
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

The Regret.




For the past one month, Zes has been distant with everyone. She didn't even play with Wiskey. She walked around the school with a straight face. She looked so dead, she rarely showed any emotion till I confronted her.


I knocked on her door. She sleeps by herself now, she wanted to be alone, I am not sure if she sleeps but by the look of her dark circles and bags under her eyes, she hasn't slept. The door opened revealing tired Zes. I bought my hand to her cheek only for her to move away from my hand. I swallowed down the hurt and told her.

"We have to talk"

"Ok," Her voice harsh from crying a lot.

"Why are you so distant from us?" I asked her as she sat on her bed.

"I am not distant," she said.

"Come on baby talk to me, what is bothering you, don't lie to me" I pleaded.

"Nothing is bothering me and I am not lying, Knox," She said with a small smile. A fake smile.

"Baby it hurts me to see you like this, I know you lost your mother, but we are there for you Zes. Talk to us. We cant see you like this," I pleaded.

"I don't want to bother you all. Me being with you people will get you guys hurt. I can't lose you people. Losing someone you love and care about hurts a lot. I don't want to put anyone through it. Because of me, my dad lost his mate. If anyone dies because of me it will hurt another person too. One person dies and his mate will be mateless for his whole life." she breaks down.

"Zes, don't run away from your problems. You have to face them. You are strong. We all will always be with you no matter what happens. We all respect you and care about you. We chose to be with you, fight with you. Come on, where is that strong stubborn, short-tempered, and annoying mate?" I smiled.

She smiled and hugged me. I happily embraced her.

Flashback over.

I am glad Zes is back to normal now. you might be wondering what I am doing now. I am currently glaring at the kid who is talking to Zes.

The blondie is asking her to come to some party and my mate has a habit where she can't say no. She keeps a fake smile on and keeps glancing over at me for help. James and Reece where snickering beside me.

I walk towards her. I place my arm around her waist and kissed her slowly. I pulled away and turned to find blondie gone. Zes smacked my arm and asked

"Why couldn't you do that earlier?"

I just shrugged and pecked her lips.


Stupid James agreed to go to some party which Zes didn't want to go to. Zes reluctantly agreed to that idiot. Mae clearly was pissed because of this. All the girls stormed to their own rooms and to each other's room.


Stupid James, stupid boys, who asked them to agree to come to the party. Ughhh. I am a party person but I dont want to hang out with humans. Ughhh. After running around the house, helping Mae, I got ready.

As I started walking down I glanced at Char as she did the same.

"Damn we look hot!" We both muttered.

We giggled and headed down where the guys and Mae were. Reece wore a black tshirt with biege jacket and black jeans, James wore black white striped full sleve tshirt with black stripped jeans and Knox wore a black tshirt with blue jacket along with blue jeans.

I wore a burgundy off shouldered with a sweetheart neck tulle short dress. Mae wore a white short dress with a strapless sweet heart neckline, the top part had designs with black lace. Charlotte wore a champagne tulle lace shirt dress.


My jaw dropped seeing Zes coming down the stairs. She looked like a goddess. I clenched my jaw thinking about other males eye-raping her. I pulled Zes towards me and inhaled her scent.

"You look breathtaking, too gorgeous and hot that I want to mark you right now," I whispered in her ear.

She shivered making me grin. I heard a couple of groans making me chuckle and Zes blush.

"If I see you bring any slut over at my house I will castrate you," She said pointing specifically to James.

James gulped at the threat and put his hands up in defense. Shaking my head I head out along with the others.


The party was boring. I was sitting with Reece while James was sucking some sluts face. I take a shot and listened to Reece talk.

"Hey, handsome" A high pitched voice squeaked interrupting our conversation.

I turn around to find Brielle. She is always on our tails. In school since Zes punched her the day she tried to threaten Zes saying 'Knox is mine stay away from him, bitch', she has never bothered me, now that Zes is not here she is here. She was wearing a very slutty outfit.

"Did your nose heal? Did you come here to get it broken again?" I smirked.

She glared and Reece snickered.

"She just got lucky that day or else I would have killed!" She huffed.

Reece spits his drink and burst out laughing I joined in too. It was hilarious that she thinks she can beat my mate.

"That was the joke of the year" Reece chuckled. I nodded.

I saw Zes dancing along with Charlotte. She moved along with the music. Her eyes caught mine. She smirked and winked at me. I licked my lips watching her swaying to the music. Zes froze when she saw who was standing next to me. Her soft playful gesture halted and her whole demeanor changes. She clenched and unclenched her fist and walked towards me.

Her possessive attitude turns me on. Seeing her Brielle scurries of Reece lets out a chuckle. I pulled Zes to my lap wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Let me kill that bitch," She growled lowly.

"Such foul words coming from this pretty mouth. tsk tsk tsk~" I hummed kissing her neck.

"No," she says pushing me making me frown.

"Why?~" I let out a soft whine.

"Cause we are at a party and I am going to enjoy," She said placing a kiss on my nose.

"Don't do that." I huffed making her laugh.

She kissed my cheek and disappeared into the crowd.


As I went to get a drink but something caught my attention. One of the sweetest girl I have met in my school was in trouble. Some drunk dude was talking with her, judging by the look on her face she needs a rescue. I walk towards her.

"Hey, Raven, where did you go? I was searching for you." I gushed excitedly.

She looked confused but in a split-second, she understood and replied,

"Oh, sorry Zes, I was catching up with Steve, Bye Steve!"

I was already dragging her far away. Once we were far away from him we both burst out laughing.

"Nice dress you got there!" I grinned at her.

"Look who is talking~" She grinned back.

She wore a black short tulle ball gown with strapless neckline, the top was designed with black feathers

The dress made her red eyes pop out. Her eyes somehow reminded me of the little raven. I don't even why it reminded me of the little raven. I glanced at Raven who is looking at me expectantly. Suddenly Raven's whole demeanor changed. She visibly stiffened.

"Zes-" She started but was cut off by light and music going off.

"Raven!" I called.

I never got a reply so I let out a panicked breath. I look around to see nothing but darkness, soon I felt nervous, my tiny fear of darkness was building up.

"Knox!" I yelled hoping he would hear me in this ruckus.

My breathing became uneven, I could practically hear my heartbeat. I felt everything around me fade. It was hot all of a sudden. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

I grabbed the nearest thing for support and tried to steady my breathing. I closed my eyes and started counting down from 10. When I reached 1 and I was somewhat calm, I heard a screeching scream startling the life out of me. The scream was followed by multiple screams destroying my recently attained serene self.

My breathing again quickened. I heard so many screams and felt people running here and there. I felt a pair of arms pulling me. Adrenaline flowed through me making me throw a rear elbow strike the stranger.

"Have you heard of think before you act," A familiar voice told in a strained tone.

It took me a minute to realize the familiar voice and touch.

"Oh my god, Knox, thank god your here," I told him, relief clear in my voice.

I hugged him as if my dear life depended on him. He held me tightly before pulling me somewhere. I didn't complain, with my eyes clenched tight and my fist clenching his jacket my legs followed him. I inhaled his scent and calmed a bit.

I felt something wrong. I don't know what it was that I felt something is wrong. As I felt the cool breeze of the midnight hit me I slowly opened my eyes.

"Something is wrong," I told Knox untangling myself from him.

He nodded and looked around for threats. I do the same.

'There is no trace of any rogue,' I mind linked Knox.

'That just makes things more suspicious, James found a dead human in front of the house, there were claw marks,' Knox mind linked me.


We all split up searching for rogues or the murderer. I was walking into the woods, the chilly winds blew. Its springtime but it's still cold at night. I kept walking around trying to find something. I let my wolf, Seth take control so I could hear and see better.

Suddenly a flash of memories hit me.


"Little witch, wake up~" I cooed.

"It's your birthday, little witch," I told shaking my 12-year-old sister.

Ziya snapped her eyes open and jumped out of the bed. Her dark brown hair was a mess and her bluish greenish eyes were wide open and filled with excitement. She jumped on me and hugging me, making me fall on the ground.

"Little witch," I groaned. She giggled.

She got up from me and ran out of her room. We were currently in the Lakehouse, which is far from our pack and deep in the woods.

I smiled at my little sister's excitement and laughed along with my parents who were staring at her in adoration.

"Come on little witch, go get ready for the day," I grinned.

There is one rule I and my sister follow, we don't prank anyone on our birthdays. Trust me when I call her little witch there is a reason behind it. She grinned and left to get ready. Meanwhile, I held a small box in my hand. Every year my family surprises her. This year she gonna have to find out where the gifts are with the given clue.

The front door barged open startling me and my parents. My dad and I stood protectively in front of mom and looked at the intruder. The intruder looked around 40s, who had blonde hair and he wore a disgusting smirk. He let out a dark chuckle before walking towards us.

My dad growled at the disgusting creature in front of us. I glared at him.

"Well well well, who do we have here" The scumbag started.

"I heard your little girl is celebrating her birthday thought I could join!" He continued.

We responded with multiple growls. My dad lunged at him. The intruder was slow to process what was happening as he took a punch from my dad. The intruder spit some blood and chuckled coldly.

"Come on, they didn't make you the Beta for no reason, John" He sneered.

I took my mom into my sister's room while this man was distracted. Before I could lock the room I was pulled back from the door and thrown across the house. I coughed blood and looked at the cause of this. I growled at the man. I got up and ran towards him and talking him catching him off guard. My legs were wrapped around his body not letting him move. I was about to snap his neck but a certain scream stopped me from doing that.

I turned around to see the owner of the scream. But sight made my stomach drop. My sister was in hands of some filthy man and he had a silver knife against her neck, I could already see the burn. Taking advantage, the man flipped me over and kept on punching me.

"Please stop!" Ziya whimpered.

The intruder's laughter, my sister's whimpers, my mom's screams, and mine and dad's grunts filled the house.

"Leave them alone please!" Ziya pleaded.

"If anyone moves from the place I will slit your little princess's pretty little throat~" The man with blonde hair growled.

With that being said the men left the house with my sister with them. I could hear my sister's scream and whimpers. My mom was being comforted by my dad who looked devasted himself. I kept punching the wooden floor letting my anger out. I could feel tears rolling down my face.

Flashback ends

I gasped for breath. The memory was suffocating me. There isn't a second gone where I dont blame myself. My vision blurred with tears. I felt someone's presence I looked up to see a man in his 40s, he had a scar along with his face starting from his eyebrows and ending to his cheek. I couldn't catch his scent. I looked at him confused.


"You look pretty, just like your sister, too bad I don't have anyone to fuck you as she has. She is a pretty good slut," He sneered.

I felt my insides boil. HE. TOUCHED. MY. SISTER. I shifted into my wolf and let out a venomous growl. I looked at the filth in front of me and lunged at him. He looked shocked. I clawed him in his face, deep enough to leave a scar. Enjoy the multiple scars bitch. He groans. I pin him to the ground and my claws pierced through his skin. He growls and kicks me, making me land with a thud on the ground.

He lunged at me with bare hands. I growled and lunged at him. Just as I was about to rip his head off, I growled in pain. I looked down to find a silver dagger. He stabbed me. He pulled the dagger out and stabbed again, this time twisting it.

"I will not kill you but I would love to watch you suffer. I am gonna make your sister scream. I am gonna make her feel disgusted about herself. I will let all my men have a good fuck for their lifetime!" He growled.

He pulled the dagger out and stabbed me again. Me clawing him was useless as my wolf was putting all his energy trying to keep me alive. The unknown man stabbed a couple more times making me lose all consciousness and lots of blood. He threw me into the ground kicking me. I let a low growl before surrendering myself to darkness.