
Cliche DxD

Cold hearted. Shaped and moulded by the brutality of war and strife. John Smith finds himself in a new battlefield - one of devils angels and even the likes of gods What will he do in this estranged land he finds himself in? What path will he forge? How much blood will be spilled in his path for power? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story was started by three anime girls with passions for writing works of art BurgerNoTomatoes Honoured_Writer Bleap >_

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2

Written by: Honoured_Writer, certified cook and of course our radiating, glaze worthy, sexy, , pure, innocent, dazzling, glimmering, holy, definitely peak, beautiful, shimmering, beguiling, handsome, charismatic, gigantic, magnificent, marvellous, seductive, fabulous,charming, hilarious, ethereal, beguiling,majestic, adorable, succulent, glorious, honoured, blessed, breath-taking, phenomenal, arrogant, deserving, inspiring, brilliant, kind hearted, amiable, humorous, delightful to be around, open hearted, gentle, courageous, pleasant, perfect king


The surrealness of the night sky painted the canvas of the sky, calling upon darkness across the world.

And yet even with closing of day and the introduction of night, the hustle and bustle that remained the city life didn't stop - no it transformed into something even more dangerous... something more eerie.

Until suddenly, the quietness brought about by night was broken as I crashed through the window of a skyscraper sending fragments of glass to plummet through the air.

Smoke wistfully emerging from my two trusty guns, I shot bullets that joyously ripped across the air and eliminating their intended targets.

Not allowing myself to waste an inkling of momentum , I rolled across the floor like I had practiced so many times that it was akin to muscle memory, and in a millisecond, I burst through the door - observing my surroundings with guns in tow.

Two blades that threatened to take my life swung diagonally just narrowly grassing the the silk like locks of my hair as I crouched down, blowing holes into the heads of my attackers, staining the walls scarlet.

"Fitting that the two conjoined assassins - No.5 and No.6 - born in the same womb shall die together," I said indifferently, whilst I kicked the bodies of the fallen and rushing through the enclosed environment to the stairwell

In a burst of near superhuman speeds I bolted to the stair case and descended down it's coils with richochet of metal following closely which forced me to weave out of by grabbing the rails of the stairs to direct myself onto another level.

Sweat dripped down my face littered with rugose and wrinkled lines - a sign of my age catching up to me

'They're persistent aren't they?' I thought to myself, sensing the imminent danger my instincts forced to me dodge - for good reason.

As a tomahawk slammed down on the ground, I forcefully stepped on it lodging it and it's owner into the ground then slammed the barrel of the gun under the chin of crudely masked No. 4 and fired.

Blood splattered signifying the death of another along with the smoke that followed

But even then, I couldn't be allowed to catch my breath as a sword slice drew an arc across the corridor, upheaving the structural integrity of the building, slashing No.4 cleanly in half and causing me to roll to the side to dodge

"Damn Sword addict, No.3" I muttered less so bothered by his attempt to kill me but by his ruining of the playing field.

Firing off more chunks of metal, blade met bullet and the true contest of human endeavour was brought about as he sliced them perfectly in half.

His monolid eyes showed disdain for my entire existence, 'As expected of a guy so hellbent on upholding Order.'

Once again being forced to dodge whilst a masterful slice of air passed by me - well obviously not enough as blood dripped from a small wound opened up on the side of my face.

Moving forward with the wind at my helm, I shot out like a gun releasing it's load, I threw the cloak draped around my body to obscure his vision before blasting lead into his figure.

'It was worth a try,' My eyes lingering on the figure that appeared to the side of the thrown jacket, slashing at me.

A large gash was plastered onto the wall where I stood before.

"Resulting to parlour tricks old man? You surely have gone senile," He spoke arrogantly however my apathetic mask failed to even crack as it had always done throughout my cherished life.

The clicking of my gun sounded signalling the emptying of my chambre, 'I have no other amno on me after all who would've thought today of all days would be the day The Order decided to be my death day.'

I stood to the side out of the way the sword and taking my opportunity, I slammed my foot into his face, sending him skidding across the floor

His movement just barely halted at his split second decision to pierce the ground with his blade and stop his momentum

"Still bitter No.3" I could see clearly as his teeth gritted in vehemence, "Some things never change after all these years. You still don't realise it. The difference between the three of us - you, No.2 and of course No.1 - Me. Like Heaven and Earth."

"There is no difference old man!" Countless sword strikes were sent my way, elegantly ripping through the air with bloodlust guiding their intent.

My eyes dilated for a second before focusing once more as I dodged the slashes at my body.

I ran to the window down the corridor and burst out of it while his blade accompanied me in pursuit

Moving my hand to reveal a weapon that was entrusted to me even before the whispers of blood guided my life I sighed, "Die knowing that you are nothing but a third rate assassin

Heed my calling...Abysmal Blade,"

The soft shimmer of pure twilight encapsulated into one blade rejected the existence of all other sources of light as I unveiled it from it's decaying sheath and swung downwards

Dismantling the building and all it's inhabitants, I dived down the crumbling building where the world fell into disarray and dust and death permeated through the air 

However even amongst the anarchy stemming from my actions, there was only one man that could find sadistic glee at the chaos engulfing the street.

The person I trained and nurtured until they could match rival and most likely surpass me if given enough time.

My successor and student,


Sleezy and cunning in his ways, it reflected upon his very appearance and demeanour and yet his charisma brought about by his the techniques I instilled in him made up for it in every aspect.

His golden locks draped and covered his eyes but even amongst the yellow haze that shrouded the window to the soul, I saw them.

Those emerald eyes of his - always scheming, always plotting the death of a fellow man like fresh lamb ready to be slaughtered - not that I am one to talk...

And that very same thin lipped smile that snaked across his face like a façade.

If I were to describe him as accurately as I possibly could, I would say,

...He was the perfect assassin.

"Enjoy the spectacle?" I questioned not expecting much an answer as I positioned myself after wiping the crimson that stained the steel of my sword.

"Hm...I would have to say I did. Seeing your power and technique up close is really a sight to behold," He gestured to the ruined building that diverged cleanly in half - clearly brought about by my blade, "It's always enchanted me…that powers of yours

"Then let this be the very first time you see me going all out... and the last." I spoke raising my sword.

"Don't go dying on me old coot, I want to enjoy this kill." He drew his twin daggers, each sleek and metallic in their nature, "It's not everyday you get to face the former Strongest Assasin in the World!"

"Come." I commanded and he obeyed with the clash of our weapons sending ripples through air and the windows of nearby buidlings to shatter.

The flurry of sword slashes began as even the air was cut and drew across like a blank canvas in the tapestry of blood we were creating with our brushes intent of killing the other.

We danced across the city. Ruin left in our wake. Cutttibg and dicing the ground beneath us and heavens below us

Blurring slightly, my rusty body failed to keep in sync with my eyes and I paid the price, as blood sprayed from my body - an incison was drawn across the skin.

'It seems age is catching up with me faster than I thought.. several decades of fighting would do that to person,' Pushing my body further, I increased my ferocity until the blur of ourswords had crossed the threshold of human and entered - godly.

The city life around us was no more, a testament to our power and yet we continued.

His bloodlusted sadistic gaze met my apathy in a clash of generations

'The Order

An organisation consisting of the world's strongest assassins within the Japanese Association of Assassins.

Their skills ranging from the common skill of infiltration to the most lethal of assassination techniques - each mastered of their own styles and arts that if the entirety of the JAA were to fight against a single member of The Order.... they would be annihilated without a shadow of a doubt.

Branded with numbers running in blood down from 10 to the singular and most powerful digit of 1.

That is who I am. The Strongest Assassin of this era and The Deadliest man on Earth

But time rusts the body, decays the mind, and honed techniques and skills wither under the passing of it - such was the fate of John Smith.

I stood unwavering, a bloodied husk of my former glory and yet still unwavering. Cuts, scars and slashes riddled my body forcing my mouth to expunge blood from my mouth

And yet I stood unwavering.

'This will be my testament of strength and history as the Strongest Assassin,' My hollowed gaze met the emerald eyes of No.2 and a shared understanding was reached

An assassin always dies with regrets

A saying heard by all assassins worth their salt but brushed off all the same but came to my mind when Death's grip neared

And yet what I felt wasn't regret - no something even grander and more profound. Defined. Even when the blade of steel severed my head from my body...


The emotion that seemed to never be seemed to be present found itself to me even if only for an instant but I found it.

Perhaps that's the reason for my current predicament.

I touched my flexible youthful skin with somewhat shock at my situation before I sat back onto the bed, peering into the mirror that peered back equally.

An ethereal feminine yet perfectly masculine boy stared back with a piercing sapphire gaze

All conclusion except one seemed to be categorised Null at this point as my brain fell upon a single sentence that described my situation perfectly.

I had reincarnated.