
Claude's Love Story (Deans Son from the supernatural fanfic)

When Lucy and her crew as a meeting with the boss they see Claude and find out Dean has a son still unsure who to pair him with. Claude thinks he is better than everyone and thinks he can't get into trouble he likes to be in charge and he also likes to cause problems for others he is very good at hacking and getting the job done. He is studying to be a doc.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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Alone Time with Friends?

Claude was in BD in his place. David walks up and knocks. Claude sighs, removes the glasses, and opens the door without a shirt. "Oh David, what's up," he said, letting him in. "You said you could look into my sleep," he said. Claud nods and sits down, and yawns. He jacks into David and gets to work. Claude saw pictures of them together and how angry he was due to Claude being with Rebecca. He unhooked from David. "Well," he said, knowing what he saw. Claude swallows. "Daivd I am," he said. "I thought you and Lucy," he said and glanced away. David pulled his face so Claude was looking at him. "No, you don't get to act shy I know for a fucking fact you aren't," he said. "I heard you fuck Rebecca. We all did," he said. "How is that my fault," Claude said. "Because you offered to her," he said, kissing him roughly and leaving. Claude was so confused. "What the fuck just happened," he said. He calls Rebecca to come over. She rushed over and climbed on his lap, kissing him. Claude kissed back, pulled her close, kissed her neck, and pulled at her clothes. Rebecca smiles and pushes him back, kissing his neck and moving down his body. Claude was doing this to get David kissing him out of his mind. He moans, feeling Rebecca. She smiled and kept going. He moans and not thinking clearly. "Fuck yes, David," he said, moaning. Rebecca sat up. "I am sorry, who," she said. "Oh fuck" he said, realizing what he had done. Rebecca stood up and shot him twice, and left. "Fuck" he groans. He slowly stood up and went to the gang's ripper doc. He passed out. The doctor called Dean while he got started. Dean walks in. "What happened," he asks. "He was shot twice, once in the leg and the other in the upper chest," he said. "They look like Rebecca's bullets," he said. Claude woke up. "Mother fucker" he said and winched in pain. "Son, what happened between you and Rebecca," he said. Claude lays back down and covers his face. "I moaned someone else's name during my blowjob," he said. Dean tried not to laugh. "She shouldn't have shot you. Whose name was it," he asks. Claude sighed. "David," he said. Dean laughed hard. "No wonder she shot you," he said, laughing. "Love the support, Dad, thanks," he said, getting up slowly as he put a shirt on. "Sorry, son, but it is just funny," Dean said. "I am glad me getting shot brings you joy," Claude said and went home, lay down, and sighed. At the clubhouse, Rebecca walks in right to David and punches him "fuck you, David," she says and walks off. "What the fuck did I do," he said. "Claude moaned your name while I was sucking his dick, so fuck you," she said, slamming her door. Lucy laughs, falling over. David called Claude. "Yes," Claude groans, rolling over. "are you okay," he asks, walking outside. "Rebecca shot me twice," he said, reaching for the pain meds. "Shit, dude, I am so sorry. This is all my fault," he said and sighed. "Mother fucker" he said, breathing. "Claude, you okay," David asks. "No, my pain meds spilled, and I fucking hurt," he said, eyes watering. "The other dose is in my kitchen," he said. David used his tech, got there fast, and helped him take the meds. David saw his chest and shoulder wrapped up, and his left leg was wrapped up. "Thanks," Claude said, laying his head back down and falling asleep. David sighs and leans against the wall. "I am so sorry, Claude," he said. Claude moved his head a lot in his sleep, making a fist. "no, please," he said. David looks. "No, what," he asks. "David, please," he mumbles. David got closer. "I am right here, Claude," he said. "I have liked you since high school. I only had sex with Rebecca to make you mad," he mumbled. David shook his head and kissed him. Claude smiles in his sleep, feeling it.