
Cleopatra's Divorce

Marriage based on love, is a very pleasant thing for both people who love each other. What, if the child who has been raised, but has power and strength, which is not known by his adoptive parents. to dare to do the craziest things, to do anything to avenge him. Cleopatra, dares to play crazy with Sam, who is her first love Daddy. The affair he did, angered Vika, Samuel's beloved wife, and had to deal with a woman who is usually called baby. Who is Cleopatra? Check out the heart-wrenching story of revenge and the dilemmas of a world of revenge love. Cleopatra's Divorce...

Taishan_SV_6809 · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Cleo's surprise.

Early in the morning, the sun shone on the room which was still tightly closed with white curtains at the Joe Jonas Family residence, one of the Samuel family who live in Melbourne.

Both eyes refused to open, after a few times, Samuel and Cleo did it again and again, making it difficult for the girl to move.

Cleo slowly opened her eyes, seeing Samuel still sleeping without covering his body. His strong hands were still wrapped around the thin belly of the girl he loved so much.

Cleo's body still ached, especially at the bottom it was getting sore. The girl slowly got out of bed, slowly stepped into the bathroom. the lower half seemed to be ripped, because of the handsome man's size, making it difficult for Cleo to say no to Samuel.

"Uuuugh, this really hurts. Daddy's really a hobby, he doesn't want to forgive me. This is the first time he's wearing various styles. iiiighs," Cleo grumbled reaching for the clothes and towels she was going to take to the bathroom.

Cleo splashed her body with warm water, enjoying every drop of water that flowed, without her realizing that the strong hands wrapped around her slender stomach again.

"Aaaaug... Daddy...!" cried Cleo spoiled.

"Surprised huh?" whispered Samuel in the ear of his daughter, who continued to start the action.

"Dad... I want to go to college, today I have class," Cleo wanted to refuse but her body, very well responded to Samuel's touch.

"Later you go to college, Daddy goes to Jakarta, okay, remember never be naughty, because Daddy will ask Uncle Joe to take care of you," Samuel kissed and continued to lick the body of his beloved daughter, who was enjoying his touch more and more.

Samuel slowly leaned Cleo's body against the wall, playing with his fingers on the part that became his current addiction. The grip of that strong left hand, was very warm for a half-blood girl who only lived alone when Samuel wasn't there.

"Promise Daddy you will never have this relationship with another man. Daddy will always be here, you understand?"

Samuel looked at Cleo's beautiful face, back through the narrow cave with a happy feeling.

"Dad...!" Cleo whined as the big, hard object shot inside.


Samuel carried the girl's body, supporting Cleo's head so as not to hit it. The sighs of the two people, who are quite far apart in age, echoed even more.


Groaned Cleo, as Samuel's lips landed on the girl's springy object, which was still solid and very intoxicating.

"Hmm, this is so delicious baby... I like it...!"

Samuel, turning Cleo's body, opened her legs slightly, asking her daughter to put her hands on the wall. while both of Samuel's hands, still in the spongy part, the big hard object, tried to break through the dark cavern which was very biting for a grown man of Samuel's age.

"Oooogh.. Daddy..!!"

"Enjoy baby, I make you fly into the clouds," Samuel really seemed to be hypnotized by the curves of his beloved daughter Cleo's sexy body, because he was able to give her satisfaction and comfort.

Sure enough, for more than an hour they were under the hot water, making her daughter Cleopatra scream, groan, enjoying all the beautiful games that Samuel gave, from night to morning.

Cleo loves Samuel very much, since he was adopted by the family of Joe Jonas brother Avicii, because they have no children since marrying his wife Vika.

Cleo is the family of the deceased Avicci brother, and has a lot of wealth. the biggest media company that Cleo's parents had provided, as a legacy that would never pass to anyone so the girl actually took over the company without Samuel and Vika knowing.

As far as Samuel knows, Cleo is a treasure from Joe Jonas's family because they have not had children since their nine years of marriage.

Samuel is part of the number three company MegaCLA Group based in Jakarta, while Vika is a well-known Notary.

Samuel slowly pulled the big thing, from the narrow cave that was perfect, kissing the beautiful back of the princess.

"You tired?" Samuel whispered into the tired looking girl's ear.

Cleo nodded, kissing Samuel's lips coquettishly.

Samuel quickly took a towel to cover his daughter's body, carried her slender body into the room, wrapped her beautiful body again.

"Are you coming with Daddy to Jakarta? We live in an apartment, if you need to continue studying there. Don't be here, Daddy's worried," said Samuel, asking the Maid to prepare breakfast that morning.

Cleo whimpered spoiledly, "No aaagh Dad, I don't want to spoil Momi's mood again by seeing my face. I can't be away from Daddy. We've always loved each other, until now."

Samuel took a deep breath, he confirmed Cleo's words, because Vika was very jealous of the spoiled nature of their favorite daughter.

How Vika is not jealous, Cleo's spoiling is sometimes very unreasonable, to make Samuel actually do things that no one can imagine.

Cleo's spoiled nature always breaks Vika's heart, if Samuel and his adopted daughter, make out to each other.

The beautiful sight of Cleo's springy part, which is very large and dense, makes Vika emotional when her husband is busy hugging his daughter.

"But if Mommy doesn't get mad at me like a few months ago, I want to come along. As far as I know, Daddy's going to Singapore right? Not to Australia?"

Samuel nodded, gently stroked Cleo's head, gave his daughter fresh milk, to restore the condition of the body that was tired of serving his desires.

Cleo, went back to eating two sandwiches, and a bowl of her favorite cream soup.

"Dad... what if I'm pregnant?" Cleo snuggled into Samuel's strong arms.

Samuel shook his head "Don't get pregnant just yet!"


Cleo's eyes widened instantly, hearing Samuel's words, who refused to be pregnant, this was Cleo's biggest surprise.

"Why do we do it Dad...if you're afraid I'm pregnant...?" annoyed Cleo patted Samuel's shoulder.

Samuel hugged his daughter, to keep calm and not think about stupid things, which could never happen.