
Clean - up Crew

It's no lie to say that Harry Potter had a terrible childhood. He didn't have enough to eat; he didn't get enough sleep, and he sure as hell didn't have many personal possessions. Many things came out of his childhood. He was cold; he was quiet. But he also despised things that weren't clean. He just couldn't deal with them. Now going to Hogwarts where cleanliness is not the castle's most immediate concern... is a whole new challenge for him to face. All rights to the Harry Potter universe are reserved to JK Rowling.

A_Stupid_Demon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - Thunder


August 14th 1991

Location: Black Manor Gates

It was almost time for me to go to Hogwarts. But first I had to have a place to stay. A CLEAN place to stay. But luckily for me, I was Hadrian Peverell Slytherin, and actually owned a LOT of estates.

Although I had a lot of options one, in particular, caught my eye.

Black Manor.

No this wasn't 12 Grimmauld Place, it was Black manor, informally known as Reaper Mansion for reasons many would rather not hear.

It took a while to get there as my only real option was by foot.

Unfortunately, the magical world has very few common methods of transportation.

Sure it has Flu Travel but in many cases that doesn't work. Aparration is risky, and I'd rather not get splinched. Flying cars are rather outdated and unsafe, and I doubt I can get there using the Knight Bus.

Therefore that leaves walking.

It took 9 painful hours, but I eventually got close enough to the manor. I was exhausted, but unharmed.

I shifted my appearance back to that of a child and looked at the gate in front of me.

Before I could actually get to the manor I first had to get through the gate.

Larger than most people's houses, the gate was made of a mixture of steel and some other material. The gate was originally a silver-like colour, but now you can barely tell.

It was fairly dirty and obviously hadn't been taken care of for years. My nose wrinkled in disgust and my skin started to crawl.

How unpleasant.

I hesitantly reached to touch the gate my fingers twitching slightly.

My fingers barely grazed the gate before it swung open, dust rising dramatically. Before me was a large and thick forest, probably a defense for the manor.

I took in a deep breath and walked in, my every step audible. My eyes were fixed on the forest as my magic involuntarily tensed.

Just my magic foretold, a dangerous magic beast approached me, its eyes kept on my figure.

I commanded my body to relax and took in a deep breath, slowly approaching.

It was a Thunderbird.

It was incredibly large and its magical aura was off the charts.

It could sneeze and I'd be sent flying which coughing blood!

Slowly, I changed my appearance. My hair colour was still black, and my eyes were black, but my face became more defined, any remaining baby fat I may have had no longer there.

I grew in height, becoming 6'3.

My cloak was fine as it was already rather big for my child's body.

My heartbeat quickened in pace, as I feared for my life.

I had one chance. One.

Every single nerve in my body urged me to run as I walked up to the humongous creature.

Everything urged me to run.

The old dead trees, the hard yellow ground, the large puffy clouds, the dark ominous feeling coming from the beast. Everything warned me, urged me, begged me to run.

But I kept on walking closer and closer until the beast's aura was pushing down on me like I was feeling the true force of gravity itself.

But I resisted, looking at the beast right in its dark brown eyes.

All my power was pouring out of my body in a rather dangerous move.

I could feel the pain my body sent me, warning me not to risk it, but I continued to pour the mana out of my body it seeping into the thunderbird.

An ear-piercing scream escaped my lips as every single cell of my body felt like it would burst. Every single nerve felt like it was on fire.

As the last few bits of magic left my body I fell over out like the light.


August 15th, 1991 7:09 Pm

Location: Black Manor

I woke up with a start, my eyes trying to adjust to the light.

"Where...?" I started, using my apparently rough voice.

"Black Manor is where we are." said a squeaky voice, surprising Hadrian.

He jolted up, instantly regretting it as his head quickly became dizzy.

"Who are...you?" Hadrian asked, trying very hard to keep his voice stable.

"I is Kreacher."

Hadrian looked around, and finally, his eyes landed on an odd creature. His mind raced to figure out what the creature was, and eventually, it provided him with the answer.

"You're a house elf," Hadrian stated simply.

As he calmed down he started assessing the situation. It was likely this creature, or some other unknown person brought him to this room.

It's possible that said person or creature dealt with the thunderbird provided my attack didn't knock it out.

Considering how weak my body feels and how low amounts of mana I have at the moment, it seems as though I stressed out my body a bit too much.

I slowly got up my hand grasping a bedside table to keep me upright.

Before I could start questioning Kreacher a loud screech came from outside the room's window and my eyes widened.

Before I could react a white and gold bird flew onto the desk in front of me.

"You are... the thunderbird," I stated, barely believing my eyes.

My mind fumbled to get an answer and after a few seconds, I realized what had happened.

"We bonded,"

I stared at the bird for a few seconds until I couldn't hold it in much longer. Crazed laughter erupted from my throat as I smiled like a madman.

I couldn't help it.

"Hey, Kreacher?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the thunderbird.

"Does Black Manor happen to have a library, and a training ground?"

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