
Cliche Fanfic with Multiverse Travel. (Indefinite Hiatus/Dead)

**There will be parts that are "forced', and "cringe". Also wishes/things will "seem" bad/dumb, so if you hate those this is NOT for you...** Hey so a FF with multiverse travel. First time writing and even if English is my 1st language still terrible at writing it so sorry for that. Also no Idea how long I'll write it got the ideas but writing its the hard part lol. A guy dies is give "3" wishes by a god and sent to a different world because of other gods mess/mistakes as compensation. And to give them some entertainment. 1st world is Highschool of the Dead. 2nd world is DanMachi There will be SOME lemons. You can think of this as a wish fulfillment in a sense. Update will be random/sporadic. ~~~~~~~ Yo just a heads up the 1st chapters are ROUGH to say the least sorry. And full of cringe, with just dump logic. It's that way mainly because it's the start AND an ecchi world, OG wise. It does change somewhat later one, so please no more "too forced" then dropped stuff... It's supposed to be like that... ish I have gone through SOME to at least somewhat fix them but its going to take AWHILE from the rest. The ones fixed have (Somewhat fixed) in the title I don't think any after 15 ish will need it, but when I get there I'll check. So once again really sorry. It took til about then to get a lot better I mean in the format of how its written. The story/writing gets better by 20 as it took til then to get better. (^.^) Things ARE explained somewhat after first world hop so wait until after reading to there before bashing on something please. ~~~~~~~ ==Please do read the A/N, and A/T if you see something bad, and such before you drop it or jump to get pitchforks or something hehe== *Disclaimer I don't own anything other then MC and some other OC's. Highschool of the Dead, DanMachi, and other works are owned by their respective owners.* ~Cover Pic is not mine it is owned by its creator.~ Thanks for reading (^.^)

Zader · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Mr. Blue Skys (Somewhat fixed)

I wake up to my alarm blaring so I roll over and turn it off. I get I need to have time to get to school, and but why did I set it for 5am?

Clay:"Whatever I'm up now so lets get ready and go see Shizuka..... oohhh I forgot to tell them I'll be going to the same school she works at.... and so I can be like "lets go" meh I'll just ask them for directions cause I have no clue where its at."

After I've showered and dressed, and what not I grab 2 slices of leftover pizza and check the time its only 5:30.....(Now what? Um go for a walk? I guess see if there is any stuff I can snag.)

Clay:"Well guess I might as well get to it then"

With my BoH I leave and walk while eating my pizza. Some might think cold pizza gross, but Ima be like it depends on the pizza like Pizza H*t hells yea hot/fresh is great but cold ain't bad either its nice and quick and easier as normally makes less mess.

While lost in though about pizza and stuff, I plan what I'll so on my enthusiastic walk swing by another ATM and hit it up for the.... (WAIT better idea!!!) I quickly go to an alley next door and check so its clear and then pop an invs pot and go to the convent store as I grab the handle I notice my invs is gone.

(Well shit good to know that at least....um). I leave to the alley again and check ALWAYS check safe then sorry and again down an invs I go back to near the store and wait.

After 5mins I see a guy going to the door and get right behind him as he opens it I quietly say to him "hold the door please" in that time he takes to look back I slip inside as he looks around in confusion I walk to the atm.

Sweet now lets be smart ish here. (Um. Oh I got it.) I wrap an extra shirt around my head while having another invs ready to drink holding the bottle with my mouth.

(Well here goes.) And I sell the whole ATM like always just 1sec its there next its gone. while trying to contain my glee I walk to the door and wait for it to open.

After about 3mins someone else opens it from outside and I slip out although it was close the door almost touched me I leave quickly I only have a couple mins of invs left I put the shirt and pot away while walking fast after a few mins invs wears off as I'm waiting in another alley I checked.

Clay: *Deeply Exhales* "wwwwooooohhh! What a rush like damn."

I look to see my points,<SP 206,360> and I'm stunned by the amount

Clay:"Seriously? Just that one is more then I got last night well that's decided then."

I quickly walk back home and sit down. (OK mini spree time.) I buy some other miscellaneous stuff that I think will be helpful all for a little more than 4k sp. (rope,watch, duck tape stuff like that)

Next I look to see I need 100k more to get the next thing I want, so I'll save up. But first I replace the invs pots. <SP 201,200> I then check the time it's 6:30 so I leave to go see if Shizuka is up.

I head over to their place and knock. after a min or so the door opens to every straight guys wet dream. (If you say otherwise your lying) Shizuka half asleep with her peja's almost undone.

Clay:"Oneesan get inside you shouldn't answer the door like that." *Then teasingly say* "Please fix you clothes before I loose my reasoning and attack you."

Shizuka:*half-asleep*"Oh?" *Cheerfully* "Its Clay-kun good morning."

She then seems to snap fully awake then looks down to see her self before slamming the door closed. *sigh* (bubbly air MLILF needs to work on that some what)

Clay:"Shizuka am I pkay to come in now?"

Few seconds later the door opens to a blushing Shizuka, but at least she's fix her clothes.

Shizuka:"Um... Yeah come on in. Oh... Um why are you here so early by the way?"

Clay:"Oh... You see it about a quarter to 7 and I realized I have no clue how to get to my new school so I came to ask my "Oneesan" is she knew where it is."

Shizuka:"oh whats the schools name?"

Clay:"Its Fujimi Academy."

Shizuka:"WHAT??? Really?" **grabs me and shacks me like a doll**

Clay:"Yes is there something wrong with it?" **I say trying not to vomit**

Shizuka:**Realizes what she is doing and stops.** "Ah, no no sorry I was just really surprised is all um, so yes I know where Fujimi Academy is in fact I'm the school nurse there."

She quickly turns away form me. (I bet all my sp she's blushing hard)

Clay:"Really that's great so how do we get there?"

Shizuka:"Oh... um I drive my car there."

Clay:"A,um, I see."*Looks down*

Shizuka:"I can give you a lift there just let me go get ready first."*says reassuringly*

Clay:"Okay while you do that I'll make you something to eat how that sound?"*Cheerfully*

Shizuka: "Oh~ ah~ great heehee~~ feel free to use the kitchen."*Cheerfully*

I nod my head and go to the kitchen while Shizuka goes upstairs to get clothes its seems as she hurries to the bathroom.

Shizuka:"Now now~ be good or I'll have to punish you Clay-kun.~"*Teasingly*

Without looking I reply. "Don't worry I won't go peeking unless you invite me in." I hear what sounds like stumbling and a door slamming shut.

(hahaha damn she is fun to tease.) after roughly 20minutes later Shizuka comes out as I'm setting the table for her.

Shizuka:"y,y,y,o,u,r not eating?"*stammers*

Clay:"hum no I already did so I'm good."*says offhandedly*

Shizuka:"But it looks like you made a lot."*confused*

Clay:"Well yeah I mean you seem like a foodie and anything you don't eat now can be lunch or leftovers for later."

I see her look at me with wide eyes before returning to her normal care free self.

Shizuka:"heehee~ I guess that's true I'm curious as to how it'll taste."

Clay:"I hope you like it I made ham fried rice cause it has eggs, ham, veggies, and rice all mixed together."

Shizuka:"Oh! I see well then "Itadakimasu""

(And another off the list have a girl eat your food and say Itadakimasu. On second thought maybe a partial check i had to cheat)As I didn't have time to wash and cook rice, plus the other stuff in that amount of time.

I bought washed cooked white rice the other stuff was all here and no problem. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Shizuka

Shizuka:"Its good I'm surprised aren't most guys bad at cooking?"

Clay:"Well yes but that's cause most guys have siblings, or parents to cook for them the ones who can cook are either those who like to do so, or like me and don't have that option so learn to live." *silence* "Oneesan your next words are "I'm sorry I brought it up.""

Shizuka:"I'm sorry I broug??" *confused* "huh? how?"

Clay:*Chuckles*"don't worry about it really its not a problem or big deal I'm used to it remember so shush and eat up so we aren't late."

Shizuka:"Oh, okay um, I'm sorry I said that though."

Clay:"Okay Oneesan if you apologize to me again about something like that I'll have to punish you." *grin proactively*

Shizuka:"Bad Clay-kun your always teasing me."*Pout*

Clay:"Of course your just so much fun to tease but if it REALLY bothers you I'll try to keep it to a minimum is the best I can do my lovely Oneesan."

Shizuka:"Mu... Your still teasing me" *pouting*

Shizuka:"Okay, okay I'll stop for now "*chuckle*

I leave her be while I start to clean up the dishes I used to cook (WTF why no dishwasher like just why???? *sigh*) (You know I've been sighing a lot lately does that make me old? I mean I was 21 before so maybe???? I don't know time and gods and sh*t just too much to understand) I'm brought out of my ramblings by Shizuka.

Shizuka:"That was really good and there's still plenty left for lunch later why don't we pack it for lunch today?"

Clay:"Okay that sounds great. So does that mean that we'll have lunch together?"

Shizuka:"Un! that sounds nice."

Clay:**Looks at the time** "We need to get going its almost 7:30 doesn't school start at 8?"

Shizuka:"Oh no! We need to go I didn't realize the time quick get in the car."

As we hurry to get to the car Shizuka locks up and away we go. We arrive and park and I fall to the ground (SHIT both lives flashed before my eyes, like WTF she is a CRAZY driver yeah definitely getting a bike cause I don't think I'll survive 2 weeks of that back and forth)

Shizuka:"Clay-Kun are you okay?"*concerned*

Clay:"YUP! Yup just fine I,a, fell cause my leg fell asleep is all." (what a terrible excuse)

Shizuka:*nods*"Oh okay well we should get you to the faculty room to get you homeroom."

Clay:"You go ahead I'll ask one of the other students you know so I can try to make friends and all."

Shizuka:"Oh okay but don't be late or I'll be mad okay?"**Gives a stern look**

Clay:"I promise."*nods*

(what tim..... WHAT ITS ONLY 7:45 HOW!!???..... women are scary... it was supposed to be a 30min drive O.O) As I slowly and shakily stand up and walk to the gate trying to suppress that terrifying experience.

"Hey who are you I've never seen you before?" at the gate is what I assume is the PE teacher or something.

Clay:"Oh hello I'm the new transfer student that's supposed to start today. My names Clayton Akana."

Teacher:"O,o,o,h,h,h I see well you'll need to go to the faculty room to get your classroom and other things do you know where it is?"

Clay:"Um, no I don't but I was going to ask one of the other students to show me so I could try to make friends."

Teacher:"That's a good idea I'll need to check your bag first but if there is no problem you can go ahead."

I nod and give him my BoH (PLEASE work please work it should work I mean its MAGIC come on.) "Alright everything is okay go ahead." says the Teacher (F,u,u,u man today is just starting and its already so stressful.)

As I walk inside the gate I get my first look at the school (so this is where sh*t goes down huh yea just looks like a normal school really) while looking around I start to look at the other kids and I spot someone I always felt sorry for so I walk up to her

Clay:"Um hello my name is Clayton Akana I just transferred here today can you show me the way to the faculty room please? and what's your name miss?"

she turns to look at me with what seems surprise but quickly turns into understanding

Rei:"Hi sure follow me. I'll see you guys in class."



(Always hated those 2 like one had a great girl had just ignores her, the other has a "Good Family" yet didn't do shit to help just listened to her I'm 100% he is either gay and its all fake or he just acted like he cares to get in her pants.)

Rei:"So my name is Miyamoto, Rei its nice to meet you Clayton-san."

Clay:"Nice to meet you Rei."

But she freezes at being called her first name without honorifics

Clay:"Oh sorry I'm originally from the U.S. so I'm used to calling others by their first names and without honorifics sorry if it bugs you too much I'll try not to just habit you know also Clayton is my first name as well feel free to call me it without san, or kun unless you want to."

Rei:*stammers*"Oh... Um... okay its fine if you call me Rei but please use honorifics Clayton-San."

Clay:"Okay Rei-chan"


Clay:"Yea chan cause your cute and seem really nice is that okay? It would be nice if we could be friends as I just moved to here yesterday so I don't have any yet."

Rei:*Embarrassed*"Its fine, and that sounds nice lets get along Clayton-San."

Rei:"Rei-chan can I ask you a question?"

Rei:"Um sure."*Confused*

Clay:"You seem sad about something is everything okay I might not be able to help but I can listen if you feel like talking or just want someone to hear you."

as I say that she grinds to a stop and stares at me while she had a slight blush before now she is becoming pale.

Rei:"w,w,w,w,h,h,h,a,t do you mean by that???"

Clay:"Just what I said it looks like something is bugging you and you sad about it so I you want to talk with someone or just have someone listen without judgement, or anything I'm more than happy to do so."

Rei:"How do you know that somethings wrong?"*Piercing gaze searching for lies*

Clay:"Well you see I'm an orphan and have been since a baby so I tend to see behind peoples masks if its sadness, pain, or other stuff like that I learned to do so quickly to survive so I'd be less likely to be tricked or used, or in danger."

*silence* We start to walk again after a few moments Rei says "um okay I'm sorry to hear that I didn't know."

Clay:"Its okay its been a long time I'm used to it by now so just know I'm here if you every feel up to tell me. And looks like we are here as I assume this is the room."

(man the memories from this worlds body are really useful but also seem to have effected me a bit as well like why the fuck am I so share happy and throw the orphan card like every chance STOP IT emo self your gone its my turn now and your just memories gees)

Rei:"A... Yeah that's the faculty room. I guess I should get to class before I'm ;ate it was nice to meet you hopefully we'll see each other soon."

Clay:"Okay bye Rei-Chan thanks for showing me "da wae"" *grins*

Rei:"Oh,a, yeah well bye Clayton-san."

(okay going to need to work on the san stuff but seem I made a ok impression not great, but not bad just okay well I'll work on that)


AN: Yo another one down..... (T.T) more to go...... the next one might have some more major fixes it will depend if it will ruin the later chapters so know that....

Yo Its a me Mario... no really though haha

so what do you guys think of the changing ` ` ` for thoughts to () I think it makes it easier to read and tell the difference. also sorry about the POV and type changes to how it is as it'll mostly be 1st person from MC POV unless some other times but it should be marked [blah's POV] or such. Also I mean your getting a whole other lifes memories it should effect you some how. Well that's all also would like to see how you guys like the changes in the comments.

Zadercreators' thoughts