
Climbing The Well

In a world destroyed by war, a place where people constantly fight monsters and each other for territories and better lives, a place where it is not possible to live an ordinary life outside of governments that are very reminiscent of medieval times, what would people's daily lives be like in such a world? This story will show Arthur's life and a world where war technology has advanced forcibly to keep up with both humans and their supernatural enemies; we will also accompany him on his way to climb the rungs of the creatures' status in the universe where he will discover the truth of his world.

Christian_210 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Control. - Part 2.

After Julia got out of the ambulance, the smile on Katarina's face slowly faded, and then she faced Arthur's face and the previously smiling expression gradually became serious, and even a look of concern appeared.

- Merlin, do you know his teacher? - Katarina asked while looking directly at Arthur.

- Yes, I know her. - A hoarse voice, which sounded like someone of advanced age, suddenly sounded.

- Can you tell me who you are? - Katarina asked, and in her expression, you could see a little impatience.

- Samantha Veneficus. - The voice just answered the question directly again.

Katarina, who was used to this, didn't show any anger, she was just impatient with Merlin's usual delay, and after he said that name she asked again. - Is she one of the ten?

- "Yes," Merlin replied dryly again.

- Is she as powerful a mage as you? - Katarina asked with slight expectation.

- "No," Merlin answered directly again.

- She's not as powerful as you? - Katarina asked a little disappointed.

- She's not a mage. - Merlin's voice came again, but this time he didn't answer Katarina's question.

- Not a mage? - Katarina was surprised to hear this, after all, she was sure that Merlin had told her that Arthur also learned from a human rather than from a contract or skill.

- Yes, she's a sorceress. - Merlin's voice came out again, but this time with a more animated tone than before.

- What is a sorceress? - Katarina was intrigued by Merlin's answer, and out of curiosity she asked.

- A sorcerer is the same as a wizard, but different at the same time. A wizard uses all the laws, a sorcerer controls only a few, but he really owns them. - Merlin answered simply and directly, and Katarina, who was already used to this, felt helpless and decided to ask Arthur later.

Katarina had just given up asking Merlin questions and grabbed her cell phone with her free hand to pass the time, but before unlocking the screen she frowned and spoke to Merlin again. - Merlin, I believe you don't have addressed one of my inquiries...

- I always answer your questions. - Merlin's voice sounded as tired as ever.

- I don't think so this time, you didn't tell me if she was as powerful as you. - Katarina with a little expectation.

- She wouldn't lose to me in any way. - Merlin's voice sounded again, but this time the answer was immediate.

Katarina nodded and said nothing more and started browsing social media to pass the time, but before a minute had passed, she frowned again and spoke. - Merlin?

A sigh seemed to sound in her head and was followed by a tired voice. - Yes...

- You said she wouldn't lose out to you in any way, but... Well, would you lose in any way to her? - Katarina asked calmly, as if it was something she was just considering, but all she got from Merlin was silence; after waiting a few seconds, she called out to him again. - Merlin? - What surprised her deeply was that Merlin remained silent and no matter how much she called him he didn't answer her, with obvious anger in his expression she sighed and muttered. - When you teach me something new, you'll have to answer. - After muttering this to relieve her anger, she simply picked up her cell phone and went back to browsing social networks.


While Katarina was talking to Merlin, Arthur was back in the space of flames, and facing him was a bed of flames; Samantha was lying with her eyes closed and covered in blue flames, only her face and part of her red hair were visible and there was no movement apart from the expanding and contracting movement of the blue flames in the area near her breasts, this movement stimulated by her calm and steady breathing continued for several minutes. Arthur stood all this time looking around and glancing at Samantha from time to time, he didn't know what to do, he didn't even know why he was here again, he remembered that she had said she would teach him during the night, but he was sure that he had been in the ambulance with Julia and Katarina not long before, and he knew that it was still daylight.

Arthur tired of looking around and looked at Samantha again, but this time he was startled and even fell to the ground as he stared at the half-closed crimson eyes staring back at him, and her expression didn't look happy, he could see a little anger in her expression as she stared at him, and that made him quickly look away, but it didn't do much good, since as soon as he looked away he heard Samantha's voice, which was obviously grumpy.

- You're early... - As she spoke Samantha sat up in bed and stretched, after which she looked down at Arthur and his angry expression softened a little and she closed her eyes. After Samantha closed her eyes the flames in the space began to twitch and rush towards her and soon a steady stream of flames poured down the center of her eyebrows and seemed to be engulfed by something, Arthur was confused by this, but still said nothing and just waited, he waited for several minutes before the influx of flames subsided, and then Samantha's voice sounded again. - You really made a mess out there. - Samantha said this while trying to hold back the urge to laugh, but she couldn't prevent a slight smile from appearing on her face.

- That... I don't know... I was in hospital and then I fell out of the sky. - Arthur said a little embarrassed and lowered his head as he continued. - I was able to control it before, but when I looked at the helicopter... The force I controlled before appeared on its own, I don't know what happened! - Arthur said, looking down at his feet as his ears turned red, but his voice was still firm, and his tone rose towards the end.

- Hmm... - Samantha placed her right hand on chin while leaning her body on her left hand, and then she asked. Are you curious about this helicopter? Or... Did you want to be in it? – Samantha asked with her right hand still massaging her chin and looking into Arthur's eyes.

Arthur was surprised by the question, he had never stopped to consider it, and even if it did, what did it matter? However, as Samantha was asking him, he decided to ponder what had happened, and after several seconds of consideration Arthur said, looking at Samantha. - Yes, I don't remember exactly what I thought at the time, but I was curious if they were going to answer an emergency call... I guess, that's it! I was curious if there were demons involved...

- Hmm... - Samantha muttered something while looking at Arthur that he couldn't hear, and only after muttering something incomprehensible for several seconds did, she speak to him again. - Arthur, did you remember the feeling I showed you?

- Yes, I even managed to teleport before. - Arthur said with a proud expression.

- Teleport? - Samantha asked with a confused expression.

- "Yes." Arthur nodded.

- What is teleportation? - Samantha asked as she stared into Arthur's eyes with curiosity.

Arthur looked at her with a dumbfounded expression and didn't know how to respond properly, after all, he himself didn't understand what teleportation was, and if he didn't receive the mark he would never be able to use it, but he still tried to ponder a little, and after several seconds he decided to give up on explaining it comprehensively, and just decided to state its function directly. - Teleportation is... Well, basically it's moving from one place to another... instantly? - Arthur wanted to explain better and even delve deeper into the subject, but he really didn't understand anything about it, and his ears even reddened as he tried to explain it to Samantha.

- Teleportation... That's a strange name... But it's easier to say than a change of location. - Samantha pondered this for a while, but soon dismissed the idea of changing the spelling's name; the price of changing the language of a brand was high, she knew, and the benefit was practically nil. After understanding that teleportation was the name given to Arthur's spell in the current era, she could infer that he used the spell and managed to control it for a while, and thinking back to the scenes of his fall that she had just looked at before talking to Arthur she was confused, if he only lost control from the start it would be simple to explain, but if he controlled it before, why did he lose control? Samantha really was at a loss, and she ended up getting out of bed and pacing back and forth with a pensive expression and her hand still hanging from her chin.

Only after a little more than a minute had passed did Samantha's voice ring in Arthur's ears again. - Well, if that's what it is, it's a miscalculation on my part... Look into my eyes, Arthur. - After Samantha asked Arthur to look into her eyes, he raised his head. When his eyes met Samantha's eyes, he saw that the mark he'd had in his eyes during the day was also in her eyes, and after staring at this mark for a few seconds, the mark in his eyes also appeared and he lost consciousness, but despite losing consciousness, his body didn't fall and his eyes remained wide open staring into Samantha's eyes, only the focus in his eyes wasn't there.

After looking into Arthur's eyes for a few minutes Samantha sighed and shook her head, then she walked over to Arthur and picked up the boy who was standing looking at the place where Samantha's eyes had been before, when she put him in her arms the position he was in softened and he fell asleep, she then put him on the bed and sat down next to him waiting for him to wake up.

"This is already the second chapter where the last paragraph has disappeared when viewed on cell phones. To avoid this, I've decided to duplicate this message at the end of each chapter, hoping it will resolve the issue. If you're reading this, I apologize if it's intrusive, but it's a better solution than leaving the chapter incomplete."

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