
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · Fantasy
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229 Chs

Suquen family

"Young masters Sameya Suquen and Gameya Suquen, I was patiently waiting for your arrival. I have brought the human that Lord Suquen ordered me to. I have completed my task without being captured," Ano kneeled in front of two beautiful young girls and greeted them humbly. These girls looked significantly older than me and had similar features, almost like twins. They, too, had striking white hair that seemed to shine in comparison to the others aboard the ship.

The two girls regarded me with a mix of annoyance and confusion, as if they weren't entirely sure I was the right person. Sameya Suquen, whom Ano had mentioned earlier, kept her gaze fixed on me. I felt her eyes locked onto me from the moment she set foot on the ground. Without saying anything, I turned my attention to Luna, avoiding the intensity of her scrutinizing look.

"I know you can accomplish tasks without any assistance, Ano. It's no wonder Lord Epquen trusts you so much; you never seem to disappoint our family. Your reward will be ready at our family mansion," Gameya Suquen muttered slowly, expressing her appreciation for Ano's exceptional work. She finally turned her attention to me in a more conversational tone and began, "You, human. I am Gameya Suquen, and this is my twin sister, Sameya Suquen. We are the eldest daughters of the Suquen family. We are here to escort you to the Suquen family mansion, where tomorrow, the Three Great Families will decide your fate."

"Huh?... Why? What have I done to warrant the Three Great Families, leaders of the Ice Realm, deciding my future tomorrow? First, I was summoned here against my will, and I still don't have a clear understanding of what's happening. Can someone please explain everything from the beginning?" I spoke with growing irritation, feeling like they were treating me as if I were a prisoner or a child who knew nothing about the world.

An eerie silence fell over the area, and I could hear the whispers and hushed voices coming from the ship.

"Is that human trying to get himself killed? No one has ever dared to speak to the young master of the Suquen family like that."

"He's as good as dead already. No one escapes after talking to our young master in such a manner."

"Let the fool meet his end. I couldn't care less if he lives or dies."

"Hey, did anyone else notice that the human looks quite cute and beautiful?"

One of the crows piped up with an unconventional comment, prompting all of them to give him a strange expression.

"Onii-chan, I think they summoned you here because of your close relationship with the Ice Queen. It's also because you've married her. According to their faction, they believe you're unworthy of being with the Ice Queen," Luna whispered her thoughts in my ear. Her words made me realize that those people I had made clones of weren't just ordinary individuals; they were leaders of the kingdom and realm. While I might have changed their minds, the people under their command didn't share the same sentiments. Instead, they seemed to want me dead, especially for my relationship with the Ice Queen. This was reminiscent of Tojoner's attempt on my life. He couldn't accept that I was now with the Empress.

"They want to kill me, despite the fact that Sandra and I are married now. Are they out of their minds? Won't Sendra be furious that her people are trying to harm her husband? It seems like they're making the same mistake as Tojoner did. I need to be cautious; they might try to kill me at any moment if given the chance," I thought to myself as I hugged Luna and gently caressed her head.

"Luna, I didn't expect you to be so clever. I'm grateful to have a sister like you," I said warmly.

"Mmmmm, Onii-chan," Luna purred in response to my tender gestures.

Sameya Suquen, Gameya Suquen, Ano, and even the crow remained on the ship, listening intently to Luna's words without showing much reaction. Ano eventually broke the silence by ordering both Luna and me to board the ship immediately. I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options.

"What should I do now? If I refuse and try to confront or kill them, what would I achieve? I don't even know where I am at the moment, and I can't walk around with Luna in this state. Those people look hostile towards me; I need to be cautious if I decide to go with them," I thought to myself.

Seeing Luna already on the ship, I decided to follow suit. As I stepped onto the deck, I felt the collective gaze of everyone on board fixed on me. Luna, on the other hand, remained quiet and composed.

It became evident that all the individuals on this ship had hair as white as snow, which was in line with them being residents of the ice realm. Gameya Suquen stepped forward and directed the ship's crow to prepare for departure.

"Everyone, prepare the ship. We're heading back to the Suquen family mansion," Gameya Suquen commanded, setting the ship's crew into motion.

As the crows found their places on the ship, they acknowledged the Gameya Suquen with determined nods. "Alright, let's set sail!" The ship jolted suddenly, nearly causing me to lose my balance. It was Luna's quick reflexes that prevented me from stumbling The next thing I saw that the whole ship flying in the sky.

"Luna, thank you so much. You're my dependable and adorable little sister."

"Onii-chan... Called me... His dependable... Adorable little sister... Onii-chan I will always be your side I will do whatever you... my Onii-chan~" Luna attached herself to my body and hid her face behind my butt. "Luna! What are you doing" I look at her to see what is she doing. She rubbed her face on my butt like a towel, I don't understand why does she acting like this, especially in front of many people.

"Luna, stop now don't do this again openly" 

"Onii-chan doesn't want me to rub my face on his back in the open, That means Onii-chan will let me do it in private" Luna slowly mumbled and looked at me with a red-like tomato face. She left my back and stood beside me, I know what she just said but I didn't say a thing about it. 

As Sameya Suquen approached me, her voice held a tone of authority. "We will arrive at the Suquen family mansion tomorrow. There will be extreme cold travelling during the night. Your human will and elf could not withstand this cold. There is an empty room under a deck, go rest there. When we arrive at the mansion, I will call for you."

I met her gaze, searching for any sign of ill intent. After a moment of consideration, I responded, "Okay, I will wait until we arrive at the mansion."

Sameya Suquen wasted no time. She commanded Ano, "Lead them to the room!" Meanwhile, Gameya Suquen observed her twin sister with a surprised expression, as if this decision had caught her off guard.

"Huh? Okay, as you wish, Master Sameya. Follow me, both of you," Ano replied hesitantly to Sameya's decision and gestured for us to follow him. I held Luna's hand, and together we followed Ano, leaving the deck.

Once we were out of sight, the twins, Gameya Suquen and Sameya Suquen, found a secluded spot away from prying eyes. They exchanged strange glances, and Gameya Suquen couldn't contain her frustration.

"Sameya Suquen, why did you let them stay in the guest rooms? Aren't those reserved for wealthy families when they travel on our warship?" Gameya Suquen's voice was laced with irritation as she questioned her sister's decision. However, Sameya Suquen remained silent, her face turning red with a peculiar expression.

Gameya Suquen couldn't fathom what was happening. She had never seen her sister like this before.

"Sameya Suquen, are you feeling unwell?" Gameya Suquen inquired, genuinely concerned. However, Sameya Suquen assured her that she was fine, though her words revealed a deep infatuation.

"Sister, no, I'm fine. It's just that human... he was so cute and adorable. I wanted to hug him. His eyes are stunning, and... and... I can't describe it. He was amazing. Just looking at him... Sister, I've never felt anything like this before. My heart feels warm, and a wave of happiness washes over me. I wanted to protect him," Sameya Suquen confessed, her newfound emotions confusing yet undeniable.