
CLOCKWORK: Eternal Love’s Curse

Jason Rami, an 18 year old high school senior keeps losing pockets of time and waking up soaked in blood without any memories of what happened the previous night. His only window of hope to understanding what’s going on with him seems to be his gorgeous classmate, Cleo. Jason soon finds out he has been roped into an eternal love curse and him and Cleo are the fated vessels for the reincarnation of a deep romance between Egyptia’s King Rami and Queen Cleophethrah. Will he be the perfect vessel to exact King Rami’s vengeance on the 21st century world?

Song_birdie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


It was sunset in this beautiful city. The pristine buildings of gold glowed in the sun. The air was thin and dry. Sand occupied the expanse of land wherever buildings weren't.

Two male servants, bare chested, wearing only loincloths pushed open the Great doors of the golden throne room.

"The Great King Rami" a man clad in a cloak at the side of the room announced with a loud voice.

Then, a gorgeous man, towering high above everyone else in the throne room appeared.

He was a beautiful man, with blue eyes and a ripped body filled with chiseled, glossy muscles.

His muscles glowed in the well lit throne room.

His face was revealed and it was the face of Jason!

Everyone in the room bowed instantly at the sight of him.

He approached the throne with his mighty aura. A woman waited for him at the throne. Seated with her smooth, long legs crossed. Her body oiled and adorned with heavy jewels of many colors.

On a closer look at her, it was Cleo!

As King Rami got closer, she stood up, head held high in her queenly aura and greeted him with a deep kiss. Then he took his throne and court began.

"My love, you are welcome. Take your throne and let us begin Court." She said in a sultry voice.

The throne room was filled with members of the High Council to discuss matters of running the kingdom in court.

All the servants were dismissed and court finally began.

Time passed and the court session lagged for hours on end. The Queen inevitably grew thirsty and needed to quench her thirst but didn't want to interrupt the session.

"Get a servant to come in and bring a drink for my beautiful queen. She looks thirsty." King Rami commanded.

"But our Most High King, servants are not allowed into the throne room during court." One of the members of the council spoke.

"There is nothing that shouldn't be done for my Queen, nothing that shouldn't be given her. For she is the most deserving person in all the land. I'm sure you can make an exception for her." King Rami said grabbing and caressing his wife's face.

"Hmmm...you are truly god sent my love." Queen Cleophethrah purred, looking deeply and lovingly into her husband's eyes.

"Please send in a servant!" The council man commanded. 'Before our Highnesses start kissing' he thought to himself rolling his eyes.

A female serving girl came in with a jug of wine and a bejeweled chalice for the queen. The servant climbed the stairs leading to the throne to deliver the refreshment to the Queen but tripped and stumbled on a stair, falling face first into the Queen's lap and spilling the wine all over the Queen's face and garments.

The girl immediately fell to her knees and hit her forehead on the ground before the Queen to apologize. She screamed and begged," I'm sorry Your Highness. I am but a lowly, foolish serving girl who is just learning to serve. Please forgive me!".

The King rose to his feet, rage and fury written all over his face.

"You dare disrespect my Queen in this way?! I will have your head!! Guards take her away. I want to see her head hanging on the gates by dawn!" The king roared.

"Noooooooo! Please Your Highness! Show mercy!!!!" The serving girl screamed. She looked at the Queen who was also equally shocked by the overreaction of her husband hoping that she will somehow overturn the judgement.

"But my love, it was only a little bit of wine. Even if I cannot get the stain off I'm certain I can get a new garment." Queen Cleophethrah said, concern on her face.

"My love, this is not a matter of getting new garments. This is a matter of your honour. For I will not stand by and watch any person undermine your worthiness. Your very existence is why this kingdom stands today. No man or woman who treats you with disregard of any kind shall be allowed to live."

"And beside that...," he continued moving close to the Queen seated on her throne, "My love for you will not allow me to let a mere servant touch your body. You are MINE and MINE alone." He got on his knees looking up at Queen Cleophethrah and pushing his face up into her ample bossoms. He sniffed her essence in and out and took her arms.

"She must die!" He whispered kissing her chest all the way into her cleavage.

"Your Highness. Your words move me. On a normal day this would be seen as a mere mistake but because of what you have just explained, this case defers. I love you and therefore I will honor your wishes." The Queen purred holding her husband's face in her hands totally mesmerized by him.

"Kill her."

"Noooooooooo!!!! Noooooo!!! The serving girl screamed as she was dragged away to be beheaded.


"Sweetie? Sweetie?! Cleo pumpkin wake up! You're scaring me."

Cleo heard her mom's voice echo from a far distance.

Suddenly the golden kingdom, the beautiful sunset, and the handsome King in her dreams all folded up and she was back to reality.

Her eyes flung open and she immediately sat up with a loud gasp.

"Sweetie wake up. You're sweating so much and you're struggling to breath." Lilian said pulling her daughter into a tight hug.

'That was the same woman I've been seeing in my dreams. Is that really? Queen Cleophethrah of Ancient Egyptia. Was that city really Egyptia. Why is this happening to me? What do they want from me?' Cleo began to panic.

Her mind was filled with so many questions. She placed her hand on her two ears trying to block out the noise in her mind. Tears rolled down her eyes as she couldn't bring herself to understand why she was being haunted by these ghosts of the past.

"Baby! What's wrong? Baby what is it?!! Tell me what you feel!" Cleo's mom exclaimed worried about her daughter.

"M-mom, just hold me." Cleo told her mom.

Lilian grabbed Cleo and squeezed her in her arms saying,"It's gonna be okay baby. It's gonna be okay. Mommy's here."


A few days passed and Cleo was still indoors recovering.

'I have to see Jason.' Cleo thought to herself.

She was still serving her grounding punishment and therefore was trapped indoors with no connection to the internet.

'I'm gonna have to find a way. I don't know what's going on with me.' Cleo's eyes began to tear up as she looked at her trembling arms. The tears dropped into her palms as she continued to think.

'Why was I in the middle of that road. Why can't I remember how I got there?'

She sniffled.

'Why is Ancient Egyptia haunting my dreams? What's my connection to it?'

"No! I can't let this get to me! I have to find a way out. Think Cleo! Think! What did Queen Cleophethrah say in your first vision?" She dried her tears as took a decision within her heart to be strong and conquer this hell sent challenge.

"Find the mercenary? No it was more abstract...Find the meager? No that doesn't even make any sense." She placed her hand on her chin and stared at the ceiling trying to figure it out.

A still female voice from inside of her suddenly spoke saying, "Find the Mijer."

"Yes!! Find the Mijer! That's it! H-hello? Wh-who was that just now?" Cleo was terrified anew shifting her head around her room to check if there was someone hiding there.

"Did that voice come from me?" Cleo began to jitter with intense fear.

Her mom burst into her room suddenly causing her to jump and let out a small screech.

"Sweetie! Come down, dinner is ready."

Lilian looked at her daughter and immediately noticed an intense shivering of her body.

"Sweetie? what's wrong? Do you have a fever." She said approaching her daughter to check her temperature.

Lilian placed her hand on her daughter's forehead. "Your temperature seems fine." She sighed with relief. "Just come down and eat breakfast so I can check your blood pressure and sugar too. Okay pumpkin?"

"Okay mom."

Lilian's voice soothed Cleo's stress and calmed her down immediately.

As Cleo got up, she felt woozy and stumbled a bit. 'It must be the stress I've been putting on my mind.' She thought to herself.

Time : 8:43pm

Coming down the stairs facing the dining area, Cleo spotted her mom with a maid still putting things together.

"Sweetie you're gonna love this veal, it's handmade by me with lo-" Lilian was cut short by the sight of Cleo grabbing at her chest tightly and wincing in pain.

"CLEO!!!!!" Lilian screamed and Cleo tumbled head first from the staircase down to the ground and was unconscious.

Lilian immediately got to her daughter's side to perform CPR.

"God! She's not breathing. Her pulse is so f-faint! CALL THE HOSPITAL NOW!" Lilian screamed at the maid, voice breaking, heart shattering to pieces.