
Clean - up Crew

It's no lie to say that Harry Potter had a terrible childhood. He didn't have enough to eat; he didn't get enough sleep, and he sure as hell didn't have many personal possessions. Many things came out of his childhood. He was cold; he was quiet. But he also despised things that weren't clean. He just couldn't deal with them. Now going to Hogwarts where cleanliness is not the castle's most immediate concern... is a whole new challenge for him to face. All rights to the Harry Potter universe are reserved to JK Rowling.

A_Stupid_Demon · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday


Later that day, I hauled the trunk down from the attic.

For days I would just think about the letter, and the stroke of luck I seemed to have.

Every night I would practice some magic.

Now I wasn't very good at it, but I was trying.

I also started making a plan.

I had to get to this Diagon Alley, but to do that, I had to get away from the Dursleys.

The plan was to get away before sunrise.

I was smart enough to know that leaving at midnight wouldn't be too good for me, as it was obviously dangerous for a 10-year-old kid to be walking around at midnight.

Why yes, I am an easy target to be raped and abducted. Thank you for noticing!

And so, the plan was made.

Find my way to this 'Diagon Alley' by summoning the Knight Bus with my stick, then get to 'Gringotts' and talk to Rielk.


3:26 AM July 29th, 1991

Location: Number 4 Privet Drive

I smiled in glee, all set to leave. I unlocked the door to my cupboard and the house. The 'muggle' way, may I add. I still couldn't perform Alorhoma or much magic at all for that matter.

I looked a bit silly, what in an oversized black robe and with a large trunk.

I even had a stick in my hand.

Once I got outside I reassured myself I had everything, I needed.

I raised my stick to the sky and waited.

It took a few second but it eventually came flying down in front of me, looking as though it was glistening.

I already knew that magic was real.

But it was still...surprising.

Walking in, I paid 11 of the silver coin. Then I paid another 15 as I bought a toothbrush.

What can I say, I value hygiene!

The ride wasn't too long, but it wasn't too comfortable either.

Maybe the thing needed repairs?

I left the bus a little dizzy, forgetting to talk to the driver about my parents.

Oh well, maybe I'd have another experience.

I got to Diagon Alley and almost fainted from shock.

It was...large.

It's more of a city than an alley.

I ran to the building which I believed to be Gringotts, determined not to touch anyone.

I made my way to the large building and sucked in a breath.

Good God, what is this?

I walked in, instantly assaulted with loud noises and people EVERYWHERE.

Where the fuck is Rielk?

I walked up to a counter, avoiding a drunkard nearby who was cooking up trouble.

"May I help you?" A Goblin asked, sounding as if he was depressed.

"Do you know where Rielk is?" I asked.

"He's busy sod off." The goblin said, slightly pissing me off.

"Tell him Harry Potter's here," I said. Moving to sit down nearby.

A few minutes later a short Goblin muscular goblin came in, clearly looking agitated.

He walked to me, rolling his eyes before he addressed me.

"Look you need to take a blood test or leave." He said, sounding done with the conversation already.

Knowing that I needed him so I didn't live in the slums for the rest of my life I agreed and got taken to this machine.

The Goblins stabbed me, with a knife, on my finger.

Then they took my blood.

Some parchment came out of the machine and Rielk picked it up, mumbling something about frauds.

Then, suddenly, he paused, his eyes wide.

"Your actually Harry Potter?!" he yelled, causing more people than I'd like to look in my direction.

"No I'm James Bond, of course, I'm Harry Potter. Who else would I be?" I responded, a small amount of my anger being conveyed.

"One of the thousands of people who have been trying to get access to your vault to claim your fortune and identity."

I blinked, my eyes going wide.

Why would anyone want to take my identity?

Better question I have a fortune?

I already knew that Mum and Dad had some money but a fortune?

I have a fortune?

Rielk and I stared at each other for a while before he snapped out of his stupor.

"Why don't we talk in private," he suggests.


Just got out of Gringotts and I've got to say I'm feeling like a new man.

Fully inherited my Slytherin bloodline making my hair actually tameable, Got a few billion pounds in my pocket for me to use at any time, got taller due to a potion that was probably a waste of money, and became a literal LORD.

One hour can do a lot to a guy.

It's a transformation.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I changed my name?

Yeah, I changed my name to Hadrian Slytherin Peverell.

No offense to my parents but I think it's a much better name than Harry Potter.

Anyways, I looked at the sky and saw that it was around 7 am.

Although sleep was something I desperately wanted to do, I had things to get, like 'robes' which were apparently wizarding fashion, and books. Lots of books.

Then I had to get gloves, and maybe some food.

Oh and potions supplies those sounded interesting.

Eventually, I compiled a mental list of what to buy and where to go, starting with Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

"Welcome, what can I help you with?" says a small woman, dressed in purple.

"I would like to order 20 robes," I reply, looking at her.

She stares at me, probably surprised by the mass order.

"I wish for them to be made of...andromania silk. 5 black with fur, 5 black without fur, 5 green without fur, 3 black and red, one of those having fur, and finally one white and one dark brown robe, both with fur." I supply, smiling in satisfaction as she writes it all down.

I'm pretty sure andromania silk is of the best quality, but the book I got the information from may be out of date.

"Is that all?" She asks, smiling sweetly.

"Yes, thank you," I reply trying to smile back.

I'm fairly sure it didn't work.

I've never been good at smiling.

After that I roamed around Diagon Alley, getting a custom trunk that would be ready in a few days, a scarf, a hat, a mask from a pawn shop, some comfortable silk gloves, and some makeup.

I even got some potion ingredients.

Finally, I got a few books.

One on astronomy.

One on general wizardly stuff.

Two on politics.

Two on dark magic.

Two on ancient runes.

Two on geography.

Two on money.

Four on potions.

Five on history.

Seven on different spells.

Eight on magic in general.

Twelve on formalities.

It was getting late when I'd finished shopping and it was about time for me to try and get a room.

Apprehensively, I walked into The Leaky Cauldron, hoping that whoever was at the counter wouldn't refuse to give me a room.

"Can I buy a room for a month?" I asked, looking at the guy in front of me nervously.

"Sure, that's 82 Galleons." The guy replied, smiling.

I hand him the money and get my room key, looking at it with an odd feeling growing in my chest.

I walked to my room, and close the door, my heart beating quickly.


I look at the clock in the room and smile as it clicks to 12:00.

"I'm free," I whisper to myself in awe.

"I'm finally free"

Then I smile, my whole face lighting up.

"Happy birthday to me."

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