
Chapter 43: Assigned to Supervise the Construction Site_1

As it turned out, someone happened to witness Basil Jaak kicking Fatty's backside and this person happened to be a big blabbermouth, so the entire Cloud Shadow Company knew about Jaak's "heroic act".

"Geez, even though I hid it that well, I was still discovered. Could I be fired over this?" Jaak wondered in secret.

Amanda seemed to perceive Jaak's worry, laughed, and shook her head, "Relax, as long as Fatty doesn't report you to the board, the company isn't going to fire you over this. I'll let you in on a little secret, we're all quite annoyed with Fatty. Your kick was a good way for us to vent. Now, you're on the list for 'Cheekiest Person of the Year'."

"You yankin' my chain? There's competition like that here?" doubted Jaak.

Amanda explained with a smile, "Of course, the company didn't organize it, it's something we do in our social community. Although it might lack legitimacy, it certainly has got the popular vote. Why not see for yourself in our community, 'Jessica Cloud'."