
Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

VS Rampaging Bison Part 2

"Isn't it that?" (Lucy)

I direct my gaze at where Lucy points.

"Where?" (Emily)

"I can't see it", Jean says while squinting his eyes.

"Let's use [Farsight]." (Makoto)

I use the skill, and I certainly do see a small point that looks like a cow.

It is outside the range of my Detection, so I can't tell if it is the target.

"I am impressed that you can see something from so far away." (Makoto)

Even with Farsight, I couldn't see it well.

"Elves have good eyesight after all!" (Lucy)

Lucy puffs out her chest.

"And so, what do we do?" (Makoto)

I ask everyone.

"I will blow it away with my magic!" (Lucy)

Lucy winds her arms.

"It's around 500 meters from here. Can you hit it?" (Jean)

Jean says this with doubt in his eyes.

"Impossible." (Emily)

Emily asserts with confidence.

"What's with you people?! I am the only one here that can attack from long-range right?!" (Lucy)

Steam comes out from Lucy's head.

"There's no control in Lucy's magic after all." (Makoto)

I have seen the magic of Lucy a whole lot, so I can tell.

This distance is impossible for her.

"I will act as bait." (Makoto)

I unsheathe my dagger and take a stance.

"I won't be of use in the attack department this time around after all." (Makoto)

We have a clear sky today.

No clouds and no waterside at sight in this plain.

With my dagger and my magic, I can't expect effective attacks against the rampaging bison that has a big body.

"Makoto, are you okay?" (Lucy)

Lucy seems to be worried.

"I will use my skills to somehow manage. Once I pull it here, Lucy will weaken it with her magic, and Jean will deal the final blow with his sword spell." (Makoto)

"I will buff Lucy and Jean with attack and magic power up." (Emily)

"The plan has been decided then. Lucy, make sure to chant." (Makoto)

"Wait, I will cast a physical defense spell on you." (Emily)

I have Emily cast a support spell on me.

Okay, I'll be going then.

I use [Stealth] and slowly creep my way to the Rampaging Bison.

As I get closer, its giant body gets clearer and clearer.

The Rampaging Bison is as big as a mid-sized bus. I feel like a body blow of it would send a human flying like a leaf.

It seems like it hasn't noticed me yet, it is munching on grass leisurely.

The chant of Lucy is about to end, I think?

When I look back, Jean raised his hand.

The sign of preparations ready.


[Stealth], release.

The Rampaging Bison looks over here.

Noticed me, huh.

But right now it is only wary of me.

I pick up a rock around my feet and activate [Projectile].

It is a traveller skill, and it makes it so that the things you throw will surely hit.

It is a skill I use often when I am trying to save mana.

"Urya!" (Makoto)

I throw the stone in my hand with full force.

"Strike!" (Makoto)

The rock I pitched at full force hits the tip of the Rampaging Bison's nose.

'Buoooo!', A roar of anger echoes.

It glares over here.

It is coming!


I head to where my comrades are.

The Rampaging Bison chases after me.

Geh, it is faster than I thought!

Faster than even an ogre.

There's no obstacles like last time in the forest.

At this rate, it will catch up.

Can't be helped.

I turn around towards the Rampaging Bison.

Ooh, quite the overwhelming sight.

A giant mass is charging towards me.

If it hits, there's no doubt my whole body will have fractures.


Just before it reaches me, I activate my skill.

A giant mass passes by right in front of me.

I feel like a matador.

I look at the Rampaging Bison planning on Evading it again.

The Rampaging Bison heads…eh?

It isn't looking back?!

"Eh? Eeeh?!" (Lucy)

Lucy let out a dumbfounded voice.

The Rampaging Bison gets excited when it sees something red.

Lucy has red hair and is wearing a red cloak.

"Yikes…" (Makoto)

It took a liking to Lucy-san it seems.

"It is coming!" (Jean)

Jean shouts.

"Hiih! [Fireball]!" (Lucy)

A giant fire ball is shot towards the Rampaging Bison.

"That was too fast!" (Makoto)

The Rampaging Bison runs in a straight line and doesn't change direction most of the time. Because of that, if you shoot your magic while it is rushing, it is almost 100% sure to hit.

But if it is before it begins running, it will be avoided.

The Rampaging Bison easily evades the fireball.

It tries to once again charge towards Lucy, winding up its hind legs.

"Awawawawa!" (Lucy)

"Hey, Lucy! Begin chanting again already!" (Emily)

Lucy was panicking and Emily is trying to calm her down.

But it won't make it in time at this rate.

The Rampaging Bison lowered its head, and prepared to charge.

"This is bad, it is coming!" (Jean)

Jean puts his shield forward, but that won't be able to block it.

Can't be helped.

I shape my mana.

[Water Magic: Ice Floor]!

I freeze the footing of the Rampaging Bison.

The Rampaging Bison slides and falls.

A dumbfounded 'Bumooo' cry was let out from it.

"Was that you, Makoto?!" (Jean)

Jean shouts towards me.

"Yeah! But I won't be able to do it a second time. I have no mana for that." (Makoto)

"Seriously?! That's way too low mana!" (Jean)

"Zip it!" (Makoto)

"Oi, Lucy! Do Fireball one more time." (Emily)

"G-Got it." (Lucy)

"[Wind Blade]!" (Jean)

Jean swings down his sword, and the magic blade hits the side of the Rampaging Bison.

A slash sound was made, and the Rampaging Bison bleeds.


"It doesn't seem to have been too effective." (Makoto)

"It is technically a long distance spell to provide assistance. It has too low damage to be used as a projectile." (Jean)

Jean says ashamed.

The Rampaging Bison seems to be energetic.

Its breathing is rough as it shows its will to charge over here.

The chant of Lucy is not even half done.

"Alright, let's split into two groups. I will once again become the bait, and Jean, you attack from behind." (Makoto)

"A-Alright. But how are you going to pull it?" (Jean)

"Like this!" (Makoto)

I take a stance and charge towards the Rampaging Bison.

"O-Oi!" (Jean)

Jean shouts flustered from the back.

The Rampaging Bison charges towards us.

[Evade]! And on top of that!

[Water Magic: Water Blade]!

Wringing out my last drops of mana, I activate the spell, and pierce one of the eyes of the Rampaging Bison.

'Buooooo!', a pained cry resonates.

"Ooh! You did it!" (Jean)

Jean says this as if devoid of worries.

"I didn't. I just angered it." (Makoto)

The Rampaging Bison charges towards me with his anger pushing it.

It is swaying a bit due to the loss of one of its eyes.

With this, I should be able to manage evading.

"I am truly empty of mana now! Jean, I leave it to you!" (Makoto)

"Are you really a mage?! O-Okay, I got it." (Jean)

Jean takes a stance with his shield forward and tackles the Rampaging Bison from the side.


A heavy crashing sound echoes and the monster staggers.

That's a shield skill, huh.

You got a nice skill there.

"I finished chanting!" (Lucy)

Lucy shouts.

Jean and I hurriedly get away from the enemy.

"[Fireball]!" (Lucy)

The Rampaging Bison was stunned from the hit of Jean's skill.

It cannot avoid it.

The crazy huge fireball covered the Rampaging Bison's giant body in its entirety.

*Whooom!* a fire pillar rises.

'Bumoooo!', the cry of agony from the Rampaging Bison resonates.

"The magic of Lucy is incredible…" (Emily)

Emily says with a sigh.

"I didn't have a moment to shine…", is what Jean mutters.

No, you did a good job there.

"Hmph, right?!" (Lucy)

Lucy was acting smug.

"But the target is burned to a crisp. We won't be able to sell it like this." (Makoto)

We are supposed to be doing this to earn some small change, so didn't we overdo it?

"The hide is no good. But the insides and the bones have worth as materials too, so there should be people who will buy it…probably." (Jean)

Jean doesn't seem to be sure.

Oi oi, is this gonna be okay?

"I am hungry. Can't we eat this thing?" (Lucy)

Lucy says something wild.

It is true that there's a nice smell of roasted meat.

"Hey there, you are going to damage your stomach, you know?" (Emily)

Emily retorts with common sense.

"Let's report it to the guild. We have to make a request for the sale and transport of the monster." (Makoto)

When a large-sized monster is subjugated and you report it to the guild, they can transport and assess it.

Jean seems to have a communication device, so he will be making contact with the guild.

We are keeping watch to see if there's other monsters around.

There's almost no strong monsters around here, so it should be okay.


It was around 10 minutes after we defeated the Rampaging Bison and Jean had reported it to the guild that we noticed something strange.

My Detection was ringing.

A loud alarm was sounding inside my head, and it made me stiffen my face.

The loudness of this sound is a first.

It is on a whole different level from the time with the ogre.

"Oi! Everyone, a dangerous enemy is coming." (Makoto)

I prompt everyone to be cautious.

"Eh? Makoto, what are you saying?" (Lucy)

"Is that true, Makoto?!" (Jean)

"Be wary of your surroundings! There should be something!" (Makoto)

I search for its location with my skill.

"Ah! Look at that!" (Lucy)

I look at the place where Lucy pointed.

Something is rushing here at an incredible speed.

"No way! A griffon?!" (Emily)

Emily screams.

What's coming here is a Danger Level: High monster, a Griffon.