
Best of Luck

Mae's P.O.V

We have been healing for the past two days. Reece gained consciousness also but he is still weak, like everyone else here. We all need to be strong enough to break out of this hellhole while carrying the others from here. Mindy has gradually lessened the dosage of the drug and mixed water with it and gave it to other hostages.

Maze couldn't get through to Zes, since the change of plans she is focusing on healing me. We do have an army here, it wasn't the best choice to go catch vampires, werewolves, and witches and torture them.

I don't know the time of the day, thanks to Mindy I know that we have been here for four days. I didn't realize the amount of exhaustion it brings to me while they come to torture me so they can hear me scream, but thanks to the extra torturing I receive the other can heal peacefully.