting, they agreed to a peace treaty to be signed on the date which coincided with Hinata Hyūga's third birthday. The treaty was soon revealed to might be nothing more than a cover when the person who was the Head Ninja of Kumogakure at the time — who was in Konoha to sign the treaty — attempted to kidnap Hinata in order to obtain the Byakugan and its secrets. The shinobi was captured by Hyuga Nàiluò and choose to commit suicide on the spot. The Hyuga clan who was supposed to be the victim was bitten Kumogakure and Konohagakure and forced the Hyuga clan to surrender the murderer. Fourth Raikage: “If you don’t want to start a war, hand over Hyuga Nàiluò!” Third Hokage, who is in-fighting and out-fighting, persuaded Hyuga Nàiluò to sacrifice for the will of fire. “There is no ninja in the village who can win against the Fourth Raikage. Everyone hopes you are willing to go.” “Your contribution you be invaluable. Where tree leaves dance... one shall find flames... the fire's shadow will illuminate the village... and once again tree leaves shall bud anew." What Third Hokage didn’t know was that Nàiluò activated the God-level Chakra system. Add a little Chakra to the Byakugan to transform it into the Tenseigan! Facing the moral blackmailing of Third Hokage, Hyuga Nàiluò resolutely responded:.... ( I am not the author or own anything I am translating it to make it more readable. https://mtlnation.com/novel/cloud-shinobi-conspiracy-sarutobi-hiruzen-persuaded-me-to-die/ )

0_Ancient_Daoist_0 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 40: Hizuren's Anger

After a while.

The dust cleared.

"This…what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

"What happened to the forest? Barely anything is left…." A Hyuga ninja muttered to himself in disbelief.

After the white light that eclipsed the sky, they only heard a deafening and devastating sound, and it seemed that any and all obstacles in its way would shatter and cease to exist if they were in the way of his attack!

Ahead, the forest that has always been used as a training ground by the Hyuga clan had almost been completely vaporized by his attack at this moment!

An aftermath leaving a chasm of more than ten meters wide and tens of meters long appeared in front of everyone.

It's as though a terrifying giant had once fought here!

"Just now, didn't Nàiluò say that this move is called Byakugan: Shenkong strike?" Someone whispered not very confidently.

"I heard it too, with the word Byakugan added in front!"

"But, can our Byakugan really cause such a terrifying blow?"

"This attack looks a bit like the Eight Trigrams Air Palm?"

"How could this be possible!"

Some people refuted this fact subconsciously.

They all knew of the power from Eight Trigrams Air Palm.

Using Chakra through the palm of their hand is the Byakugan's long-range attack method.

But looking at the forest that has almost disappeared in front of them!

Everyone knows: The Eight Trigrams Air Palm should not have such a terrifying attack power!

"Nàiluò, was that attack just now really with the use of the Byakugan?" Hiashi asked in surprise.

He wondered if Nàiluò had used some other ninjutsu to do this, and then pretended that it was done through the Byakugan.

"It is indeed necessary to use the Byakugan."

Nàiluò nodded and said.

And this attack is somewhat similar to Eight Trigrams Air Palm.

In other words, the air strike should be regarded as the strongest physical skill of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the simplified version of the Eighty Gods Vacuum Fists!

The same is done to gather Chakra in the palm of the hand through the Byakugan.

The key to the difference between the Eighty Gods Vacuum Fists and Eight Trigrams Air Palm lies in the strength of Chakra!

Someone whose Chakra has been trained to almost perfection, can form an almost real fist shaped out of Chakra after being released from their palms!

In the original world, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya used the Eighty Gods Vacuum Fists to forcibly destroy Sasuke's Complete Body — Susanoo with ease!

"I have told you, don't pay too much attention to the technique of the Gentle Fist, the most important thing is the strength of your Chakra!"

The difference between Chakra strength and Gentle Fist techniques is like the difference between night and day!

In his final analysis, the stronger one's Chakra is, the stronger the power of one's ninjutsu skills and illusions will be!

"But I won't talk about this for now." Nàiluò turned his gaze to the Hyuga Family Grand Elder who had a blank expression upon his face.

The branch house ninjas who were frightened by the Caged Bird seal before were still hesitant, not knowing whether they should or should not obey the orders from the great elder.

And now, everyone was horrified by Hyuga Nàiluò's earth-shattering blow.

"I don't know what the sentence is for siding with people from outside the clan to try and overthrow the clan patriarch?", Nàiluò asked casually, seemingly inadvertently.

"The principal culprit is to be put to death!"

Hiashi answered without hesitation.

His expression when looking at the great elder was one of no sympathy.

"The accomplices from within the clan are to be engraved with the Caged Bird seal and stripped of any status they hold within the clan from henceforth!"

When his words fell, the three elders and Hyuga Yemen, the members of the clan who participated in this incident, looked deathly pale from fright!

The second elder and the third elder only felt that the sky was about to collapse on them!

They are noble elders from the prestigious Hyūga Clan! How could they be carved with the technique of a slave, the Caged Bird seal!

However, after that hit by Hyuga Nàiluò just now. They have completely lost their previous courage to resist!

"Do you want me to give you another choice?"Just when the second and third elders were about to lose their minds from despair, they finally heard Hyuga Nàiluò's joking tone.

This voice was like the sound of heaven in the ears of the two elders. The light that pierced the darkness that was about the consume them 

Are there other options? As long as the Caged Bird seal is not engraved upon their foreheads, they would agree to any other conditions that are acceptable!

However!....Hyuga Nàiluò's next words made them feel like they fell into an icy cavern. The words of the devil that wished to draw them into hell from the heaven they reside in.

"If you don't want to be engraved with the Caged Bird seal, you can choose to die with the Great Elder."

Today's matter was caused by the great elder roping in the other two elders. In other words, the Grand Elder did not even have the qualifications to be engraved with the Caged Bird seal.

He must be put to death! The two elders and the third elders turned deathly pale once more. They don't want to be engraved with  Caged Bird seal.

But they don't want to die.

"Fortunately, you still have a choice." Hyuga Nàiluò said, walking towards the elder:

"Hyuga Zongzo, are you ready to die?"

The elder Hyuga Zongzang's heart trembled.

Is he going to be executed? Looking at Hyuga Hiashi with a desperate cry for help, he found:

Hyuga Hiashi, who has always had no temper, looked at him coldly and said nothing.

He didn't intend to say any good words to the great elder at all.

"No, it's not me, it's not that I want to overthrow the patriarch!" The Great Elder suddenly thought of something, and suddenly pointed to the Third Hokage near him:

"It's all him, it was Hokage-sama who had instructed me to do this!"

"Lord Hokage promised me that he would support my son as the patriarch!"

"He said he wanted me to make you suffer and then kill you with the Caged Bird seal, and he said he wanted to see it with his very own eyes…"

The Third Hokage's eyes opened wider, and he furiously said: "You turned around and bit the hand that fed you!"

After that, he jumped forward with the intention to kill the Great Elder on the spot!


The Third Hokage's advance was blocked.

It was Uchiha Fugaku.

"Lord Third, it's not good to get involved in the internal affairs of a clan like this?" Uchiha Fugaku had no respect in his tone as he spoke.

Now, how can he still not understand:

Third Hokage and Hyuga Grand Elder colluded with one another and wanted to replace him with a patriarch who would follow his, the Hokages wishes!

This time it was the Hyuga, next time, would it be the Uchiha's turn?

"Uchiha Fugaku!" Hizuren gritted his teeth, his face was blue, and he waved his hand and said to Anbu next to him, "You guys, go and kill him!"

As soon as the Anbu next to him was about to move, he saw Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi had already blocked them.

"Is it nonsense, at least I should let him finish?" Shisui was speaking.

He never thought that under the kind old man appearance of the Third Hokage, that he  would be so dark!

"Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, you two bastards, you still dare not listen to the Hokage's orders!" Hizuren was furious.

The two who he thought would be able to accept his will of fire, are now standing on the opposite side of him!

"He wants to see me die by the Caged Bird seal with his own eyes, is there any more evidence that I can provide?" Nàiluò was not surprised by the Third Hokage's request, and continued to ask.

"He also said that if my son becomes the patriarch of the clan, he must send enough manpower to fill in the missing places in the Anbu and root."

The Grand Elder had now lost all reservations, and began to reveal the last point of the deal between him and the Third Hokage.

Hearing this, the Third Hokage jumped hurriedly, but was unable to bypass Uchiha Fugaku's blockade.