
Classroom of the elite: Undettected

Ren Amamiya was seen by his classmates as a normal and socially awkward student. And consequently, he had a minor presence in the class. But because of that exact reason. Did everyone fail to acknowledge his genius. "He's a genius, yes. But. That one problem is going to be his downfall... That's why he'll be placed in class D." . I don't own Classroom of the Elite or Persona 5 and all credit should go to respective authors The cover is also not mine and credit should go to the respective artist 'Tumblr' (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/753156737666190998/)

Endless_snow · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Information shortage

The next day

Ren got up and got ready for school. Sorting his backpack that looked more like a bag and making a Bento for lunch.

After cleaning everything up, he started to go to class.

And when he arrived at the lobby, he was surprised by the amount of students but quickly immersed himself in the crowd. Not drawing any attention to himself.

And after a while, he finally arrived in front of his class.

He then opened the slide door and went inside, not making any sound. And went towards his seat.

After taking his seat he start to eavesdrop on the other students.

'As I expected. No one casts any suspicions on the system... But I think this will all change at the beginning of next month.' He thought with a sly smirk and then noticed a student walking into the class.

And if he had to rank the students of the class based on his interest, then he would be placed first. It was Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

And then he decided to greet him.

"Yo, Ayanokouji-kun." Ren greeted him. Taking Ayanokouji completely off guard, resulting in him stuttering.

"Ah.. uh... Hi." He said before he continued to walk towards his seat.

'He is so socially awkward hehe.' He thought.

Then the teacher came in.

"Alright everyone, quiet down. Class is in session. Today we will be..." And class started.

And halfway in class, Ren took a peek around him and was surprised at how his classmates behaved.

Some were on their phones and others were just straight up talking. Even the fucking meathead was sleeping.

But the teacher said nothing of it.

'So the teacher won't reprimand the students... But once they know about the system, they'll regret everything they would have done this month. HAHA. what a shitty system.' He thought before focusing once again on the lesson.

And soon, lunchtime arrived. And students started to go with their newfound friends to go have lunch.

Then Ren heard a sound next to him.

"How pathetic." Said the girl next to him. It was Horikita Suzune.

And Ren turned his head towards her to see to who she was talking to, and it seemed she was talking to Ayanokouji.

"What? What's pathetic?" He asked her.

"'I want someone to invite me along. I want to eat with someone!' Your thought are like an open book." Horikita said.

"PFF-" To which Ren couldn't help but laugh. And the two then turned to him.

"Ah, sorry for laughing again Ayanokouji-kun. But she is right you know." Ren said.

"Hmm, but you guys are alone too, aren't you Haven't you thought the same thing?" He asked us.

And Horikita was first to answer.

"That's right, I prefer to be alone." She said

"Well, I don't mind being alone." Ren answered right after Horikita and Ayanokouji looked at us with a deadpanned expression.

Then Ren looked around once again and noticed that half of the class was already empty.

'Wow, people are fast at making friends.' He thought to himself.

Then Hirata spoke up.

"Well, I was thinking of heading to the cafeteria. Anyone want to come with me?" He asked to the class.

'Oh, the leader is taking charge once again.'

Then Ren saw ayanokouji's hand slowly raise but he got dwarfed by the girls of the class.

"I'll go!!"

"Yeah, Me too!!"

"AH, wait!! don't forget about me." And then they gathered around Hirata.

Then Ayanokouji's hand lowered once agian.

And this didn't go unnoticed as Ren was holding in his laughter while Horikita said-

"How tragic."

Then Hirata asked once again.

"Does anyone else want to come?"

Then Ayanokouji and Hirata had eye contact.

"Hey, Ayano-" And Ayanokouji's eyes sparkled with a bit of hope before once again.

"Come on, Hurry up, Hirata-kun!" The girls screamed.

Turned to eyes off despair.

And this time, Ren couldn't help but laugh.

Then Horikita left leaving the two of us alone.

"Well, I'll be on the roof. Cyao." Ren waved goodbye to Ayanokouji before leaving the classroom.

But when leaving the classroom Ren noticed another peculiar scene.

It was Kushida and Horikita. She was waiting at the end of the hall.

'How curious?' He thought before passing them by slowly.

After walking a bit further down the hall, he stopped in his tracks and leaned against the wall.

'Kushida wanting to be friends with everyone was no joke, she even tried to confront Horikita. Too bad for her that she doesn't want to be approached... Oh well.' He thought before continuing towards the roof of the building.


After arriving at the roof, he found a good place to sit... that was on top of the door hall.

He opened his self-made Bento box and started to eat. And after a while, an announcement played through the speakers.

""At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at—"

'Hmm? Clubs, well I have the point problem to solve and if my theory is right, clubs will give you points...Or some of them at least... Scrap that, probably only the student council as that is the only one where you really have to work.' He thought to himself, seeing an error in his thinking.

'I'll probably just search for a part time job, because as the class is now. I bet we won't have much of a payment at the end of the month.' He then thought back how the students behaved in the lesson.

After eating his full, he closed his Bento and left for his classroom. Homeroom was about to start.


Class ended and Ren went back to his room.

'Something funny happened haha.' He laughed to himself.

What he meant was that after class, Ayanokouji invited him to go the to club fair. But he knew Ayanokouji wasn't going there to join a club.

'It was probably to make friends... but clubs huh?

... Nah, that's nothing for me.' He thought before throwing away the idea to join a club.

'Lets explore the island a bit more... maybe some information gathering too.' He thought before entering his room and changing to his baggy clothes he wore yesterday.


Once outside, he went to the park and asked to himself.

'What kind of information will I search for this time. Classmates? No I can do this anytime. I also won't have to worry too much about the upperclassman. The next most urgent thing will be the other classes. If it will be a hierarchy, then I'll have to start now.'

He thought before heading towards the club fair.

'And where are the most students at this time of the day?

The club fair.'

He thought as he doubled his pace.



'Nothing.' Ren thought while looking over the sea from the roof.

'...Absolutely no information whatsoever. What the hell was I even thinking, going there? I had to know that no one was going to talk about their class's autonomy while looking for a club to join.

It was a stupid idea.

But I did have the opportunity to see something extraordinary.

The student council president silencing everyone with just his mere presence' He thought with a smirk.

"Those with a monarch's fate, will have a gracious grace. But at the end they will face, their last mistake." He said out loud.

"HAHA, that's a great one!!" He said before writing it down in his notebook.

"Well, I better head back. Tomorrow will be another day. I'll try to search some more information then." He said before going to the dorm.


'It has been a week and I only overheard just some lukewarm information. Nothing too special to be noted down...

It's been such a boring week to me.

I have tried to get some information on the other classes but I didn't get much.

I only know that classes C and B all have a leader that leads their separate classes and that class A is split in 2 factions.

Anyway, today it seems that we will have a swimming lesson. And some, especially the two idiots are way too excited.'

"Whew, man! I was looking forward to today so much that I barely slept last night!"

"Ah ha ha! This school is just the best! I can't believe that it's almost time for swimming! And when I say swimming, I mean girls. And when I say girls, I mean girls in school swimsuits!"

'No surprises that the two idiots are Ike and Yamagucci, I mean Yamauchi!

The reason they are so excited is, no surprise, the swimming class is co-ed.

It seems that they are going to use four eyes (not me) over there to record the girls while class will be in session. They called him 'the professor'.

They are truly...

Disgusting.' Ren thought while typing a message to a certain girl.

Over the past week, Ren didn't do nothing. If he didn't get any information about the other classes. Then he would get information from within the class.

He also got everyone's social details as he isn't a loner as Ayanokouji. Even now, he gets fired by Horikita about his lack of social skills.

He is just social enough to not be a loner. But not that social that he is everyone's buddy. They just know him. That's the perfect cover for him.

And over the past week, he knows who would be best for the situation.

'I just hope she reads it and doesn't block me.' He thought as he sent the message to the person.

And just at the right time, he joined the conversation between Ayanokouji and Horikita.

"There are a lot of reasons why I can't do it. So far, you're the only person I've been able to talk to, Horikita. And-"

"Me?" He chipped in on the conversation. And Ayanokouji just nodded.

"So, what were the two of you talking about?" Ren asked.

"Ayanokouji wants to join the band of idiots in their discussion but doesn't have the balls to join them, truly pathetic." Horikita answered.

"Ah, the loner once again, thrives to dissipate his own ineptitude. But will in the end, relish in his own solitude" Ren quotes.

"That one sucked, but fits the situation." Horikita commented

"Oh, a compliment I hear? And from 'the nun' no less." Ren joked.


Then Horikita karate chopped Ren in his side.

"AAgh... why do you hit so hard?"

"HEY, Ayanokouji, Amamiya." Ike called our names and we turned to him.

'Damn, I bet he'll ask something stupid like 'What do you think is superior tits or ass.' Ren thought but his sentence was far worse then he expected.

"To tell you the truth, we're taking bets on the girls' chest sizes." Ike said

'... Excuse me!?'

"We've come up with some probabilities."

Then the professor took out his tablet and opened a spreadsheet.

'... You have to be kidding me!?' Ren screamed inside.

The document listed all the names of the girls of our class and a picture. Some numbers were listed as well, probably their bets.

"Umm. So, is it okay if I join you?" Ayanokouji asked.

"O-oi, Ayanokouji. Y-you can't be real, right?"

"Yeah! Come on, do it!" The boys yelled.

'Nope, I don't have a death wish.' Ren thought with cold sweat running down his back, as he looked at the other side of the classroom.

There, the girls were looking at the boys with cold eyes that could probably freeze the north pole 50 times over.

"Well, good luck." Ren said before distancing himself from the group.

The boys looked disappointed at first but then quickly changed as Ayanokouji was about to bet.

Ren didn't distance himself too much as he could still eavesdrop on the boys. Maybe, if he leaked a bit, then he would get a safe pass from the girls... Maybe.

And damn did he want to remove his eardrum when he heard what they were talking about. They had absolutely no filter on. But maybe because the girls couldn't hear them that they were so perverted.

'The summary is that Hasebe has the likeliest odds and then comes Sakura. I heard that Yamauchi confessed to Sakura. If this is true then I'm sorry for her.

Then lunch arrived and Ren went to the roof once again.

He picked his usual spot. Opened his Bento and started eating.

After he was done, he put it away and waited for his 'guest' to arrive.

And after waiting a few minutes, she finally arrived.

She stopped in the middle, and looked around with a confused expression.

"Oh, the damsel has arrived." Ren said in a playful tone. And the girl got a fright and quickly turned around as he was now standing in front of the door.

Then she turned her phone to Ren and asked.

"So, why did you call me? You want to do something to me?" She asked. Slightly terrified.

"No, I'm here to discus something with you. Hasebe-san." Ren said while looking at her without his glasses on.

And she just gulped.

"A-and what is it about." She stuttered with a grim expression.

"Hmm? Why are you afraid?" Ren asked, as he was simply curious.

"W-well, I don't know you well. So..."


"I see my mistake, I don't have quite the presence in class so you must be shocked by my change of personality compared to the one in class. Yes?" Ren asked in a slightly softer tone and she just nodded.

"Yes, alright. But we already know each other to some extent so let me cut to the chase as to why I called you here" His tone became serious once again. And Hasebe became more attentive.

"Do you know what the boys are up to?" He asked and she shook her head.

"And I assume you will not be joining the swimming class?" He asked once again, and this time she was shocked.

"Wha-how did you know? I never told anyone."

"Well, lets just say I'm good at observing. Anyway, There will be another boy who will not be joining, his name is Sotomura Hideo. He wears glasses and is a little plump. That one will be recording the girls while swimming class will be in session." Ren explained.

"Eh?" She let out a sound as she didn't understand the situation anymore.

"Wait. You're here to help us?" She asked as she had whole other suspicions about why he called her here.

"Hmm? Yes. Why else?" Ren asked.

"Oh, uhh. nevermind." She said before putting her phone away. And loosened up a bit.

"AAHH, you gave such a fright. Do you know how scared I was to come here?" She said to herself but Ren overheard her and he answered.

"Oh, it would be weird to get a message of someone who you didn't know before. I'm sorry." He then apologised

"Oh no worry's , so the boys were planning that huh? Anything else I need to know about?" She asked in menacingly tone and then he snitched about the bet they had.

And after hearing his explanation, she turned bright red of embarrassment.

"A-and you? Did you join them?!" She then began to interrogate me.

"NOO, didn't you see me distancing from the group." Ren retorted.

"O-oh right, uhm. Sorry." She then composed herself.

"So will that boy be the only one recording or will there be others?" She asked.

"No, I think that's the only one. Also, please don't tell anyone I gave you this information. That is if you want me to keep warning you guys about these kinds of things and others." Ren said.

"Hmm? Other things, such as what?" She asked curiously. With the wind blowing through her hair.

"hmm. I guess I can tell you about this. If you haven't spent your entire allowance yet. Good job! Because they won't give us 100.000 points anymore." Ren said which shocked Hasabe.

"... And how do you know?" She asked.

Then Ren made a money sign with his fingers and said.

"That's gonna cost you."

"..." Hasabe hesitated but ultimately didn't pay for more information.

"Oh, and one last question. Why me?" She asked.

"Well, I observed the class long enough to see that you and Sakura won't be joining us next class. And then I have to chose.

Who would be best to stop and accuse a boy who is trying such a thing. A shut-in like Sakura? Or you?" Ren answered while hopping back on to his spot.

"Heh, alright."

And as the discussion was over, she was about to leave. But then asked.

"And what shall I call you as. You want to stay anonymous right?"

"Hmm? Just call me…



{Ren Amamiya – 1-D

PP: 69.800 Points}




2732 words

next 'swim class'

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