
Claude's Love Story (Deans Son from the supernatural fanfic)

When Lucy and her crew as a meeting with the boss they see Claude and find out Dean has a son still unsure who to pair him with. Claude thinks he is better than everyone and thinks he can't get into trouble he likes to be in charge and he also likes to cause problems for others he is very good at hacking and getting the job done. He is studying to be a doc.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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9 Chs


The following day. Claude was at his shop and looked up, seeing Faraday walk in with Rebecca. "Hello Claude, how are you," he said. "I'm good. How are you today," he said and helped him sit down. He stops Rebecca. "Sorry, but when I have my VIP clients, I like to be alone with them, you understand, right," he said, slamming the door in her face. Claude climbs on top of Faraday. "What would you like today," he asks. Faraday smirks. "Just an update," he said. Claude nodded and gave him a drug so he stayed awake, but his body was numb. Faraday saw Claude walk over with a knife. "What should I take from you, Faraday?

What is more important to you, your eyes or something lower," he said; Faraday was trying to call Rebecca. "Sorry, sweetie, there is a jammer up. You fucked with the wrong person Faraday," he said. "I could take your rep. I have called all the respective Ripper Docs and told them you are suitable for your money, but that isn't enough for me," he said. "I know," he said and looked at him. He hacked his optics, so his vision is always wrong, and when he shuts his eyes, he sees he feels like he is falling. "You are not welcome in my shop, so leave," he said. Faraday stumbles out. "Sir, there is a homeless woman here with her son," his assistant said. "It's okay; Kyle let her back," Claude said. David walks out and kisses him. "You feel better," he asks. Claude kisses back. "Yeah," he said. The woman comes back with her child. "I know I don't. I have insurance for this, but my son needs his optics upgraded," she said. "It's fine. Please sit and pick from the options, and I will get started and pay for his upgrade," he said. The woman hugs him. "Oh, thank you so much. You are the kindest doc in town," she said. He hugs back. "We all need a fair shake in this world, and how can he get one kf he isn't treated fair," he said. The boy points to pink eyes. "You sure," Claude said. The child nods. David smiles, watching him work. He finishes the boy hugs him. "Thank you, mister," he said. Claude hugs back. "Your welcome also; if you have any problems, please come back," he said and walked them out. He saw Dean. "Oh fuck" he mumbled. "Dad, please come back," he said, walking back with him. David saw him. "Sir," he said. Dean looks. "David, do you mind giving me and my son some time alone," he asks. David nodded and left. "What's up," Claude asks, lighting a smoke. "Faraday just called me and told me you fucked with his cyber ware," he said. Claude nods. "I did. He was the one who called the hit on me and took and bought my ears," Claude said. Dean laughs. "Okay then, never mind," he said and walked out laughing. David walks back in. "I can see he is not upset," he said. Claude smiles. "I am his son. Of course, he isn't upset," Claude said, packing his medical bag. "Do you mind if I hang out with you today?" David asks. Claude smiles. "If you want to, I am heading to the slums to do my rounds," he said and went. David follows him. "You're the doc. The people talk about the one who cares, the one who takes care of the people," he said. Claude laughs. "Yeah, that's me," he says. He was helping everyone. David smiles, watching him. He steps away to take a call. "Doc, I have a job. I got to head out," he said and kissed him goodbye. Claude watched him go worried.