
Clearing an Isekai with Zero believer goddess Fanfic

A Fanfic where Takatsuki Makoto is a bit smart and caring..... AND MOST OF ALL HIS NOT A FREAKING DENSE!!!!! well I know some of you is in the verge of dropping the novel because of the MC but still it's really good novel and great plot. The problem is the freaking MC who is Denseness is deeper than the Deep sea. well my mc here is have a bit inferiority complex but it's for the plot so he can grow so yeah.... enjoy. This is just a Fanfic I do not own the novel!!! I will still follow the original plot. I will add some POV or something that I can think to write, like bonus chap... Yeah this is just a Fanfic if there's a sentence error feel free to criticize.

WAR_END · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Overturn the world

By the time I open my eyes...

The one who greet me is Noah-sama but this time she seems a little bit different.

"Makoto, we are beginning today's meeting."(Noah)

I see Noah-sama is not in her usual suit.

She has a black tight skirt, and a white business shirt.

It's like a female teacher styles?

"It is good to see you in good health, Noah-sama. What is with that outfit?" (Makoto)

"We are aiming to overturn the world together! Don't I look like a reliable woman?" (Noah)

She pushes her glasses up as she says so.

When I look at her…

(I can only see it as cosplay…) (Makoto)

"How rude. Well, fine. You remember our objective, right?" (Noah)

"Eliminate the threat that is the Great Demon Lord. At the same time, lower the faith of the Holy Gods' believers, right?" (Makoto)

The Goddess writes on the whiteboard that is floating midair.

Then, 'Bam!' she slams the whiteboard.

"Now! What will we do from now on, Makoto?" (Noah)

The Goddess is really into this.

"Find strong comrades?" (Makoto)

I don't think I can overturn the world's system by myself.

"Nice answer. Then, who will you be making your ally specifically?" (Noah)

"Hmm, Sakurai-kun, maybe? The heroes?" (Makoto)

But they are strongly influenced by the Holy Gods, so it is most likely impossible to make them our allies.

"It doesn't sound bad. But even though the hero bunch is strong in terms of power, in terms of affecting the world, they have their limits." (Noah)

"Converting their religion to yours slowly would be impossible though?" (Makoto)

"That's right! That's why, our aim is these people!" (Noah)

What Noah-sama wrote on the whiteboard was…

"…Oracles? Eh?" (Makoto)

I feel really bad is going to happened here.

She grin like a beautiful villainess who scheming for a target heroine

"Hey! I can hear your thoughts you know!"

"Sorry about that Noah-sama"

It's true though...

She looking at me.

"Well, anyway you must raise your affection In this two Oracle's!"

Noah-sama write the name of the two princess in the white board.

"Your asking a difficult missions Noah-sama"

Princess noel is the fiance of sakurai-kun and I'm not good at dealing at her.

And as for princess Sofia...

I don't even know if I can go near on her...

She hates me(?) after all.

"It is okay! The opposite of like is disinterest. You can change hate to like!" (Noah)

"It is not going to go as smoothly as a galge game." (Makoto)

In the galge games that Fuji-yan likes, the heroins that hated the protagonist at first would fall in love completely in the middle.

But that's in games.

In my experience, once you get hated by a girl, you stay hated.

Because they always "Right" after all..

"Somehow you getting in my nerves Makoto"(Noah)

"Sorry about that Noah-sama..."(Makoto)

"Since you don't want sofia-chan. Then, how about stealing away Noel-chan?" (Noah)

What a thing to say...

"Spare me from that." (Makoto)

From all people, the girlfriend of Sakurai-kun?

There's no way I can do that.

I'm not a fan of NTR Noah-sama.

"In the first place, if I were to try something with the Oracles, wouldn't the Holy Gods retaliate?" (Makoto)

"Right. However, the Oracles of the Goddesses in your continent have massive influential power. Think about how your relationship will be with them. At the very least, that attitude from before is N.G(Not Good)." (Noah)

I see... Your right Noah-sama I really thought back then I will be executed.

Since the goddess guide me to do that I will simply going to obey.


Forming a good relationship on the Oracle is surely will help me.

"Can I say something too?" (Makoto)

"Fumu, go ahead and say it, Makoto." (Noah)

You don't have to push up your glasses each and every single time.

"I am thinking about telling Fuji-yan and my party about your objective and have them help out." (Makoto)

"Hmm, but they might not cooperate." (Noah)

"When that happens, I will give up. I won't force them." (Makoto)

"They might tattle on you to the Church, you know?" (Noah)

"They wouldn't do that. I trust them." (Makoto)

I responded slightly irritated.

"It was a joke. But be careful when choosing who to tell." (Noah)

Being exposed to being an Evil God believer would be bad after all.

"Got it. I will be careful and search for people I can trust." (Makoto)

"Right. First, from people close to you. I think that's a good idea." (Noah)

I have obtained the agreement of Noah-sama.

Then, I will talk with Fuji-yan, Lucy, and Sa-san.

"By the way, Noah-sama, when would it be okay to challenge the Deep Sea Temple?" (Makoto)

Saving the Goddess that is trapped in the Deep Sea Temple.

That's one of my true objectives.

It is not like I have forgotten.

But the Goddess scratched her head as if troubled.

"The Deep Sea Temple is being protected by the Leviathan of King Neptune." (Noah)

"I have heard about it." (Makoto)

In mythology.

"The divine beast, Leviathan…is stronger than the Great Demon Lord if you were to fight it inside the ocean." (Noah)

"…Eh?" (Makoto)

"We are talking here about a king of the demons that only ruled the surface world 1,000 years ago to a monster that has been the ruler of the sea for several tens of thousands of years. There's no need to compare." (Noah)

Even if you tell me that, the information written in the Adventurer Guild didn't have that.

Stronger than the last boss? Isn't that a hidden boss?

Well, no need to rush.

"I will first do something about the Great Demon Lord." (Makoto)

"Wise choice." (Noah)

Noah-sama nods several times with arms crossed.

Looks like it's about the time huh...

My vision is getting blurry now.

"Then, that's it for today." (Makoto)

Noah-sama hug me...

It makes my heart beat jump.

Then she looked at me and say.

"Bye bye." (Noah)

Noah-sama saw me off with her waving hand.

She seems to be having fun.