
Classroom of the Elite Y2V5

This is Y2V5 of the Classroom of the Elite!! I hope to you enjoy the book!!! Book cover credits go to the website of you-zitsu.fandom.com Readers will get 3 chapters this week and 3 chapters next week. 1 Short story is equal to 1 chapter All the credits go to the author Shōgo Kinugasa and ANIME ANYWAY on YouTube

Lisanna_Shweta · Realistic
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15 Chs

Satou Maya & Matsushita Chiaki SS - During Standby

"Eh? Did you really invite Ayanokouji-kun too?"

School had ended and Satou had walked to a classroom in the special section of the school

building in order to meet up with Matsushita, Mii-chan and Maezono.

There she reported to the others about how she had called out to Horikita and Ayanokouji.

"Yes, I remained in the classroom for a bit and since he was there with Horikita-san, I thought,

why not just invite him as well, so I just did."

"You still haven't given up on him yet? After what you said about just being friends? Lend me

some of that courage~"

"N-no, that's not it. I just thought it would be nice to hear a boy's opinion, that's all. I mean…"

"But the truth is?"

Her true feelings were seen right through by Matsushita who made a hand gesture mimicking

that of a reporter holding a microphone during an interview.

"S-since… we're going to show the boys later anyway, I wanted to… show him first, I think."

Satou embarrassedly blushed while Matsushita grinned like a cat.

"Uuuuu, this is so embarrassing… I can't do cosplay in front of the boys…"

"Hey, Mii-chan! If you're going to take this attitude, you won't be able to hold up during the real

deal, you know? If you don't do your best, Horikita-san may cut you down without hesitation."

"Uuuu… But you said only Satou needed to talk…"

She hugged her own chest along with the Chinese maid uniform as she trembled like a jelly.

"Your cuteness is to blame, Mii-chan! Oh, it's almost time so you should go change now. I'll

stand guard in the hallway so rest assured!", Maezono said before she before she exited the


While the three remaining girls had lots of thoughts about this, they began to change into these

unfamiliar costumes.

"But oh well, this is good practice for Mii-chan as well since showing yourself to the boys will be

important, you know. We could get advice on like, how they see us which is going to be

important for sure."

"Right, right? Ayanokouji-kun won't look at us in a weird way. And he is dependable too."

"I guess. If we had to choose a boy from our class, it would have to be Ayanokouji-kun or

Hirata-kun anyway."

Mii-chan's hands stopped for a second when she heard Hirata's name.

"Oh my, oh my, who is't didst thee bethink of? Hold not back and just bid us, shall thee?"

"I-m n-not s-saying!"

"Lots of girls are vying for his attention, you know~? Ah, but you've been hanging out with

Kouenji-kun lately, haven't you? I saw you guys during summer vacation from time to time. I was

so sure you've switched targets."

Maybe she was trying to steer the conversation away from Hirata, but she grabbed onto this

topic as she looked a bit too restless talking about Hirata.

"Ehh!? There is nothing between me and Kouenji-kun at all… it's just that it's surprisingly easy

to talk to him."

"That's—- surprising, yeah. So there really is someone on the same wavelength as him."

"How should I say it, he's very knowledgeable, and he's seeing things I can't see…"

Wang began to talk about the treasure hunt game they participated in on the boat during

summer vacation and how Kouenji's unique way of looking at things had won them a huge


But despite hearing all of this, Matsushita and Satou's evaluation of Kouenji did not change


"Hey you three! Stop talking and change will you!"

Maezono warned through the door and the three girls made some flustered voices as they

resumed changing clothes.