

Lady strives through the hardships of life, finding her path through the frequent storms and gradually finding her feet again, turning no leaf unturned to provide an assuring and beautiful future for herself and her priceless possession that she had no intention of letting go, her children.

Gee_efh · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The spell

Lady woke up from the loud chirpings of the early morning birds; she sat and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She exhaled and looked around, wanting her eyes to fall on nothing particular and yawned widely. She stood up and made her way to her door, opening it and glancing outside.

The world was very calm and quite like most mornings but it seemed to have a little hint of something evil lurking around in it. Lady lifted her eyes and gazed into the skies that had abandoned their usual blue and white hues to embrace an unusual dark hue that seemed to be warning all of a great misfortune to come. Lady sighed and went back inside, plopping down on her bed and thinking about nothing in particular, just bits of this and that, whatever popped into her mind.

"Where is Mai?" she suddenly realised the absence of her stuck-to-her-like-glue friend "That's weird" she muttered.

Lady stood up and took out some clothes for her day and then proceeded out of her room into the little confinement of a bathroom to prepare herself. For some unknown reason she felt sluggish and drained like she had gone to war with at least three big villages. She exhaled and pouted, everyday seems to have to breed a new source of problem of her.

She finished with her preparation in the bathroom, came back to her room and wore her clothes after doing her hair and making sure she was presentable. Right after she was done, she felt so tired and the rapid rising and falling of her chest was a very great sign. Lady exhaled loudly, followed by a deep breath and she sat for a moment to catch her breath on her bed, a mistake she shouldn't have done.

Right after her bottom met the soft silks of her bed, the rest of her body followed suit without so much of an attempt to get up for her duties of the day. She felt her eyelids becoming heavy and then she fell into the sweet clutches of sleep.


Amira with her arms crossed paced to and fro from the one corner of her room to the other waiting not so patiently for Lady to go into a deep slumber and for the red candle lit beside her bed to go out to indicate that Lady had been knocked out with sleep. Just as her impatience grew to a very dangerous extent, the candle went out and then fell on the floor with a light thud.

"Finally!" Amira whewed with an exhale.

"I told you to take your time, patience my dear is everything and take it from me if I say so since I have been at it's mercy once a time" Aya said with a scrunched up face bobbing her head up and down to lay more emphasis.

"Yes, yes, I know" Amira snapped " Now let's move on to the next step"

"Of course" Aya leaped from her sitting place on Amira's bed.

Amira smiled and brought a vial, placed under her that contained a red liquid, her blood to be precise. The illusion spell required either Lady's blood or the blood of a female from her bloodline and Amira was so much pleasured to pay this small price for what harm had in mind. Next she brought the strand of hair she had procured from Vesi and smirked.

"I'm so going to love this" she said.

"Absolutely" Aya agreed.

Amira made a small circle from the sacred ashes in the middle of her room and placed the strand of hair inside. She sat down beside the circle as Aya disappeared into her body to provide her with both assistance and power. Amira's eyes turned into white as she began spilling the words of the first spell. The hair turned and turned and then it gradually caught fire. After a few moments of dancing with the fire as it turned, the strand of hair disappeared.

Amira opened her eyes and then took the vial, opened it and dipped a finger into it. She smeared a good amount on her forehead and made a symbol in the circle with the blood and then poured the remaining into the circle and then closed her eyes only to open them back to reveal a pair of whites again. She began with second spell as the blood spread through the circle till it covered the area within the circle. Amira felt a part of her being drawn into the circle and then with a light whoosh, the disappeared too. Amira took in a deep breath and then opened her eyes.

"It is done" she smiled and breathed out again.

Aya left her body and patted her on the shoulder "Nice job, now let's watch what unfolds next" Aya waved her hands and a clear view of the road leading to the stream appeared inside the circle.

Meanwhile on the road leading to the stream, the strand of her fell down and then assumed the body of Vesi whiles the blood assumed the body of Lady and gently descended into the ground. The two faux bodies stood still and watched straight ahead like puppets. Not long after, a group of young women who were on their way to the stream to fetch water's voices were heard and then in Amira's room, Aya muttered a spell and then the fake Lady and Vesi started conversing.

"Isn't that the Prince?" One of the young women spotted the duo and gasped drawing the attention of the others who were with her.

"Where?" one of them asked.

"There" another pointed to were the fake Lady and Vesi were standing close to each other, in fact they were too close to not allow even a breeze to pass between them.

"What are they doing standing so close to each other?" One of the young ladies wondered.

"Hush" The first one who gasped chastised "hurry now and go inform some elders we will wait here and stay hidden and make sure they don't run" she added and looked the youngest amongst them.

The girl nodded and run off as fast as her little lean legs could carry her to the village to inform anyone at all in the village.

The rest of the girls gif themselves and watched with wide eyes and opened jaws as the fake Lady and Vesi started engaging in acts of intimacy as Vesi drew Lady closer to his body and kissed her neck then her lips. They touched and felt their bodies right under the shade of the tree they were standing under not caring about a thing. The young ladies started sweating from immense shock as some closed their eyes when finally clothes started falling from the frames of the bodies they were spying on.

Right when the fake Lady's back touched the ground with the fake Vesi hovering over her, the one who was sent back into the village appeared with some palace elders, the new pillars and some village folks who refuted her claims of seeing their prince in such an abominable act and so decided to come see for themselves.

All those who arrived halted in their steps and almost dropped their jaws to the ground. Right behind a tree with some few plants concealing them, was their Prince hovering around a woman and the new pillars became enraged as the very epitome of their goddess lay on the ground with a man over her.

"Stop whatever that you are doing over there!" an elderly man shouted on top of his lungs.

The fake Lady and Vesi froze and lifted their heads to see people looking at them and so in a swift movement made some clumsy efforts to cover the little shards of modesty they had left.


Mai had just finished meeting with the battle god to discuss of ways to eliminate Aya when she felt a strange and strong shift in her aura, something was happening to Lady. She quickly wrapped up the meeting and came back to see Lady but she arrived a tad too late as she saw Lady knocked out with a spell and how she got visions of what was happening in the village.

"No, no,no" she started chanting "This can't be happening, where did they get Lady's blood if I made sure she was safe?" she muttered to herself.

Mai touched Lady's forehead and the sleep inducing spell that had been cast on her, helping Lady up when she opened her eyes.

"Mai?" Lady frowned and stretched her body "Where have you been?"

"Lady, I'm afraid we have a very big problem at hand" Mai said with venom in her voice as she looked outside.