
Clearing an Isekai with Zero believer goddess Fanfic

A Fanfic where Takatsuki Makoto is a bit smart and caring..... AND MOST OF ALL HIS NOT A FREAKING DENSE!!!!! well I know some of you is in the verge of dropping the novel because of the MC but still it's really good novel and great plot. The problem is the freaking MC who is Denseness is deeper than the Deep sea. well my mc here is have a bit inferiority complex but it's for the plot so he can grow so yeah.... enjoy. This is just a Fanfic I do not own the novel!!! I will still follow the original plot. I will add some POV or something that I can think to write, like bonus chap... Yeah this is just a Fanfic if there's a sentence error feel free to criticize.

WAR_END · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


Old lady (POV)

"Makoto Kun be careful okay?"

I said to a young man that despite being an adult. He's still my student, that I guide.

Even though his classmates are a group of children his still eager to learn something new.

"With your magic, you can only defeat one monster," I said with a worried expression

Even though his other worlder, his weak..... And his still an apprentice mage

A apprentice mage adventuring alone is the same as like putting yourself in danger

" It's okay if anything happens, I will just run away with my thief skills"(Makoto)

He said to reassure me

"I could actually get you a job here in this temple though."

I always told him to work in the temple instead of putting himself in danger.

Seriously a apprentice mage with weak stats. Adventuring alone is like you want to kill yourself.

"If I do that, my 9 years of lifespan will come in the blink of an eye. I have to get Contributions for the Gods." (Makoto)

"It is a rough world." hah.... Seeing the determination in his eyes. It makes me believe that he will survive in any obstacle that prepared for him.

"Well then, I will be going." (Makoto) saying his goodbye

I said goodbye too and wish him luck. While seeing him to go on in his journey

And for the last moment, he looks back and waves his hand then proceed to walk in a straight patch.

What a good young man, I pray to the holy goddess that watch him over and get him away from any danger.

Makoto (POV)

It was a peaceful journey for a while.

The chirping of birds every now and then that could be heard from the forest was relaxing.

The brook that flows at the side of the mainroad is coming out from the lake of the Spirit Forest that extends at the back of the Water Temple.

The water contains the protection of the Spirits.

Thanks to that, it has the effect of making it hard for monsters to come near the stream.

That's why it is relatively safe to be close to the stream, and there's roads and settlements made because of it.

This includes the city closest to the Water Temple, Makkaren.

That is my first destination.

My friend Fuji-yan should be there.

I wonder if he is doing well.

I walk leisurely while feeling nostalgic.

I have Detection and Stealth activated all the time even when walking.

It is in order to not meet monsters and not get noticed by them as much as possible.

I can detect around a radius of 100 meters.

By the way, the Sage, Kawamoto-san, can detect in a radius of 5 kilometers. 50 times more.

Ain't fair, right?

At the very least, my Detection can find monsters hiding in the forest that runs along the main road.

I was enjoying the view in the beginning because this is my first journey, but with the neverending sight of the forest, the main road, and the brook, I am already bored of the sight.

"Might as well train." (Makoto)

Like I always do in the temple..... Raising my water proficiency, so I can control the water without chanting on it.

Clear my mind, and raise my mana.

"[Water Ball], [Water Ball], [Water Ball], [Water Ball], [Water Ball], [Water Ball], [Water Ball]." (Makoto)

I create 7 water balls from the stream.

Volleyball sized.

Normally, with my low mana, I wouldn't be able to make 7 water balls.

But if it is controlling nearby water, there's almost no need for mana.

There's only the need for a magic proficiency. 

It is apparently because you can control it by using the mana in the environment. 

The more you train with your magic, the better your proficiency gets.

By the way, it seems the strength of the skills also changes with the proficiency.

By increasing the proficiency, you get better at the generation speed and the control of the magic.

There's no losses in raising the proficiency as much as possible.

I have trained in this 1 year wholeheartedly without slacking.

The teacher gave me her seal of approval by saying that if it is only in water proficiency, it is more than High Grade.

It is just that the power is at elementary level.

"That's fatal though… Hm?" (Makoto)

There's a reaction from my Detection.

It is a bit disconnected from the main road, inside the forest.

"A person and monsters…?" (Makoto)

Looks like monsters are attacking a person.

I maintain stealth and silently get closer.

The wagon is surrounded by a group of goblins.

Four goblins are surrounding a merchant-looking man that is fighting back with his sword.

He is outnumbered.

Hm, should I save him?

If it were a game, I would go save him without hesitation.

Goblin battles are almost certain win events.

"If I were a hero, that is…" (Makoto)

Sadly to say, this is a survival isekai.

You won't respawn once you die. There's no such feature in this parallel world.

It is not like you come back with half of your money taken away.

Death is final.

And I'm still a apprentice mage.

If I abandon him, it will haunt me in my sleep.

But what's the point if I end up dying.

What should I do…

At that time, a game window suddenly appeared in front of me.

Don't save him ←

Save him

"Hm?" (Makoto)

What's this?

This is a first.

The effect of RPG Player?

Is there such a feature? I thought it's skill is for mapping and 360 degrees perspective.

I scratch my cheek.

I don't know, what is this but it looks "fun"

Choosing 'Don't save him' here would disqualify me as a man.

"Can't be helped. Let's do this." (Makoto)

I chose 'Save him'.

I approach the goblins and raise my mana.

I fix my aim so I don't hit the merchant.

[Water Magic: Ice Arrow]!

I turn the water balls I was using for training until now into ice arrows, and shoot them towards the goblins.

They all hit.


…As expected, I couldn't defeat them.

The goblins are bleeding heavily, but it didn't incapacitate them.

It was far.

But it should have damaged them somewhat.

"Oi, don't just Stan there hide." (Makoto)

I speak to the merchant-looking man that was being attacked.

"P-Please save me!" looks like he didn't hear me because he is panicking.

"Hah." (Makoto)

I normally maintain [Clear Mind] at 50%, but I set it at the highest that is 99%.

With this skill, the tension and fear dim.

I can concentrate solely on defeating the enemy.

The closest goblin begins to approach me.

Only one of the four is one size bigger.

Must be the leader of the goblins.

The remaining three are still surrounding the merchant.

The Goblin Leader is holding a rusted pitch black dagger.

I don't want to fight him in close combat.

I raise my mana till the goblin leader is at a distance where the weapon might or might not reach.

[Water Magic: Ice Needle]!


The ice magic I shot blinds the goblin.

An ice needle the size of a nail was shot into the eyeballs of the enemy.

It is a shabby spell, but it is effective against living beings that rely on their eyes.

I was wary about whether it would begin waving its weapon around wildly, but it let go of its dagger and was covering its eyes.


Without letting this chance escape, I take the dagger the goblin leader let go of.

I stab that dagger into the chest of the goblin, and…

[Water Magic: Cooling]

Elementary water magic that cools and freezes liquids.

Passing that through the dagger, I attack the blood of the opponent.

The body of the goblin twitches, and it collapses with a thud.

The killing move I did my best to think of with the low mana I have.

In the middle of a fight, I am always keeping the 360° view of the RPG Player skill.

The other three goblins were looking over here.

It has been going as planned until now.

But I am currently completely empty of mana.

I seriously lack mana…

2 of the 3 remaining goblins approach me.

I will lead them to the stream just like this.

I cannot fight without water.

I adjust my distance between the goblins while moving back.

There's still one goblin close to the merchant, but he should be okay if it is just that much.

The 2 goblins charge at me.


I activate the thief skill.

Without opening too much distance, I lead them to the stream.

Okay okay, if it is here, I can use as much water as I want.

The 2 goblins are getting really close.

[Water Magic: Surface Walk]

I gently…stand on the water surface.

This is the effect of the spell.

But the depth of the water is around the waist of an adult.

The goblins entered the stream and were trying to attack me.

Got them!

[Water Magic: Water Current]

I use water magic to wrap the water around the goblins.

The body and face of the goblins get surrounded by the water.

They grab their neck and go 'glup glup' as they showed signs of pain.

They shouldn't be able to breathe.

Drown just like that.

After 5 minutes, the goblins die.

"Fuuh, somehow managed." (Makoto)

I hurriedly returned to the merchant.