
Claude's Love Story (Deans Son from the supernatural fanfic)

When Lucy and her crew as a meeting with the boss they see Claude and find out Dean has a son still unsure who to pair him with. Claude thinks he is better than everyone and thinks he can't get into trouble he likes to be in charge and he also likes to cause problems for others he is very good at hacking and getting the job done. He is studying to be a doc.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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9 Chs

Meeting the Boss's Son

At the Edge Runner hideout, everyone was cleaning up. Rebecca was sitting on the counter watching. "So what? It's just Dean," she said. Her brother was not helping. Lucy sighs. "It's not that he is bringing some fancy ripper doc and his assistant to check our gear out," Lucy said. Rebecca jumps down and walks off. David sighs. "Useless," he said. Dean looks over at Claude. "You sure you want to do this," he asks. Claude looks up, his bright red eyes glowing in the dark car. "Yeah, I am sure," he said and got out. The ripped doc followed. Dean knocked loudly. Lucy opens the door. "Sir," she said. Dean walks in. Claude walks past her Lucy shivers, seeing his eyes and sharp teeth.

"Lucy is it true you only gave David 20% during the training job," he asks. Claude was setting up the doctor's station. "He was brand new. I didn't know his skill," she said. "Claude transferred 10k to David," he said. Claude nods and picks up David's wrist and jacks him in, and transfers the money. Dean looks at Lucy. "Is it also true you tried to play me and make a deal behind my back to take his gear?" he asks. Lucy swallows. "You said you didn't want it and just let him be a part of the team, and they offered a lot of eddies," she said.

"I respect your choice, but due to that, you won't be getting paid today, and no gear upgrades for you, and I am being nice; I should kill you," he said. "David, please have a seat and pick out your cyber ware," Dean said. David sat down. Claude sat beside him, set the screen before him, and felt Rebecca on his back. "Can I help you?" he asked. Rebecca smirked. "Yeah, maybe you could fill me with that pipe in your pants," she said. Claude swallows and looks at her. "My pipe won't be the only thing filling you up if you keep talking," he says, returning to work. Dean shivers hearing his son talk about sex.

David picks his upgrades. Claude got fo work. He smelled so lovely Daivd soon got put to sleep. When David woke up, "Hey, how is everything feeling," he asked. David nods. "Feels great," he said. Claude hands him pain medication. "Two puffs now and one every two hours," he said. David nods. Rebecca pushed her brother and sat down. "Take me," she said. Claude rolled his eyes. "Pick your upgrades, Rebecca," he said. "Mine isn't on here," she said. Claude looks. "What do you mean," he said. "There isn't a choice to have you," she said. Claude sighs. "If you behave, I will have sex with you," he said to get her to shut up. Rebecca smiles and picks her upgrades so fast. Dean sighs. "I will never be the same," he said. "Dad, I am so sorry. Well, not really," Claude said. Rebecca looks. "This sexy animal man is your son, boss man," Rebecca said. Dean nods. Claude got her upgrades ready. "Good night Rebecca," he said. Rebecca smiles. He sighs. "What did I agree to" he mumbles. Dean laughs. "It's okay. It's one time, son. You will be fine," he says. Rebecca soon woke up with her new eyes and hugged him. "Thanks," she whispers in his ear and bites it, and leaves. Rebecca's brother sat down, and he got his upgrades. Everyone leaves, but Claude takes a breath and knocks on Rebecca's door. Rebecca opens it and pulls him in. "Welcome," she said. He sat on the bed. Rebecca straddled him and kissed him hard, knocking him down. He kisses back, his hands running up her legs and waist. Rebecca was kissing his neck. He smiles. His hands move, and one slides between her legs. He grabs her and rolls over so he is on top. He was, kissing her neck and slowly moving down her body. Rebecca was so excited. "Can't believe I am about to have sex with the boss's son," she said. Claude smirks and kisses her inner thigh. His hand ran up her body, placing it around her neck as he licked her slowly. Rebecca moans, feeling it. He slowly squeezed her neck as he kept going. Rebecca grabs his hair and moans loudly. Claude licks her slowly and moves up her body placing kisses all over her. He kisses her hard as he pushes inside her. She kisses back; her legs go around his waist. He smirks and starts to move. Rebecca moans loudly. "Fuck Claude, yes." she swallows. Claude smirks and keeps his pace. His eyes went yellow with a call, "Not a good time." he said. Rebecca got on top. "Hang up," she said, putting her hand on his neck and squeezing. He moaned and hung up. He tilts his head back and moans. Rebecca was moving. Her hand was still on his neck. He fucking loved it. He swallows. "Fuck Rebecca," he moans loudly as they both come. He is breathing, and his eyes flash. "Holy fuck, what," he said. "we have a job. Get your ass in the shop," his boss said. Claude sighed and got up and dressed. "I have work," he said and gave Rebecca his number, and left. Rebecca grinned. "That was amazing," she said and giggled.