
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · Fantasy
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258 Chs

Kamon's confess

After the conference meeting ended all the nobles and officials went to have lunch. Each of them was present there talking to an unfamiliar figure because they didn't want to stand alone and feel awkward, and make others think misconceptions of them. Because others would always think negatively in places none other than the imperial palace.

While the male nobles and officials couldn't help but seek a glimpse of Rose and Sophia. Their presence ignited long-dead lust and sexual desire for their alluring body. They try hard not to see them longer than needed. They know the Rose puppy or General Tojoner is watching each of them step and gaze towards the Rose. If anyone continually stares at Rose he will kill them as an excuse for Empress safety.

Tojoner is known as the Empress's Puppy because he's always by her side, following her orders without question. His dedication is unwavering as he strives to live up to her expectations, fueled by his profound love for her. He guards her like a hawk, ensuring no other man comes near her. But then, everything changed when that ordinary human came out of nowhere. He married Rose and spent an intimate night with her. Not only did he snatch Rose away, but he also shattered Tojoner's painstaking efforts to win the Empress's heart over centuries. All that hard work seemed to crumble in just a few days. Jealousy blazed among the male nobles and palace officials. For Tojoner, the entrance of this human marked the ruination of his world!

"That lowly human is going to pay for taking the Empress from me! I'll make him suffer – I'll strip him of his limbs, cut him down piece by piece, and leave his half-breathing body in a dark pit. I'll keep him alive just enough to hear his desperate pleas for water, sunlight, and mercy." General Tojoner's fists tighten, his teeth gritted in furious rage. Spit dribbles from his mouth, his eyes consumed by burning crimson. If anyone were to catch a glimpse of him, they'd be paralyzed with terror.

Meanwhile, Sophia finds herself engaged in conversation with noblewomen, but she's just biding her time until lunch is over and everyone goes their separate ways. Her thoughts churn with frustration. "I wonder what my son is doing right now? That ice of bitch might be cozying up to my precious boy. And this meeting? Come out of nowhere and wrecked my time. Tojoner... He had to bring this damn meeting into the mix and ruin my day. I need to get back to my son. I won't let that witch hang around him any longer." Internally, Sophia scowls, doing her best to contain her anger in front of the officials. The noblewomen catch the tension in Sophia's expression and wisely take a step back, sensing that now is not the time to rile her up any further.

Suddenly, a blond and fair noble Dragon approached. "Princess Sophia, I trust you're doing well," he greeted. Sophia turned her gaze to the person addressing her, instantly recognizing him. It was Kamon Law, the chief officer of the welfare ministry who had been present in the conference hall after the death game with her son, he had offered her comfort before departing. He was not only handsome but also renowned among both nobles and commoners. He was the epitome of a dream husband for dragon women, with his golden eyes and impeccably maintained physique that could captivate any woman, turning them into putty in his hands.

"Oh, Sir Kamon Law, are you here to chat with me?" a noblewoman exclaimed in excitement.

"Sir Kamon Law, how about we sneak off and have some private fun?" another added.

"No! Sir Kamon Law, could we please have lunch together?" chimed in yet another.

A circle of noblewomen surrounded Kamon, preventing any escape.

"Ladies, if you could just give me a bit of room so I can talk to Princess Sophia, I'd appreciate it. And if you're all interested, I'd be happy to offer you a free stay at my hotel," Kamon proposed, sparking a wave of excitement among the women. After all, Kamon Law was the chief officer of the welfare ministry and one of the wealthiest figures in the Dragon Empire, with strong ties to the royal bloodline. The noblewomen weren't naive – they understood the implications behind the free invitation, knowing that Kamon's real intent was to get closer to Sophia.

Despite their eagerness, Sophia only met Kamon's sweet talk with a frosty stare. His unease grew as he found himself on the receiving end of Sophia's cold gaze. "Damn it! Even after all this effort, she's not giving me the time of day. I need to do something and do it quickly, or she might never pay me any attention again... No! I can't let my wife slip away from me. Her body, every bit of her, belongs to me. I won't let her get away," Kamon resolved, regaining his composure as he aimed to impress Sophia.

"Princess Sophia, I'd like to have a word with you in private," Kamon stated firmly, his tone carrying an air of authority rather than a mere request. Sophia fixed him with a cold, narrowed gaze. "Take a hike! I'm not interested in chatting with you." Without further ado, she turned her head and started walking toward the exit.

Kamon felt as if a torrent of ice water had been dumped over him, extinguishing any spark of hope. His handsome features twisted into an unsettling expression, an amalgamation of shock, disappointment, and a hint of something darker beneath the surface. A tinge of obsession sparked in his eyes, a glint that spoke of shattered dreams and a mind teetering on the edge of desperation.

The noblewomen around them were equally astonished. In a scenario where any woman would typically leap at the chance to converse with Kamon alone, Sophia's reaction was unexpected. Still, Kamon wasn't one to back down easily. "Princess Sophia, I wish to discuss our future," he persisted, determined to leave an impression despite the turmoil churning within him.

A hushed silence settled in the hall, everyone momentarily pausing their meals to focus on the source of the unfolding scene. All eyes were on Kamon, who stood amidst the crowd. The elegance and handsomeness that usually defined him were replaced by an aura of stress and tension, revealing the cracks in his facade and the unsettling storm of emotions within.

Sophia heard his words and turned to face him. Kamon quickly composed himself, reverting to his formal demeanor as he walked up to Sophia.

"What do you mean by 'our future'?" Sophia questioned, her tone laced with skepticism.

"We can discuss this matter privately, Princess Sophia," Kamon replied smoothly, his expression regaining its polished exterior. Their eyes locked briefly, a silent exchange of tension passing between them. Sophia eventually lowered her gaze and began walking towards the balcony, Kamon following suit. The attendees, initially baffled by the interaction, soon moved on and resumed their meals. General Tojoner, however, observed Kamon's actions closely. He didn't intervene, simply walking away with a tight smile. "I don't know how, but that human managed to captivate the Princess. Well, she's occupied with Kamon now, while the Empress deals with the noblewomen. This might be my chance to corner that human."

The afternoon sun continued to shine brightly as Sophia and Kamon stood on the balcony, overlooking the Dragon City sprawled beneath them. It was an idyllic spot for couples to share heartfelt confessions. Sophia folded her arms, her demeanor frigid as she addressed Kamon. "Speak now before I kick you out.