
Vol.5 Chapter 7: Makoto Takatsuki Heads for Cameron

Chapter 7: Makoto Takatsuki Heads for Cameron

I'd been training my magic and stroking Twi, when out of the blue, Fujiyan came up and asked me a question.

"My esteemed Tackie, would you like to travel to Cameron?"

"Cameron?" I repeated. I hadn't ever been there, but I was fairly sure it was north of Roses, even more so than Highland.

"Lady Chris has safely taken on the post of the lady of the land, and I, myself, have gained a peerage. Therefore, I wish to give my thanks to the head of the Franz Trading Company for the support we

received," Fujiyan explained. "How would you feel about joining us?

The capital is a true melting pot of culture, and the country as a whole is very much alive with trade."

"Huh..." I pondered for a moment. "Sounds fun."

A city of trade? Highland's capital conducted a lot of business, but the class divisions there were suffocating. Cameron seemed much freer without all those restrictions.

However, Princess Sophia had said that I should go to Springrogue or Great Keith next, so I decided to check with her before making a decision.


"I do not mind," she answered.

I'd visited Princess Sophia in the church, in a space she was using as an office. After speaking, she let out a soft sigh and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Is she tired? I wondered.

"I'll take Fujiyan's airship," I told her. "We'll be away from Macallan for a week or so."

"I suppose I should also take advantage of the opportunity," she said. "It would be a good chance to offer my own greetings to the most influential people in Cameron. I will arrange documents stating such, so please, take them with you."

"Understood, Princess Sophia," I affirmed.

However, she didn't respond further. She rose from her chair,

putting a halt to any work she'd been doing, and approached me. Her face was emotionless, as usual.


"Pardon?" she asked. She'd gotten closer and was now standing right next to me. From her slightly shorter height, she gazed up into my eyes meaningfully.


When I called her by her given name, she smiled happily and brought her face closer to mine. "I would honestly prefer to accompany you..." she murmured. "However, I cannot leave Roses for the


"I'll be back as soon as I am able."

Just standing with her in the middle of the room felt kind of awkward, so I flicked my eyes over to a wine-red-colored sofa, indicating that we should sit. The two of us sank down into the cushions, and Princess Sophia let her head fall softly onto my shoulder.

"To think that you are leaving me so alone... What a coldhearted man you are."

"I didn't—"

She interrupted my protest. "It was a joke." She smiled up at me and I put an arm gently around her.

"I'll be back as soon as I am able," I repeated.

"In which case," she whispered, her voice caressing my ear, "I will take as much as I can before you leave..." She was flushed red up to

her own ears as she put her arm around my waist. Gently, she closed her dark eyes.

My body felt hot. I wasn't so unfeeling that I'd do nothing...not when she was like this.

Go for it! Have your way with her! cried Noah.

Remember to use protection, Mako! added Eir.

I could've done without the commentary from the peeping goddesses. Pipe down in the peanut gallery! I thought sharply at them.

When I didn't immediately make a move, Princess Sophia cracked her eyelids open to look at me questioningly. "Makoto...?"

Enough distraction. At once, I shook off the goddesses' commentary and kissed the princess.

Afterward, she turned her lidded eyes my way once more. "Makoto...I love you."

"That's...an honor," I managed.

The cold indifference she'd shown me when we'd first met had melted away like ice.

"Mmh...Makoto," she murmured, moving in for another kiss.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and answered with a kiss of my own. We spent a while making out like that. The door was

locked, so it wasn't like we would be interrupted.

They're not doing anything! Just kissing... I heard Noah complain.

That disciple of yours is such a late bloomer. Your precious Sophie isn't assertive enough.

True, noted Eir. Lucy and Aya are strong rivals. She'll have to try harder...

You shouldn't forget Furiae either.

The peanut gallery was still going at it... Would I get any break at all once Sophia and I were married?

I let out a mental sigh.


That night, we all met up at the guild, and I took the opportunity to tell Lucy, Sasa, and Furiae about the plans for tomorrow.

"So, we're heading for Cameron," I explained. "Well, I don't mind that..." Lucy replied.

"But where were you today?" Sasa asked.

"Wh-What's with you both?" I sputtered, unnerved by the chill in their voices.

"This food is delicious, my knight," Furiae said. She was, as ever, off in her own world. The table was indeed laden with food, including tomato pasta and ham pizza.

"Your neck looks red, Makoto. Insect bites?" "I can smell a woman on you, Takatsuki..."

Both Lucy and Sasa had cornered me. Uh, what? Why does it feel like I'm up on the stand?

But then, Furiae spoke up. "The mage and warrior searched for you earlier. Unfortunately, it would appear that you were in the midst of a rendezvous with another woman." She grinned through cheeks full of pizza.

I felt a chill run down my spine. "Princess? D-Don't say things like that."

Lucy and Sasa looked sharply at me.

"Who were you with?" asked Lucy. "Mary? Or some other adventurer, maybe?"

"There were some girls going on and on about how they were talking with you at the guild earlier," Sasa said accusingly.

Lucy's red eyes and Sasa's darker pair were trained on me with such intensity... I couldn't do anything but surrender.

"I-I was with Princess Sophia..." I admitted. Both of their mouths dropped open.

"You got with a princess?!"

"A rendezvous with your boss..."

Wait, that wasn't... "You two, hold on a minute!" I'd actually gone to see Sophia so I could get permission for the trip to Cameron. And then, well...a bit more than that happened.

"I guess they are going to be married," Lucy mused. Sasa sighed. "Oh well."

After that, both of them seemed to calm down.

I-I'm off the hook?

The meal picked back up after that, and as we finished eating, I filled the three girls in on some details. "It'll take about a week for the round trip, so get your stuff together."

"Got it," Lucy replied.

"Fuu, let's go buy some stuff for the trip," Sasa added. "Sure. Though what exactly would 'stuff' be?"

"You'll stand out looking like that, so maybe some plainer clothes?" Lucy suggested.

"I-I will?" asked Furiae. "I don't really know what you mean, but I suppose you can both take the lead."

It seemed that the three of them were going to do some shopping. Honestly, I didn't have anything to get ready; I'd just buy whatever I needed once we got there.

"Makoto, we're going now!" Lucy exclaimed. "There're places still open?"

"Nina said Fujiwara's is always open." "Seriously?"

Apparently, the Fujiwara Firm was—at least for us—a 24/7 shop. Now that I thought about it, Nina was Fujiyan's wife, so she was a noble now... Well, whatever. He was always telling me not to hold myself back.

Furiae asked if I was coming, but I told them I had stuff to do and just waved as they left.

Earlier, I'd walked up to the reception desk to tell Mary that I'd be leaving town. I was a hero now, so I needed to notify the guild whenever I was traveling afar.

"What, you're already going away again?!" had been Mary's— expected—complaint. "Well, you just have to wait until I get off work."

That'd been a few hours ago, so now, true to my word, I was waiting here for her.

While I was spacing out around the guild stalls, she came up to me wearing her casual clothes.

"You just barely got back...and now you're heading off again," she

complained, looking sulkily at me. She grabbed my arm tightly. "Well, now you're stuck with me until closing!"

I was unable to say no to her face, so I decided to just go along with it. "R-Right... We're leaving tomorrow afternoon, so tonight should be fine."


We ended up at the same bar she'd taken me to before I'd left for Labyrinthos. Mary spent a while complaining about her job at the guild. Apparently, the increase in monster activity had been hard on her too...

Eventually, the barkeep announced, "We're closing soon."

We left as the bar shut down for the night; however, Mary

complained that she hadn't gotten enough to drink yet. "Let's carry on here," she said, pointing at a brick apartment building.

This place was familiar to me as well. "You live here, right?" I asked. "Yup. Let's go."

She pulled me along...and we ended up having an after-party.

"Here you go," she said. "Wine-soaked fruit. Also, we've got some nuts and cheese for snacks."

"Thank you," I replied. She handed me a fancy glass filled with sangria, and I toasted with her before taking a sip. The drink was nice and sweet, but the wine made it pretty strong... I'd need to take little sips so I didn't get wasted.

"Hey, Makoto?" asked Mary. She sat down next to me and leaned into my side.


Wait... This might be...the first time I've ever been alone with a woman in her personal room...

When I'd been with Princess Sophia, it had been in a workspace, not a private room. As for Lucy, Sasa, and Furiae, well...they were normally all together in the end. Besides, when that happened, we were usually in my room, not any of theirs. Honestly, I hadn't gotten many chances to go into a woman's room.

My heart suddenly started to race at the realization. "So...why do you keep vanishing?" asked Mary.

I gave a rueful smile. "How many times have we had this

conversation?" I'd already explained the reasons behind my excursions—all of them had been either for my work as a hero or by decree of a goddess (well, more or less).

"No," she countered, "I'm not having it." "Then I don't know what to tell you."

"You're going to marry the princess and move to the capital, right? You'll never come back to the sticks, back to a place like this. At the very least, you could spend some time here before you're gone for good."

"I'm not going to move," I assured her. "I like Macallan too much." "Men always just say what we want to hear!"

"Is...that what your ex did?"

"You're not going to get anywhere if you ask about a woman's past like that..." she murmured, leaning even more heavily on me. Her breathing was already slowing down.

She'll probably be asleep before long.

"I won't pass out," she said suddenly. "I'm not letting you sleep tonight."

"Did...you just read my mind?" I asked, startled by her second wind.

What was coming next?

"Listen up! I had my eyes on you first...and now you're one of two heroes that our country has."

"You and Lucas were the only people who were nice to me...back when I got that nickname," I said, reminiscing. It felt like so long ago now.

I was looking off into the distance, still thinking back, when Mary called out to me. I turned to see what she wanted.



Hot breath and the scent of alcohol filled my mouth. She'd...kissed me.

"You let your guard down, Mr. Hero," she giggled.

"W-Well, that was sudden," I said, placing a hand over my mouth.

I drained my glass to distract her from how much her kiss had gotten to me...and choked slightly on the drink. Mary giggled more and I couldn't look her in the eye—I just stared aimlessly around the room.

"Uh..." I muttered.

She refilled my now empty glass. "You don't need to panic," she remarked with an alluring sigh. She twined her hand through the crook of my arm.

Her actions seemed really at ease. Not at all like Lucy and Sasa... "No thinking of other girls," she scolded.

"Seriously, how're you doing that?!" Does she have Mind Reading as well?

"You're just too obvious."

I was...obvious? Well, I didn't have much experience in hiding my emotions, so it was no surprise that an older woman could see through me.

"You're so cute right now," she trilled. "Just like when you first came to the guild."

"Guh! I've grown! I've got experience now!" "Then can you keep me company until morning?" "Obviously!" I exclaimed, taking her challenge.

And so, I decided to spend the night with her.


When I stirred awake, it was to the sight of an unfamiliar room.

Uh...I drank at Mary's place last night...and then...

I didn't remember anything after that.

Mary was in the bed. Should I wake her up?

The thought had barely crossed my mind when her eyes snapped open.

"Morning, Makoto. You were so manly last night. ♡" "What?!"

H-Had I finally climbed the stairs to adult— Noah cut me off. Nope, you didn't.

You fell asleep at the first step, Eir added.

W-Well...that felt like a waste. I turned back to Mary. "You shouldn't lie," I told her after a moment.

"Oh, you remember it. Should have gone for it." She stretched widely. The thin nightwear showed off the lines of her body perfectly... Hot.

Suddenly, she shucked her clothes off like it was nothing. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

"Eh? I'm having a shower and then going to work...?"

"Say something before you start stripping!" I begged, swiftly turning around.

"I don't mind if you look," she remarked. "Oh, and we're leaving together! No heading off ahead by yourself." At that, she vanished

into the bathroom. It wasn't long before I heard running water and humming.

I just couldn't calm down.

Guess I should wash up as well... I used my water magic to clean myself and my clothes.

After her shower, Mary came in again wearing nothing but a towel. I glanced away.

"Which set of underwear should I wear today? Makoto, you choose." "Whichever one!"

"Nope, I'm not putting anything on until you pick." "The black ones, then!"

"Oh, you like these?" She grinned, sliding them provocatively onto her body.

Did we really not do anything last night?! She was getting really,

blatantly close.

Even as we sat down and ate the sandwiches she'd made, Mary was right at my side. And unlike last night, she was in a much better mood. We spent time at her place until the guild was due to open, and then we finally left.

"I'm going to the guild, what about you?" she asked.

"I'm heading out of Macallan—it's time to board Fujiyan's airship."

"We're going opposite directions then. Aww..." She pouted. "You're already leaving."

"I'll only be gone for a week."

"But then you'll be going somewhere else, won't you?" "Uh, well..." I didn't have a good response to that.

"Whatever. You said you'll be in Macallan in the future, so I'll choose to believe you."

Did I really make that promise? I suppose I don't have any real inclination to live elsewhere.

"I'll be back. Definitely."

"Great! Good luck!" she cheered.

Suddenly, she grabbed my head and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me deeply.

About a dozen seconds passed before she broke away.

"Ack! I'm late! Bye!" She immediately rushed off, and I waved at her as she left.

I'd...spent the night together with the "sister" that'd treated me like a little brother before now. There was an indescribable sense of satisfaction filling my heart.

Guess I've grown up!

But then, an alarm started blaring in my mind. A beat later, my head started to throb. S-Sense Danger? Now? What on earth?!

You already know, don't you? Noah asked.

Mako... remarked Eir. You make me so sad...

Those two made it sound like I was on trial...

However, I soon understood. Simultaneously, three voices called out my name...from the depths of hell. It was Lucy, Sasa, and Princess Sophia...each one was staring darkly at me.

Why were they here?!

You didn't go home last night, so obviously they came looking for you, Noah drawled.

And I gave Sophie a revelation of where you were!

Wait, Eir'd snitched on me?!

I spent the time we had left before our departure getting chewed out by the princess. And on the airship, Lucy and Sasa took turns scolding me.

Furiae just ignored me and played with Twi.


Our flight soon landed in the capital of Cameron, Bassoon.

Cameron was located on the northern coast of the continent and was a thriving center of commerce. Geographically, it was the closest country to the northern continent—the nesting grounds of the demons—so it was surrounded by three layers of walls. Cameron also had the highest concentration of financial institutions on the continent.

On top of that, Cameron was a crossroads for trade. The vast amount of weaponry and armor made in the neighboring country of Caol Ilan passed through Cameron, and not just to the other countries on this continent—wares were also sent along trade routes to the eastern and southern continents.

All of this led to Cameron being a thriving mix of races and people.

"So, what are your thoughts on Cameron?" Fujiyan asked grandly, pointing at the crowded market town.

Sasa seemed in awe. "There are tons of stores here!" "Aya, Fuuri, let's go shopping!" Lucy exclaimed.

"So many large buildings," Furiae murmured. "Incredible..." It seemed like the three of them were going out to explore.

"I shall be venturing to speak with the head of the Franz Trading Company," Fujiyan said. "My esteemed Tackie, will you be joining

me? The Franz Trading Company building is both the owner's home and his store. It's considered by some to be the best shop on the


So Fujiyan, Nina, and Chris would be going there. Chris would also need to report that she was now in charge of Macallan.

"Takatsuki, let's go find somewhere to eat!" Sasa urged, tugging on my arm. "I bought a map already."

Both the girls' plans and Fujiyan's sounded like good options, but...

"Sorry, I need to go to the Temple of Time."

Though I really did want to go with them, I had to turn everyone down. There was a task I needed to complete—Princess Sophia had told me to give her greetings to Estelle, priestess for the Goddess of Fate. It was an important job from the princess, so I figured that I should probably get it done first.

"Should we come with you?" Lucy suggested.

"You don't need to worry about it," I said. "I've been told it'll take a long time to get an audience with Estelle. Apparently, she's really popular."

"Indeed!" Fujiyan remarked. "She is a difficult person to meet as a commoner... If I may, I would also like to accompany you."

"Right, you follow Ira, don't you?" I asked.

Ira, otherwise known as the Goddess of Fate, was Cameron's patron deity. She had many faithful followers, even outside the country, so her priestess would inevitably be very popular. Fujiyan was a strong believer in Ira, so he most definitely would like to meet the priestess.

"My husband..."

"Sir Michio..."

Nina and Chris both wore slightly pinched looks.

Well, priestesses were women, so I guess the newlyweds didn't want Fujiyan to meet her... It was probably best not to invite any of them.

"I'll go on my own," I decided. "We're all staying in the same place, right?"

"We are. It's high-class lodging known by the name Sheeraton. I will provide you with a map."

"Thanks, Fujiyan."

With all that sorted, I headed for the Temple of Time. "So many people..." I mumbled.

The Temple of Time was packed. A whole crowd of people was gathered, ready to offer prayers for success in work or academics. Various spots on the temple's grounds were taken up by clergy members—they looked to be performing rituals that looked like exorcisms, along with selling talismans and the like. This place was just like some of the more famous shrines in Japan.

The figure most in demand was, of course, Estelle—the Priestess of the Goddess of Fate—and there were various conditions you had to fulfill to meet her directly. I'd brought a letter of introduction from Princess Sophia, so I could get an audience despite those

stipulations. However, Estelle's schedule was full today, so the receptionist asked me to come back tomorrow.

There was a queue of dozens of people that were lined up facing the largest set of doors in the temple, and they were all either knights clad in shining armor or nobles dressed up in finery.

They sure make bank here...

With slightly impolite thoughts running through my mind, I took the appointment slip from the receptionist.

Since I was now done here for the day, I needed to decide whether to meet up with the girls or Fujiyan...

I didn't know where any of them were, though, so I was somewhat stuck.

"Oh! Are you not Hero Makoto of Roses?" came a musical voice.

I turned around and saw a woman with shining golden hair and deep blue eyes. "Princess Noelle?" I asked. The princess of Highland was now standing in front of me.

I was just about to offer a proper genuflection as a greeting, but she stopped me before I could. "I do not need such formalities from the hero who saved our city," she remarked with a wide smile, putting me at ease.

"What brought you here?" I asked.

"I needed to take some of Estelle's time to discuss the Northern Front Plan. Though, I do feel somewhat bad for the people that have had to wait..."

Huh... I had to wait a whole day to get an appointment with Estelle, even with Princess Sophia's introduction, but another princess of the same rank was able to immediately jump the queue...

"Well, goodbye," I said, making my excuses as I went to slip past her and the Temple Knights that were flanking her. I'd been concerned that it was rude to stand and talk to her in the middle of the crowded temple. However, she stopped me from leaving.

"What a shame," she lamented. "Fate has allowed us to meet, so we should spend some time talking. Which inn is accommodating you during your time in Bassoon?"

"We're at the Sheeraton," I answered.

"Wonderful! That is close to my lodgings. Let us head that way together."

She was a princess from the biggest country on the continent, and on top of that, was the next in line to the throne. Refusing would probably be rude...

"Then, I look forward to the trip," I said, agreeing to her plan.

The princess was great at moving conversation along. Even I could keep up a discussion with her, despite my shyness.

"Is Sophia not here?" she asked.

"Nah. She had too much work in Roses."

"What a shame. Apparently, there have been more monster stampedes as of late."

"There have," I confirmed. "The town we live in just weathered one, actually."

"Oh my. What happened?"

"Well, with everyone that lives there..." I began, launching into the tale as we strolled through the capital.


The princess ended up guiding me to the Sheeraton. She came to the city fairly regularly, so she was well-versed on the routes through it.

I spent most of the walk feeling awkward about a princess effectively being a tour guide, though I did my best to keep the conversation flowing. We were almost there when I heard someone call out my surname.

It had come from someone wearing silver armor—he had light-

brown hair framing a face that would've looked right at home in a boy band.

"Oh, Sakurai," I answered with a wave of my own. "Fancy running into you in Cameron." By his side stood a particular dark-haired beauty.

Uh, wasn't she with Lucy and Sasa?

Before I could voice the question, Princess Noelle trotted forward. "I- It's been a while, Furiae," she stammered, tugging on Sakurai's arm.

"It has," Furiae responded. "Not long enough, though." "What are you doing with Ryousuke?"

"I don't see any need to tell you."

I could almost see the sparks flying between them. Memories of imprisonment must have still been fresh in Furiae's mind.

"I saw a friend earlier and found out Takatsuki was in town," Sakurai explained.

A friend? So...Fujiyan?

"I...see," Princess Noelle answered, looking uneasily between Sakurai and Furiae's faces.

I guessed that she felt like she'd just caught her fiancé in the middle of an affair. Deciding that I didn't want to stick my head any further into this mess, I tried to slip past them.

"Wait, my knight," Furiae called out, stopping me. "Ryousuke's here to see you. Where do you think you're going?"

"Huh? Oh, right. Yeah."

Damn... I was just unconsciously trying to avoid the hassle.

"Since you're with Noelle, did you go to the temple?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Was going to see the Priestess of Fate. Didn't get the chance, though." I shrugged.

"I've never met her either. She's apparently an amazing woman."

"Oh... Even you haven't met her?" Just what kind of person is she? I was looking forward to tomorrow.

"When'd you get here?" I asked him, changing the topic.

"A couple of days ago, by airship. I..." Suddenly, he trailed off and glanced to the side.

I followed suit. "Clear off."

"I do not answer to you."

Furiae and Princess Noelle seemed moments away from a blowup. "Princess, calm down," I said to Furiae.

"I am calm."


"You too, Noelle," Sakurai added.

"R-Right... My apologies," she answered. At least he'd managed to soothe her.

"Weren't you with Lucy and Sasa?" I asked Furiae.

"I was. We went shopping... The two of them said they'd visit dozens of stores though, and I couldn't keep up."

"Right... They're a lively pair."

Lucy was physically fit from her training as an adventurer, and Sasa had exceptional physical capabilities. Furiae would have indeed found it tough to keep up with that combination.

"They are," she said. Then, she grabbed at my sleeve and tugged on it slightly. "Incidentally, Ryousuke wishes to speak with you. The

three of us should go somewhere to do so."

"Hmm, I mean, it's not like I know anywhere around here..." I'd never been to Cameron before, so I had no idea what was in the area.

While I was thinking over where we could go, Princess Noelle hurriedly interrupted the conversation. "Hold a moment." She turned to Furiae. "Why would you be joining them?!"

"Why would I not? He is my guardian knight, so of course I would join him."

"Th-Then...I would do the same because Ryousuke is my fiancé!"

So Princess Noelle would be tagging along as well... Would it cause a problem with her work?

Furiae stared flatly at her. "There aren't many shops a royal can visit, so we wouldn't be able to have a relaxed conversation."


Noelle seemed like she was on the ropes. Still, I owed her for showing me the way here, so I decided to offer a hand.

I looked at Furiae. "Princess, don't be mean. She can come with us, right?"

Furiae glared unhappily back at me. "Whose side are you on?" "Thank you..." Princess Noelle murmured after a moment.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Sakurai asked, seeking to change the subject.

"No, actually. I'm pretty hungry."

"Want to eat with me, then?" he offered. "Noelle and Furiae are welcome as well."

Princess Noelle's face brightened instantly, and it was matched in opposite intensity by Furiae's sour expression.

"Princess," I said, addressing Furiae. "That look's a waste of your beauty."

"Silence, traitor," she spat, glaring. Clearly, she was still sore about me helping Princess Noelle.

"Well, lead the way then," I said to Sakurai. "Sure." He smiled, guiding us into the town.


Soon, we arrived at a relatively normal-looking diner. I'd been sure that he was gonna take us to some high-class restaurant.

"I've never been anywhere like this," Princess Noelle marveled, eyes wide.

"Isn't this rather expensive, my knight?" Furiae asked me, looking over the menu and frowning.

"Nah, this is about normal." You couldn't really compare the cost of food in a full restaurant (especially one in a capital city) to the prices charged by the cheap stalls around Macallan's guild.

"You come here a lot, then?" I asked Sakurai.

"Nope. Actually, this is the first time I've been here. One of my friends in the Soleil Knights told me about it. They're all regulars apparently." He passed me a menu. "So, what'll you have?"

I glanced over it. "Hmmm, I'll start with an ale," I decided. "I'll...have white wine, I think," Furiae followed up.

"I guess I'll have the same as you, Takatsuki. Noelle?"

"What? Oh, I need to choose for myself... What should I have?" She looked lost.

Yep, she was definitely royalty if she normally didn't even need to pick from a menu...

"This would probably be an easy drink," Sakurai said, immediately pointing at the menu.

Seeing that, Furiae turned to me. "I am hungry, my knight." "Then...order something?" I told her.

"You choose."

"But I've never been here..." I protested. Still, a quick look at the menu was all I needed—Furiae liked meat dishes, so I ordered a ham steak and some grilled meat on the bone.

"Why such heavy food?" she complained.

"I thought you liked this stuff?" I asked, confused. She was always enjoying skewers and thick joints of ham from the stalls in Macallan.

"I do," she said with an unhappy look, "but I wanted something more refined while we're here."

Man, this stuff's difficult. I wanted to pull a Sakurai and be all smooth with it...

When our drinks arrived, all four of us toasted.

Princess Noelle seemed to be enjoying the food, even if I wasn't sure about ordering such casual fare for royalty. Though, she didn't quite seem to understand how to go about eating it and was struggling a bit.

Furiae, on the other hand, was used to eating this type of food with the adventurers in Macallan. In fact, her cheeks were fully stuffed with meat.

You could eat a bit more neatly, y'know...

"You've gotten really bold now," Sakurai said to her, shooting a sidelong grin at me.

"It's because my knight always treats me so roughly, despite me being no adventurer."

"You're the one that decided to tag along to deal with goblins," I countered.

"Goblins...?" Sakurai asked. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"My Charm skill meant that there was no danger," Furiae declared proudly. It was kind of cute how she puffed up.

"Yeah, she even got the goblin king with it," I added. I'd been panicking then, but it'd worked out...and the other two certainly seemed interested in the story.

A bit later, Princess Noelle said, "You seem to be enjoying Roses, Furiae."

"You have no right to say that," was Furiae's only response. "Please...don't be so hostile."

Furiae stared for a moment longer before seeming to decide that her animosity had been too sharp. "Sorry," she apologized, averting her eyes.

The two of them really don't get along...

"Oh, Commander!" a young man suddenly called out from behind Sakurai. "You decided to check the place out after all! And with another new woman? Vice Commander Saki'll be jealous." He was wearing the same armor as the Soleil Knights, so he was probably one of Sakurai's men.

"Some guys have all the luck," he continued. "What kind of beauty are you wi—" He trailed off and froze when he saw Princess Noelle at our table.

"Come on," chided the knight's friend as he walked up. "This new girl can't be that—" Again, stunned silence as he reacted the same way to Princess Noelle's presence.

Both of the knights' faces had gone ashen. "L-Lady Noelle?!" the two exclaimed in unison. Apparently, they'd been focused on Furiae and hadn't noticed that their princess was also there...

"Pay me no mind," said Princess Noelle with a blank face.

"Excuse us!" they cried—again in unison—before immediately retreating.

"See?" Furiae said. "Royals make commoners get all concerned."

"I don't think that's the problem here," I replied, unable to resist a short laugh.

"Incidentally, Ryousuke," said Princess Noelle with a fixed smile. "What did they mean by 'another new woman'?"

"N-Noelle?" he managed, his own smile stiffening.

"You have so many fiancées...and it is still not enough? This will not do."

I could practically hear the menace in her words... She was maaad. "That, my knight, is a domineering woman," Furiae muttered to me.

"Domineering?" Princess Noelle's head snapped to look at us. "I am not domineering! This is normal!"

"I'm not so sure about that," Furiae commented. "My knight has both the mage and warrior as lovers, and the two remained calm when he made a move on Princess Sophia. That is a non-

domineering woman."

"Wait a minute..." I started. That...doesn't seem exactly accurate. I distinctly remember enduring a lot of lecturing from Lucy and Sasa.

"He...was with Sophia?!" Noelle exclaimed.

"There aren't issues with her being a priestess?" Sakurai wondered. "Well, Eir gave permission, so..."

Hang on, I thought, I'm in the line of fire now!

As I tried to sidestep that conflict, my Listen skill picked up something interesting.

"That ghost ship is a problem," said a nearby voice. "Sure is. Business is damned."

"We pay all the ridiculous taxes, so I wish they'd use them! Send the army in."

Ghost ships are a thing in this world?!

"Hey, Sakurai," I said, bringing up the topic, "you hear anything about a ghost ship in Cameron?"

"I have—the knights mentioned it. It's been showing up along trade routes, and it's causing issues with shipping."

"A ghost ship?" asked Furiae. "They need only exorcise it, right, my knight?"

"Exorcisms are part of moon magic, though, so there probably aren't many that can," I pointed out.

Whew, looks like I dodged the bullet from our previous conversation.

"Sir Makoto!" Princess Noelle demanded. "What is your relationship with Sophia?!"

Or not.

There was a blatant look of curiosity on her face and I ended up stuck and needing to explain myself...

The next day, I arrived at the Temple of Time once more, ready to meet Estelle. I got there thirty minutes early. For some reason, my name was called immediately.

"This way, Hero of Roses Sir Makoto Takatsuki. Lady Estelle is waiting."

Slightly nervous, I opened the door.

I'm just here to give greetings on behalf of Princess Sophia, so I shouldn't need to do anything difficult... "Shouldn't," of course, was the operative word in that statement.

There were no guards inside the room, just a single woman. She was wearing a fancy dress.

Security-wise, isn't that a bit...risky?

"I'm Makoto Takatsuki," I said, introducing myself.

"I know. Sit down." Her order was blunt, and it was hard to detect any amiability in her voice.

I did as she instructed and sat down in front of her. "Um... Thank you very much for grant—"

"Get to the point," she interrupted.

She sure is impatient. Well, she was a busy woman. I should get the greetings over with.

"I offer my greetings as Hero of Roses on behalf of Princess Sophia. I assume Ira will be at the center of the Northern Front Plan, and we of Roses will do our utmost to carry out our part of the plan."

My words seemed a bit ceremonial, but I did understand the point of greeting Estelle like this—Roses was a small country, and building relations was important.

The priestess didn't respond—she just looked sharply at me.

Eventually, she spoke. "I have a dilemma."

I looked questioningly at her. What did she mean?

"Were you aware," she began, "that as the Priestess of Fate, I can see the future?"

"Of course," I replied. Everyone knew that. Ira could see past and future, everything that had happened, and everything that would happen. As her priestess, Estelle had also gained some of that insight. That was why her assistance was so indispensable with the Northern Front Plan.

"Well, I cannot see the entire future," she continued. "You can't?"

I wasn't exactly knowledgeable about Fate Magic skills. Then again, I knew essentially nothing outside of the Water Magic skill tree.

"Firstly, I cannot see the futures of adherents to other gods...particularly, those zealous individuals whom the Sacred Deities cannot reach."

"Like members of the Snake Sect?" I asked.

"Indeed. I cannot see the future of those that put their faith in the daemons. Their fate appears almost clouded in mist..."

"That...would be a problem," I replied vaguely.

I didn't know about that. I guess fate magic isn't all-powerful.

"After all, fate magic is not all-powerful," she said. It was like she'd read my mind... "The Snake Sect is our enemy. It would be too much to ask to be able to know everything. However, we can defeat them if we can act correctly."

I let out a confused noise, not seeing where she was going with her statement.

"The Great Demon Lord will soon return," she stated. "Time is precious, and it is fair to say that the fate of the world rests upon each action we take. However...one of our allies has a clouded


The conversation had grown much tenser. I paused for a weighted moment. "There's a traitor?"

"A traitor would be easier to understand," she replied. "As I said, the Sacred Deities' power cannot reach zealous believers in other gods..." her eyes turned to jab into me like daggers. "Among us is a believer of...the Wicked Deity Noah."

Geh! In the line of fire again?!

"Hold on a minute!" I countered. "Eir gave her blessing for me to become a hero of Roses!" I was indeed a believer of Noah, and she was certainly treated as a wicked deity. I had Eir's permission,

though, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"And Eir is the cause of my dilemma," explained Estelle. "She permitted the disciple of a wicked deity to stand as a hero..."

She let out a hmph. I gulped.

"Hero Makoto Takatsuki of Roses. I have a request for you." "A request?"

After all that? I couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

"There has been a ghost ship haunting Cameron's shipping routes... Were you aware of it?"

"Well...more or less." I'd heard it brought up during lunch yesterday. At first, I'd thought it was gossip, but apparently, it was interfering with trade.

"I would like for you to investigate it."

"Uh, why me?" Cameron's military was far from weak. While it

wasn't on the same level as Highland's or Great Keith's, the country's finances meant that they were the most well-equipped forces.

"Three investigations have already been launched. Each has failed." "Failed?" I repeated.

"The ship in question uses some form of illusion—those who have confronted it have retained no memory of the ship."

"What does that have to do with—"

"Your RPG Player skill includes the ability to see the world from an outside perspective," she interrupted. "It should render the illusion ineffectual."

So she knew about my skill...

"Ira knows all the skills that people have. This enables the most suitable assignment of labor."

I let out a sigh—she'd seemingly read my mind again. A memory came back to me, and I pulled out my Soul Book.

This was written under the description of RPG Player:

A skill that lets its user view from the perspective of someone playing an RPG. You can see in 360 degrees! This is a unique skill that's exclusive to otherworlders, so you're one lucky guy!

—Goddess of Fortune, Ira


So...that excitable description had come from Ira?

Estelle cleared her throat. "Since the illusions will not affect you, I wish for you to investigate the ship. It shall not be an uncompensated task. Roses is likely spending a significant sum on defense against the increased monster activity. Cameron will be willing to support those costs. Would that be acceptable?" She'd asked me, but I could tell it was really more of a statement and not something I could refuse.

I looked the priestess in the eye and spoke. "I will undertake that investigation, Lady Estelle."

"Thank you. We will provide the ship, and you will leave the day after tomorrow. Get your preparations in order."

Apparently declaring the conversation over, the priestess left the room.

I...was neck-deep in trouble here.

Eir, she's not... I heard Noah murmur.

Nah, replied Eir, she can't be...

What was it?

Be careful, Makoto. Good luck, Mako.☆

I was slightly concerned, but neither of them would tell me what was going on.

So, that's how I got dragged into investigating a ghost ship.