

Suddenly the doorbell rang. The sharp noise was unwelcome, and burdened the ears.

The waves of annoyance swept over Anoi. In dissatisfaction she paused.

The sketches were piling up around, offering an onlooker a feast for their eyes. Several pens and broken pencils were abandoned on the table. The previously uninteresting walls were stained with droplets of watercolor paint.

Stopping now would be a sin.

Yet the person kept on ringing. Anoi reluctantly picked herself up and, without letting go of her pencil, went to the hall.

Looking through the door eye got Anoi surprised.

She hurried and let the person in.

"Lint, what in the world is happening?"

The man had difficulty standing up. His face was grimacing in great pain. He was trembling. Anoi could see how he was trembling, how he was unable to contain any emotion, as if an overfilled vase, ready to fall if touched and shattered to pieces.

"Anoi, why?"

He started shaking her by the shoulders. "Can't you see, Anoi? How wrong everything is??"

Th woman couldn't apprehend anything that he was saying.

"Anoi, you've been here for months!"

He then slumped on the floor and said in a defeated voice. "I...I've been like this for months."

She finally understood. And hen felt her stomach drop.

"No," her shocked voice resounded in the hallway, "No! Lint, this can't be.."

She felt hysteria overcoming her. Is her life over?

And then, it happened.

The ground started shaking, the wind outside howled in millions of voices, as if begging to be let inside, and some strange noise appeared in the kitchen. Something metal was scraping the floor. In rhythm. Like footsteps. One, then another...

Anoi and Lint looked at each other in horror, afraid to find the source of the ominous noise.

When the sound got bery close to them, it finally stopped. They both gathered courage and casted a glance towards the kitchen door.

The door started opening.

Anoi whispered what seemed like her final words.

"Lint...Are we being dropped..?"

An ominous voice appeared in the apartment. Like a thunder.

"No, you fool." The door opened, revealing a pair of kitchen utensils, fork and knife. "Your life is not finished. You still have a journey ahead of you. Your story must go on."


Yes, I made you read this with your own eyes.


Hey guys,

I was late in updating because I was helping an old lady cross the street (ㅍ_ ╂ )


Ok, I have no excuse for myself

The life hit me hard, but I finally got back on track and checked your messages and I saw some mildly concerning questions

*internal screaming*

So...Here we go. *cracks knuckles before starting typing*

No, it ain't dropped, stopped or canceled. Born In Blood is on pause, but it will go on.

I figured that to give you the high quality novel that y'all, me, and the characters deserve, I need time writing everything out and updating some parts.

After rereading my writing I had a couple of concerns with how the plot unfolds. And then readers also had same problems/questions with ex. relationship between Lint and Anoi.

But I thought: "Nah, let's continue the way it is."


One day I saw my story getting reposted. It kinda made me frustrated and threw me off track. I decided that I would keep the novel all to myself. At least until I finish it.

After that I just couldn't bring myself to post anymore because of the inner turnmoil I felt inside (idk, writing about what I felt that time makes me confused at my Past self).

bUUt. eventually, I, because of that stress-free, vacation-like pause, was able to wite my heart out. And connect the lousy plot threads. And figure out how I want everything to go. I was able to make my characters act the way they are supposed to.

So, the plan is that I will write the whole story out, and then put it in the world. I tell you right now that there are some major changes in the first chapters, basically in the whole story. I want it good. My quality bar rose and I am determined to provide you with nice content that will be make your sailing as smooth as the hair in the commercials.

Obviously, I need time finishing the plot. And writing everything down.

Those chapters that I wrote before... Some of them are okay. Some of them are good. But they can be better.

And, for the story to go on, they must be better.

Therefore, I can only tell you that the novel will welcome you in several months with fresh content.

I hope to see you again. And it was a true delight see people comment and care for the novel, even going as far as reminding me about updating :)

See you soon,


In case no one told you today:

Have a great day!


so.. put questions in the comments, and I'll address them asap


ヘ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ

4knnifecreators' thoughts