
CLOCKWORK: Eternal Love’s Curse

Jason Rami, an 18 year old high school senior keeps losing pockets of time and waking up soaked in blood without any memories of what happened the previous night. His only window of hope to understanding what’s going on with him seems to be his gorgeous classmate, Cleo. Jason soon finds out he has been roped into an eternal love curse and him and Cleo are the fated vessels for the reincarnation of a deep romance between Egyptia’s King Rami and Queen Cleophethrah. Will he be the perfect vessel to exact King Rami’s vengeance on the 21st century world?

Song_birdie · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Time period: 21st century

Location: Earth 6, East Side Hospital

Time: 2:00pm

Cleo gasped and opened her eyes as she woke up. The sound of beeping computers was all around her.

"Where am I...?" She moaned rubbing her eyes.

"Cleo! Thank God you're awake!!" Her mom Lilian screamed with tear filled eyes, grabbing her daughter tightly.

"M-mom...what happened? Why am I in the hospital?" Cleo asked.

"Sweetheart...you s-scared me." Her mom cried. "I'll go get the doctors."

The doctors came in and did a check up on Cleo to make sure she was okay.

"We have good news Doctor Nitra, despite the coma and convulsion, your daughter is doing well. She just has a concussion but she'll be fine after resting for a day or two." The doctors told her mom.

"Yes but we have to do a brain scan to make sure she's really okay. It's been happening a lot lately so we have to check all the boxes. Okay guys."

The doctors all nodded, agreeing to with their senior colleague.

"Thank you doctors." Lilian bowed as she held open the door for the other doctors to leave, closed it and let out a sigh of relief.

She walked back to Cleo's bed and sat with her. Smiling so sweetly, she hugged her daughter tightly joyful to see her living again.

"Mom, what happened to me?" Cleo's voice sounded weak as she spoke.

"Sweetie, you suddenly convulsed and passed out. You had a heart attack. Your heart stopped for a moment. I thought you were going to die!" Her mom answered as her body began to tremble uncontrollably again. "You were in a coma. You've been here for 2 days already." Tears began to drop down her eyes as she spoke from her heart.

"Mom! Mom! Calm down, please." Cleo grabbed her mom's hands and caressed them softly. "I'm alive now. I'm still here mom, I'm still here." She comforted her mother and gave her a hug.

"Yes, baby but we have to keep an extra eye on you now because it's been happening too often. I can't let anything happen to you."


On the other side of town :

Location: Earth 6, West Side Hospital

Time: 2:00pm

Jason groaned deeply as he opened his eyes. His body felt incredibly weak and he could barely get himself up.

"Jason!!! Oh my God, Nurse! Nurse!! Where the xxxx are these people! Someone get me a doctor now!" Martha's voice rang through the hospital giving Jason sharp pain in his ears.

Jason's head rang. He lifted his hands and wrapped them around his head.

"Jason honey! You're awake." Martha cried with a shaky voice. She squeezed her son tightly in her arms unintentionally obstructing his breathing.

"Cough, cough, m-mom, cough, Mom!" Jason wheezed as he tried to catch his breath.

"Oh I'm sorry honey." His mom finally noticed that she was slowly killing her son. "I'm just glad you're alive."

The doctors came in to examined Jason.

" Your son suffered a seizure and a heart attack. But despite that, he's gonna be fine. He just needs to be on bed rest for about a week."

"Thank you doctors. I'll make sure he doesn't lift a finger till he gets better." Martha replied letting out a sigh of relief.

The doctors left and Jason began to speak. "Hey mom, what happened to me?" He asked in a weak tone.

"Honey you just went into the living room then I heard a loud thud on the ground. I walked in to find you having a seizure on the floor. Honey, my heart almost stopped when I saw you like that." Tears filled her eyes and rolled down as she spoke. Her body trembled in horror. "You've been in a coma for two days. Weirdly enough you had your grip tight on that clock even as you passed out.

"The clock!" Jason exclaimed and immediately felt a sharp pain in his head. Suddenly all the memories from his coma about Egyptia flooded his mind all at once causing him to let out a loud scream.

"Jason?! Doctor! Doctor!!!!" Martha screamed to alert the hospital.

Evening approached and Jason was finally in stable condition. He struggled to understand the implications of what he had gone through in his coma.

'Why was I seeing the whole thing from the perspective of King Rami? Am I supposed to be him......reincarnated? But he's evil. Does that make me evil? Am I evil? Is that why I keep waking up soaked in blood? Am I really killing people? King Rami...Jason Rami? Duhhh....Of course!!! Why didn't I realize sooner. We basically have the same name.' Jason thought to himself restarting his heart palpitations.

'But if I'm King Rami, who's Queen Cleo-'

Jason was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringtone next to him. He picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey Ramen, it's Cleo."

Jason's heart fluttered at the sound of her voice.

"Hey! Gosh! It's such a breath of fresh air to hear your voice. Don't let it go to your head though." He sighed, laying his arm on his chest and smiling.

"Ughhh like I don't already know you live and breathe to see me, haha." Cleo joked.

"You overrate yourself Cleo but I have to admit, with the week I've been having, I really needed to hear your voice." Jason got comfortable on his bed, lay belly down, placed his arm under his chin like a little girl and lifted his feet, waving them all around in the air. He was excited.

"Oh you did huh? Well, I haven't had the best week either. That's...actually why I called."

"Jason...we need to talk." Cleo's tone took a turn from playful to serious in a split second.

"That's not a tattoo on your hand, is it Jason?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"Cleo don't be ridiculous. What else could it be?" Jason tried to joke it off.

"Jason, listen to me. I've been having weird experiences at night...and I think it has something to do with you and what you were asking about in the library that day, Ancient Egyptia? Ring a bell?"

Jason swallowed heavily. His heart dropped down to his stomach. The realization of what was really going on suddenly hit him.

"Cleo, I can't meet up now, I'm actually...at the hospital."

"Me too Jason." Cleo replied.

At her reply Jason froze and began to sweat profusely.

"Cleo. We need to see each other as soon as possible." He uttered in a serious tone.