
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
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20 Chs

In a plane

Cleo continuously sniffed the masculine scent from Samuel's body which gradually became an addiction to him. Some of the waiters just smiled, seeing the intimacy of the two of them, without disturbing the privacy of Samuel's classmate.

20 minutes later, a call from the Avicii Brothers private jet approached the couple, informing them that the plane was ready to fly to Jakarta.

"Sir, sorry. There was a slight problem, because we were waiting for a commercial plane to fly first. now we can fly, sir!" Airport officer bowed respectfully.

"Oooh yes!"

Samuel asked his daughter to stand up first, because Cleo sat on his lap for a very long time, but Cleo still hugged him.

"Daddy has to carry me or else I won't leave Melbourne," a sweet and gentle voice sounded very exciting to Samuel.

Samuel nodded, "Yes baby, Daddy will carry you to the plane bed!"

Cleo laughed amused, she just wanted to tease Samuel, but the burly man always fulfilled all his wishes.

Samuel slightly lowered his head, waiting for his beloved daughter, to quickly climb on his burly back.

"Daddy, I'm kidding," he laughed louder.

Samuel glanced back, patted his shoulder to give the beautiful and spoiled princess room to climb on his back immediately.

It didn't take long, Cleo actually carried out all of Samuel's orders with pleasure.

His embrace smelled Samuel's very charming scent, it always made him feel comfortable. Of course Cleo hugged Samuel even more with a blushing face.

Samuel, who was used to carrying his daughter's body, he did it very easily, walked gallantly towards the plane that was already available.

"Dadhh...." Cleo kissed Samuel's neck.

"Hmm," Samuel was still focused on walking on the tarmac, heading for the plane and soon going up the stairs.

"I don't want to sleep alone, I want to be with Daddy. Don't ever leave me in the apartment. I'll follow you to Mami's house," Cleo chattered along the way.

samuel laughed "Okay, I will accompany you every night, in fact we will continue to do wherever you want."

Hearing Samuel's statement, Cleo felt incomparable happiness. In fact, this is the first step, to grab Samuel's attention from his adoptive Mami Vika.

Cleo leaned her head on Samuel's back, feeling warmth, mumbling to herself, "Daddy, I love you, but you are very mean to all of Daddy Avicii's friends. What did we do wrong to you? Until you made me like this? this is very painful, even more painful than the stinging mouth of people out there."

It was quite a distance for Samuel to walk while carrying Cleo, but there was no feeling of tiredness in his heart. for the handsome-looking man, Cleo, Keyla's daughter, he must save, after having a long argument with Vika.

Vika's disapproval for two years, after the death of Avicii and Keyla, was due to feelings of fear. samuel will take advantage of the conditions, after seeing Cleo's pretty face is very beautiful from him. Vika put forward several conditions, which Samuel agreed to, but all of the terms have now been canceled, because of Samuel and Cleo's affair.

Love to be together, makes Vika succumb, for the sake of a good name and ambition, giving Samuel the freedom to marry off his daughter to anyone so that his household can return to peace.

Samuel sat his daughter in the passenger seat of the plane, fastened the safety belt, kissed Cleo's wet lips very intimately in front of a beautiful flight attendant who served them.

"Good evening Mr. Samuel and Miss Cleopatra, sorry we had a bit of trouble earlier, making you wait a long time. The menu for dinner is Mr. Samuel's order, will it be served now?" The beautiful stewardess smiled kindly at the two people still holding each other.

samuel looked at Cleo, kissed the back of the beloved daughter's hand, "You want to eat now baby?"

Cleo shook his head.

The flight attendant understood very well how the condition of Samuel's spoiled daughter was, for her to give them both better space, "Okay Mr. Sam, Miss Cleo, I'm sorry."

The flight attendant closed the room, not wanting to interrupt before being needed again.

Cleo looked at Samuel's handsome face, "Dad... did Daddy bring some of the food I bought earlier? Helder bought it, but I forgot to say, don't buy buns filled with pork sausage. lately as long as I eat it my skin turns red again. Is it because I'm not holy anymore?"

Cleo's sentence made Samuel laugh, he pulled the slender body of his favorite daughter, so that she moved to his lap immediately.

"Daddy, the plane is about to fly. How will I fall?" she whined looking spoiled at Samuel's shady irises.

"Daddy told you about your question, baby. There is nothing to do, between impure and food containing pork. It's good, if you become a vegetarian. we will be healthier, and one more baby, you have to learn to cook for Daddy, ok...!" Samuel kissed the back of Cleo's hand, who shook his head to say no to the request to learn to cook, leaned back, enjoying the take off with a calm feeling.

Samuel closed his eyes, "If it's true that Cleo left me, and went somewhere, I'm sure, the first people I killed with my own hands were Lee and Luis. Until now they have never opened up, to whom this giant company turned. can't I or Joe Jonas have it all?" He massaged the top of his nose gently trying to close his eyes for a moment.

When Samuel was deep in his own thoughts, Cleo instead took off the safety belt, choosing to move to Samuel's lap.

Samuel opened his eyes slowly, seeing the beauty in front of his eyes, "Baby, you are very sexy," his slender fingers immediately pointed at the springy object which was increasingly rounded and dazzling.

Cleo snuggled into the crook of Samuel's neck, kissing the burly neck.



"Will Daddy do something to me? Please....!"

Samuel opened his eyes, looked questioningly, "Are you okay baby? You're on top of Daddy. Wait," he pressed the privacy button, so that no one entered their room.

Cleo smiled spoiledly, her tiny lips pointed at Samuel to be crushed first.

Of course Samuel did all the requests of his daughter with a happy and happy heart.

"In the end, you will always be addicted to my touch, baby," Samuel muttered under his breath, slapping Cleo's lips with passionate love.

The two of them were getting louder when Samuel carried his daughter to the available private room.

The not so big room, specially designed for Cleo at that time by Avicii Brother, is now used by Samuel to explore the body of the daughter of the brother's best friend.

Cleo looked at Samuel's face full of love, her beautiful face looked like a thirsty woman in the grass.

Soft and gentle hands gently caressed his own body, slowly giving Samuel room to explore more beautifully. The twists and turns that make Samuel more and more understand what Cleo needs.

"Daddy will help you, babyThis time we're going to do it in a different style."

Cleo nodded, kissing the wet lips of Samuel, who was slowly exploring the hidden parts of the spoiled woman.

The amused body, the increasingly beautiful sighs, even the squeeze of Cleo's fingers on Samuel's head was missed by this handsome man. A small scream that was getting faster and faster, until Samuel really couldn't contain his urge.

He slowly opened the barrier between the two of them, gently rubbing the long hard object, which he was about to enter Cleo's dark valley.

"Dadhh... hmmfh...!"

Samuel shifted his daughter's position to stay comfortable, without waiting long, penetrating with feeling.


Cleo squeezed the chewy fruit, for Samuel to really do it in a different style. A beauty who is speechless, she just wants to be satisfied by a Samuel Van Dijk.

"It's not an addiction, DadI just want you to always remember me, not Mami Vika," a devil-like smile, smirking at Cleo's sexy lips, waiting for Samuel to end their game on the plane.