
Harsh reality

It's so cold. I thought to myself while walking through the dark ominous woods.

I just need to find them and get them out of here we need to make it to the next stoping point before sun down or we might freeze to death in the night.

I kept walking forcing my legs to move through the snow, my trousers were wet through and stuck to my legs. My hand shaking from every step. The only warmth around was the cloud I would make with my breath when breathing.

I suppose to die by the cold wouldn't be the worst way to go it's better then being one of them I thought to myself. No. I can't give up, I have to keep going I made a promise to protect them and I intend to keep it. I might say those words out loud to try and motivate myself to keep moving however I knew in my heart that I was lying to myself. I wasn't going to make it.. not on my own.

Before long my legs gave out on me and I fell to the ground exhorted from the fight and walking for so long without proper food and water. I tried dragging myself with my arms however it was in vain now even my own body had abandoned me in my time of need I thought as my eyes started to close.

The next thing I knew I'm in a bed next to a warm fireplace. "Where am I?" I said aloud. A couple of confusing minutes later the door to the room I was in cracked open and I was greeted by a masked woman who was wearing a few layers of clothes and black leather gloves.

I asked her what her name was and where she had brought me. She didn't say anything at all. However she carried a warm bowl of stew in and put it on the table next to the bed. Th..thank you.. i said unsure of how to speak to them. The woman simply bows and walks away back out the door

Confused as I am i need to eat food and you wouldn't poison someone you just rescued? Well maybe won't poison them I thought. Reluctantly I ate the food and surprisingly it was the most delicious thing I had ever had...