
Closer to You

#Participating in Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 *No rape and No major misunderstanding* ..... " Resign to accept? " She hmphed as she continued, " Only losers do it. I, Kang Ha Na, decide my own way" Her indomitable voice rang across the room, as her sharp eyes fell on the faint-hearted young man, who stood anxiously on her side. She is reeking of alcohol, drowning all her miseries into the ocean, trying to fade away all the memories. Ha Na trudged towards him, swaying to and fro, maintaining her intimidating stare. Reaching him, she clumsily lifted his face, forcing him to see her menace, loath, hatred filled eyes for him. " Mr. Lee, you want to be part of these riches? That was why you schemed with him, right?" She halted for a minute, trying to compose herself at the thought of him. The person, who changed the dynamics of both their lives. The corners of her lips turned into a sinister smile as she continued, " Since you decided to involve with me, without my permission, don't blame me for being rude. Blame yourself. You caused this yourself. Even if you run away and try to hide in deep sea or secluded mountains or above the sky, you can't escape from my claws, " She said, while snickering evilly. Lee ji hun, who never once dared to voice out his thoughts, finally mustered up the courage to speak, "Believe your love..." ...... Meet Kang Ha Na. Bought up to be the successor of a huge conglomerate, can be labelled as a crafty, aloof, intelligent, headstrong, arrogant young lady. Being strong-willed and self-made, with unique thoughts, innovative thinking, high ambitions and a believer of herself, so how could she compromise herself to limit herself? Fighting hard for an empire, only to allow someone else to rule it or Reaping the benefits from others hardwork? That's definitely not her style. Just like one could expect, she successfully established her own brand, InU. And, she created her own place in the business world, as a successful entrepreneur. On the other side, Lee ji hun is a honest, calm, patient person. A total gentleman. Coming from a middle class family, he only wished to fulfill his dreams, to be able live a calm and peaceful life with his small family, without any external turbulences of the outside world. However, life is full of surprises. Even for Kang Ha Na, it is inevitable. By a twist of fate, she was tied in a marriage with Ji hun, who also got no way, but to yield into this marriage. As they say, marriages are made in heaven. Tied by the red knot, could this be a blessing in disguise? How would the secrets kept from her, effect their already fragile marriage? Can a broken heart be mended? Can a broken soul be healed? Will they find it in them to love each other? This is the journey of Kang Ha Na and Lee Ji Hun. The road to understand each other and to lead a happy life together is filled with both up's and down's. Can they overcome all those invisible barriers and find each other? Will she find the courage to face them and fall in love again? Can they heal each other's wounds? Can they love each other truly?

minho_Shiny · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. First Encounter-(3)

" Sign them, " Saying that, Kang Ha Na didn't waste any time and stomped out of the room.

Lee Ji Hun, with his sullen face gazed at the retreating figure, who's eyebrows didn't flicker even for a millisecond when she asked him to sign the divorce papers nor did she spared him a second glance before leaving him alone inside this spacious  room.

Do you think she left to give him some space and time to decide? Absolutely not, she couldn't stand to breathe the same air as him under the same roof even for a second more or see his face. So, she could only leave him to be it. However, now that the supreme wants him to divorce, how could he object her? Isn't it only his wishful thinking? Its not like he had any choice in this.

But before talking about their future, aren't we curious about how they met or what happened previously? Is it that easy-peasy  for any average man to pass the tight security of Kang's mansion and reach the mighty young miss Kang Ha Na that easily?


Young miss, Kang Ha Na was anxiously pacing in the living area in front of the huge brown couch. Her teeth began to bite the perfectly manicured finger nails out of nervousness, a habit when she is extremely nervous or scared. Her dark black eyes were unfocused and were not settling on anything.

She finally left out a low grunt and flung her arm in air, as if punching someone. Her face was now scrunched up in unknown doubts and fears. Her hand was swishing in her hair, with every aggressive turn she would take, while pacing.

A young man, about her age, was sitting on a recliner, was quietly watching her pace around in circles. His hawk  like eyes were following her back and forth, but he didn't interrupt her and stayed calm. It's not that he didn't  care, of course he cared for her, he was her secretary and best friend. It's just that he gave up on calming her down.

He had tried multiple times and nothing was working, so he chose to observe her and only involve, when things really got out of hand. It's not like he can hope to stop her, knowing very well, she is the type to do things even when odds were against it and would involve more into things when others say no to it. She is just such stubborn and the person who could help her is also not by her side anymore. So instead, he resigned to calm himself and let her calm herself.

Other than that, what help could he do? Except running his mouth and wasting his energy. So, it's a wise man's choice to preserve their energy and use it accordingly.

"Hyun, what do you think happened? He hasn't contacted anyone since he left. I'm worried for him." Finally, Ha Na gave up and slumped down on the huge couch, with her hands resting on her knees.

Hyun jin, the secretary and her best friend, went to sit beside her and placed a hand on her shoulders, as a sign of  comfort, telling her indirectly that he isn't a kid to lose his way to home and she should stop worrying about him. To be honest, he is also worried about him, but him worrying will only make the situation at the hand more worse.

"He would be fine. May be busy." Hyun jin tried  his best in comforting her. But, he knew, she won't accept his words, as he has been telling these exact words since yesterday. Ha Na looked up and just stared at Hyun Jin and he knew, she didn't want to hear those words again, so he just settled on soothing her.

"He hasn't ever done this before. Though how busy he might be, he always got someone on stand by to inform me. Then, why would he do this now. I'm not feeling good about this. You have to track him down, Hyunie, " Ha Na expressed her worries to Hyun Jin and truth be told, he also agrees with this, but he had to think rationally, while his friend was overflowing with emotions.

"Don't worry too much. Jung Ho isn't a kid. He can take care of himself, but you clearly can't. Calm yourself, he would be back soon." Hyun Jin side hugged her and Ha Na slowly leaned towards her friend for much needed comfort. She has been going crazy since yesterday worrying sick about her lover, Jung Ho.

Neither a call, not even a single message or any reply to her messages and now, his phone was off. What in the world is happening? This all is giving her a splitting headache. This was so unlike Jung ho. He never behaved like this, even when he was upset or needed some space.

He has always been the caring and cautious person in their relationship, always updating her time to time about his locations especially when he was out of city or country, just to make her stay at ease. He know, Ha Na always checks on him, not because she doesn't trust him, but to be at ease that he is safe, and can find him anytime she needed him.

Amidst their comforting session, a guard escorted a young man into the house. They slowly, almost silently approached the pair, who were sitting on the giant couch. The guard approached first and bowed to Ha Na.

"Young miss, This man wants to meet you." He briskly said and bowed to her, while Ha Na just looked at the young man in confusion.

The young man behind the guard never averted his eyes from the floor. But, as soon as he lifted his head, he made an eye contact with Ha Na and his breath hitched in his throat, as his eyes widened.

How was he going to do this?