
Claude's Love Story (Deans Son from the supernatural fanfic)

When Lucy and her crew as a meeting with the boss they see Claude and find out Dean has a son still unsure who to pair him with. Claude thinks he is better than everyone and thinks he can't get into trouble he likes to be in charge and he also likes to cause problems for others he is very good at hacking and getting the job done. He is studying to be a doc.

CherryBlossom1990 · TV
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9 Chs

A Job is a Job

Claude rushed to work. "Sorry, the boss had something I had to finish," he said. His boss nods. "It's all good some of the crew wanted upgrades before a hist," he said. Claude nodded and got to work helping. Not knowing some crew would backstab his father, they knocked him out and tai him up. "We got the kid," they said. He called his dad, and his eyes went yellow for a sec, and Dean could see what he saw. "Fucking little shits," Dean said. He called Lucy. "Got a job. My son has been taken hostage at the old clubhouse, about 20 guys," he said. Lucy nods.

"You got it, boss," she told the team. Rebecca ran out before everyone. Claude looks around, hacks a guy's optics, grabs him with his legs, and breaks his neck. He got the keys and got himself free. He picks up the gun, hacks it, and quietly kills 5. All he heard was a scream and shooting. "You leave my new piece of ass alone," Rebecca yells. Claude laughs he stands up. "I am fine, Rebecca," he says. Rebecca jumps at him and looks at his face. "Good," she said. He was smiling. She looked behind him and saw the bodies. "You killed them," she asks. He nods. "I am not worthless," he said. Rebecca kisses him hard. He kisses back. "Dad, send you," he asks. Rebecca nodded. "Yep," she said. Claude smiles, holding her when Lucy and David walk in. "Oh, he is okay," Lucy said. Rebecca climbs on his back. "Yes, my baby is okay," she held him. Claude smiles. "Rebecca, we just had sex," he said. Rebecca pouts. "I know, but it was amazing," she said. Claude nodded. "It was great sex," he said, walking out with her and the others. "Rebecca, I can't just have a sexual-based relationship, okay, love," he said. Rebecca nodded. "Well, let us go on dates and stuff," she said. Claude smiles and nods. "Okay, love," he said. Rebecca smiles, holding onto his arm and walking with him. He picked her up and put her on his shoulders. She laughed and was happy. "Hey Claude, do you. have any other tech," she asks. "I have my optics, a spine that helps me lift and hack move around smaller spaces. I have my hand for my guns and such, and that is about it," he said. "Oh, I thought your ears were tech," she said and touched them. They twitch. "Nah, they are real; I was born with them," he said. "I also do deep dives if anything happens to Kiwi," he said. "I built my tech for hacking mostly so," he said. Rebecca nods. "I know David, by the way," he said. Rebecca looks "what," she said. "Yeah, I went to high school with him," he said. "Do you like David?" Rebecca asks. Claude laughs. "No," he said. "If I were into guys, I wouldn't have said I would have sex with you, Rebecca," he said. She nods and points to the ice cream shop. He laughed and took her. He got them ice cream and ate it when Lucy and David sat down. David was next to Claude. David yawns and lays his head down. "Your gear working okay," Claude asks. David nods. "Just can't get sleep," he said. Claude gave him his address. "Swing by, and I will have a look," he said. He stood up. "I have work; see you guys around," he said, kissing Rebecca goodbye. Lucy looks at her "Do you feel his teeth" she asks. Rebecca smiles. "Nah, and he is amazing with his tongue and holy fuck, he is blessed," she said. "Think he is BI, but it's whatever," Rebecca said.