

Mae's P.O.V


A pounding headache and the slight dizziness were enough to make me lose balance and drop to the ground. It was almost like a migraine and concussion attacking me together, I won't be surprised if my brain had a gymnastic class right now.

I felt people's presence at my side, I couldn't see who was near me as the pain instinctively made me close my eyes shut. I could feel hot tears escaping my eyes. Even though there was something that calmed me but it at the same time made my headache even worse.

The Pain combined with frustration got the best of me which resulted in my gripping my head trying to get the pain out.

"Mae? What's wrong?" At this point, I could only say a voice asked.

"Head" I gasped through the pain.

I felt someone hold my hand away from my head. Suddenly slowly everything slowed down.

"Mae breathe, calm down" I heard a calming voice.