
Claude's Love Story (Deans Son from the supernatural fanfic)

When Lucy and her crew as a meeting with the boss they see Claude and find out Dean has a son still unsure who to pair him with. Claude thinks he is better than everyone and thinks he can't get into trouble he likes to be in charge and he also likes to cause problems for others he is very good at hacking and getting the job done. He is studying to be a doc.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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9 Chs

David is King

David was sound asleep, holding Claude. But Claude couldn't sleep. He was watching David. He touched his cheek and smiled, seeing him so peaceful. "So beautiful," he whispers and kisses both his eyes. Claude swallows. "I feel so safe," he whispers. David yawns and wakes up. "Claude, what's wrong" he mumbles. "Oh, sorry, I just couldn't sleep," he said. David rolls over, holding him. "You want to talk or call me daddy," he asks. Claude just looked at him. "Call you what," he said. David looks at him. "You heard me. We can talk after but know that I know you love me back. Your ass is mine," he said. "Is that how you talk to your ripper doc?" he said, being bratty to see. David pinned him to the bed, hand on his neck. "Yes, it is," David said. Claude swallows. He can't control himself. "David, please fuck me," he begged. David grins. "Can't hear you. What did you want," he asks. Claude swallows. "Please, Daddy fuck me," he said. "That's more like it," he said and kissed him hard, opening his legs. Claude kisses back. David was kissing his neck. Claude moans softly. David has his hand around Claude's neck "God; I have been waiting for this since high school," he said. Claude kisses him and slides his tongue into his mouth, and moans, feeling his fingers enter his ass. They made out for a good while. David only had two fingers in his ass. "David, I want to come," Claude said, breaking the kiss. "Already," he said. "Just from my fingers," he said. "Please," he moaned loudly and came hard; David smirked seeing it. "Someone liked what I was doing," he said. Claude was breathing. "David, I never felt so good," he said, reaching for his smokes. David grabs his wrist. "We aren't done," he said. Claude looks at him and smiles, seeing David still hard; Claude gets closer to him Claude moves on top of him and kisses him hard. His hands were on his chest. David didn't mind and let him take over. Claude reached and slowly took David into his hand, and he slowly went down on him. Once David was in, Claude moaned loudly, feeling him. David moans loudly. "Fuck Claude, your so tight," he moans. Claude swallows and starts to move. He moans, "So big," he moans, feeling it. "David, it feels so good," Claude moans loudly. David hands his hands on Claude's waist, helping him move. "Claude, I am so close," David moans. Lucy was outside his apartment with Jackie and V. "Well, Claude is getting a good fucking" V said. David moans, feeling him. Claude moans loudly. They soon both came. David hands him the skinny cigars. "The crew is here, Claude," he said. Claude waves his hand as he lit a smoke. "Okay, at this point, I don't care. That was amazing," he said. David let the crew in and pulled some pants on and took Claude's smoke, and gave him another. "Okay, Lucy, who has his ears," he asked. Lucy looks. "A man named Farady has them," she said. "Shit, if Farady has them, we are screwed," V said. Claude walks out in just a sheet. "Faraday has his appointment with me tomorrow," he said, puffing his smoke. "He always comes alone also; if he is still coming, then he thinks I don't know," he said. He leans on the wall. "I can deal with Faraday, but my ears are fucked. That is fine; I want to hurt Faraday," he said. David nods and puts his arm around him. Lucy sighs. "He has also hired Rebecca as his bodyguard," she said. Claude coughs on his smoke and smiles.