
Close Combat Card Magician

Local_dreamweaver · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12: Have a nice... Status (6)

So we have a rapier, a haliberd, a book and a pair of gloves. Damn... This has to be some big coincidence, it just has to. Kai thought to himself with an annoyed expression, as he looked at the white book that Mei had summoned. The others were rather surprised and confused with the weapon that appeared and the first to ask about the weapon, was Archibald himself:

"Is that a book of sorts?"

"It is a book and honestly, I'm relieved that I don't have to use something like a battle-axe or an oversized hammer." Mei answered with a hint of relief in her voice.

"So then... How do you use a book in a fight?" Archibald asked once again, but with an even more confused expression.

"You don't exactly use it. She is probably the caster of the group." Kai answered this time, albeit a bit reluctantly.

"Caster? You mean she is a magician?" Archibald asked back.

"Yes, although I prefer using terms, other than just mage, warrior and the sorts. Just shows a bit more on specialization. For example, I would consider myself a brawler, at least from the weapon I use, but I could also be a grappler, a thrower and what-not. Vale could be either a duelist or a swordmaster of sorts, while Jason could be a tank or guardian of sorts, although nothing stopping them from switching roles with each other." Kai explained with a calm expression, as he got a good look on their weapons.

"So to put it in simpler terms, our team consists of 3 close combat units and a mage?" Vale asked calmly as well.

"Yup, although I believe we should be able to use spells as well, so we don't have to be locked into using only our weapons." Kai answered back, before adding:

"Anyways, since we have summoned our weapons, what do we do now? I doubt you just want us to summon our weapons for them to have them gather dust, am I right?"

"That's right. Since you have summoned your weapons, I believe it's time for us to explain things from here and to do so, we need to properly introduce ourselves. My name is Edgar Havengard, the 4th captain of the Narvonis Army and in charge of your training." One of the two men spoke confidently, before other man spoke similarly as well:

"And my name is Elvis Vantello, one of the royal court mages and 2nd leader of the Royal Mage Corps. The two of us will be your trainers for the next upcoming months."

*gulp* Why did I suddenly feel a chill from this? Kai thought to himself, as he felt a chill on his back, while also breaking a bit of sweat. As for Edgar and Elvis, they wore their typical work uniforms, those being a suit of armor and a blue robe, while they also had black and blue hair respectively and brown eyes as well.

"Before we go, here kid. You'll need this." Elvis added, before throwing a white mask on Kai.

"Uhhh... Thanks? But why did you have a mask on hand?" Kai asked, as he examined the mask.

"I didn't have one, but after your little... change, I had to grab a mask that I had laying around from my personal space, although I will have to report your transformation to our Majesty." Elvis explained calmly, as he was staring.

"Personal space? But you were here the entire time, ever since I woke up and my transformation didn't happen until a bit after I woke up and... and..." Kai asked with a serious and confused expression, as he stared at Elvis and wore his mask.

"I have an idea of what you are thinking. Do you know what spatial bags are?" Elvis asked with a hint of clarity.

"Aren't those bags that have a much bigger storage space than what they actually look like?" Kai asked back.

"Exactly. These little bags can hold as many items as one of the bedrooms would be able to store, if they were filled to the brim." Elvis explained, before continuing:

"Since we have answered that, I'd like to go back to our topic at hand. Follow us and we'll explain on the way."

After that, all the people in the room and starting making their way towards where they needed to go next. While they were walking, Edgar was the one to explain what they were to do:

"As the heroes who will help protect the Narvonis Empire, you will be required to know how to protect yourselves, so you will be training your bodies and learn how to use your weapons for starters. Next, you will need to know a lot about our empire and world, so classes on history, geography and linguistics will be necessary. After the training period has been completed, which has been set for around four to six months at least, you will be required to scour the lands for any infiltrations or any trouble from the demon race, while also gaining combat experience. After gaining more experience and strength, as well as capable allies, we'll proceed with counter attacking and eventually, defeating the demon race. Of course, this will be a process that will take a few years at least, so don't expect to return home early, but after winning this war, only then we'll send you back to your world."

Talking about quite the plan, dude. That old man is quite the idealist. I may not know how to run a kingdom or make any complicated plans, but that is a textbook example of a "perfect" plan that will go wrong horribly at some point. Kai thought to himself, as he had a skeptical expression.

"Of course, during the first phase of this plan or rather, the training phase, you will be given accomodations and periodical checkups to cure any sicknesses or injuries and during the second phase, you will be given a bit of help during your traversal, but nothing to allow you to abuse it. Remember, you are heroes and warriors, not hooligans." Edgar added, before he suddenly stopped in front of an open field. After they stopped, Edgar then walked a bit forward, turned towards them and spoke with a cold and serious expression:

"Alright, fleshbuds. I'll make it clear right now for you. As of now, in my eyes, you are nothing more than trainees who have just joined the army. It doesn't matter if you are someone who is going to school, the son of a rich person, or the some punk from the streets. In my eyes, the four of you are nothing more than conscripted villagers and with a limited timeframe, I'll make sure you four will be able to rival even some of my chief knights. Now, give me your SAID numbers."

Why am I having a really bad feeling about this? Kai thought to himself, as he was staring at Edgar's cold and domineering stance.

"Said numbers?" Mei asked with a confused expression.

"Strength, agility, intelligence and dexterity. Hence, SAID." Edgar answered coldly.

"Mine's 2.1, 1.4, 1.9 and 1.1 captain." Jason answered with a tired expression, knowing what is coming up next.

"Ummm... Mister Captain, can you exclude me from the training? My stats are 1.1, 1.6, 2.4 and 1.3 respectively and I'm a pretty deli-"

"No exceptions, even for the youngest ones. Besides, the earliest a person can enter the army, is at the age of twelve and you better know that even the frailest of kids can come out as strong guards, through my training curriculum." Edgar interrupted and once Kai saw her disappointed and fearful expression of hers, he could tell that he was about to experience a training session from hell.

"As for you two, you won't need to repeat your stats, since I've made sure to memorize them. Now that I've got your SAID numbers, go and run ten laps around the field."

It was then that Kai felt that his predictions became true and couldn't help but think to himself jokingly:

Welcome to the boot camp from hell. Members, us.

Have a nice... Training

Local_dreamweavercreators' thoughts