
Cleansing Flame

All chapters are subject to change; this is a rough draft. What happens in a world where mortals only gain the power of magic through the consumption of dragon blood? More importantly, how would you react as a dragon, hunted by the creatures you've looked down on throughout your race's entire existence? Maybe it's time to torch the world to clean out the parasites. A cleansing flame if you would. The R-15 tag is simply because I find I have a rather gruesome way of describing fight scenes. Wouldnt have a 13 year old watch the beginning of Saving private ryan now would we?? Image is "Fire Drake" by Sansyu (Fantastic uploads Sansyu)

Spartan0406 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Let the hunt begin



That would be his name, Draconian and magnificent like himself.

He would let the world shake with his name.

But first, he would need to wake from his slumber and make it out into said world.

He snapped his eyes open, taking in his surroundings as he slowly unwound himself. Once he had unraveled himself, he began to stretch and take note of the changes to himself. He realized he had grown a substantial amount during his rest. Whereas before, he stood at two feet tall and about four feet long(tail included). He now stood four feet tall and 6 feet long, his scales had grown tougher and his claws sharper. Fafnir now felt like he could challenge a dozen of the hatchlings and survive, if only barely.

Fafnir started to make his way towards the cave because if there was anything constant in his young life, it was the hunger that constantly plagued his body.

Shortly after extracting himself from his impromptu lair, he took note of the surroundings. Shrieks of the dying and cries of the victorious melded together to create a symphony of chaos and death. Diving into the magma running by his cave, Fafnir floated along like an alligator with his head half exposed above the lava, looking for his next victim. He didn't have to wait for long before he came across a wounded hatchling alongside the bank.

Moving quickly, he sprang from the flow and locked his jaws on its throat before immediately severing its airway and the flow of blood to the brain. Efficiently and rapidly, he began to devour his meal, not caring for the blood that splattered along the floor to paint a gruesome scene of death. What did bother him, however, were the hatchlings that caught the scent of fresh blood nearby and came scurrying over to fight the victor for his spoils and a little extra meat that was once the victor.

Not being one to waste an opportunity for free food, Fafnir tore a chunk from his kill and threw it towards a group of four hatchlings. He then proceeded to watch as they continued to ravage each other for the easy meal in front of them.

It didn't take long for there to be only two remaining, both heavily injured and hemorrhaging blood. With a swift pounce, Fafnir landed on the back of the one closest to him. Wrapping his jaws around the back of the neck, he broke the hatchlings cervical(top of the spinal column which encompasses the brain stem), rendering the hatchling immobile and thus helpless. Looking up at the other hatchling, Fafnir watched as it trembled and started to backpedal while trying to look small and unworthy of the effort it would take to kill it.

Eyes gleaming and stomach rumbling, Fafnir stepped forward, not willing to let a meal get away so easily while just being a mere few feet in front of him. Springing forward, Fafnir grabbed the hatchling by the wing, quickly snapping the joint to leave it dangling uselessly by the creature's side. Fafnir promptly flipped it on its back and proceeded to disembowel the hatchling as its screams pierced the air.

Once the hatchling had breathed its last, Fafnir proceeded to gorge himself on the feast laying before him, not daring to waste even a scrap of flesh to being reckless in his eating. Many hatchlings were drawn to the scent, but upon catching sight of all the dead, they promptly left Fafnir alone to his food.

It wasn't long before he had finished his meal and wandered down to the stream to wash it all down and help with his digestion. Slowly submerging himself once more, Fafnir decided to take a nap as the flow of the lava gently guided him downstream.

Back in black, well, I guess red?

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