
Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo

Our boy Saiki K has been admitted to the chaotic Advance Nurturing High School. How will he fare trying to prevent his peaceful life from being destroyed? . . . . -Story not mine. Just translating it and if the author wants it taken down then please contact me. -The picture is not mine. It is created by Seilo on twitter. Check it out.

CountHeim · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 35: Late at Night, Horikita Is Actually Doing This Kind of Thing!

"Damn, damn, damn! That damn bitch!"

About a few seconds later, Kushida Kikyo resumed her previous actions, kicking the railing and cursing Horikita Suzune, as if nothing happened.

'Yeah, yeah, it looks like it's been successfully resolved.'

At this moment, Saiki Kusuo has returned behind the previous tree.

'Although I have used this ability before, at most it only deleted a sentence or the like in the memory. It did not delete a complete minute. Generally speaking, the target object will fill in the memory by itself...I don't have it either. I know what kind of memories she will fill, but it seems that the vacant memory has been filled by her continuing to vent her emotions.'

Saiki Kusuo muttered to himself.

Perhaps because Kushida Kikyo was too obsessed with Horikita Suzune, the blank memory was filled with related things.

When he had just modified the other party's memory, Saiki Kusuo also put the phone back into the other party's pocket, which solved the matter.

Saiki Kusuo immediately left the vicinity of Kushida Kikyo. He did not want to get entangled with him anymore.

'There are really not many normal students in this school. If we graduate like this in the future, the consequences will be disastrous. Forget it, I don't want to think about it that much. Since I went out so late, let's buy some snacks and drinks and go back.'

Although it is very late now and most of the school's shops are closed, there are vending machines available everywhere on campus, which can provide students with a lot of convenience.

Saiki Kusuo quickly walked to the vending machine and spent a few points to buy a can of coffee—

At this moment, he caught a very familiar voice.

"Suzune, you actually chased me here."

"I am no longer the good-for-nothing you are familiar with, brother. I came here to follow your footsteps."

'It's Horikita...and her brother.'

Saiki Kusuo's brows raised slightly. He had only met Horikita Suzune's brother, Horikita Manabu, twice. The first time was at the opening ceremony, and the second time Saiki Kusuo used perspective during swimming lessons. As far as his ability could see, he did not have any substantial contact with the other party.

'I feel like the relationship between the two of them is not very good, but it has nothing to do with me.'

Saiki Kusuo thought to himself, and at the same time opened the ring of the can, took a sip of coffee, and prepared to leave.

"To catch up with me? Choosing this school is your failure."

"I will be promoted to Class A soon. If so..."

"You can't do it."

'Yeah, yeah, I feel like the atmosphere is not right. Although nothing will happen in school, I just want to pay a little attention. I don't want to watch the excitement.'

While drinking coffee, Saiki Kusuo shifted his gaze to the direction of the source of the sound. His gaze passed through several walls and landed on Horikita Suzune and Horikita Manabu not far away.

"I, I can do it..."

Horikita Suzune lowered her head and said, her voice weakening a bit.

At this moment, she looked completely different from usual. Normally in class, Horikita Suzune would be completely closed to strangers. She had an arrogant air in her words and deeds and made no secret of her disdain for those around her.

But now, Horikita Suzune looked a bit humble.

'I remember hearing Horikita Suzune's voice on her first day of school. She seemed to have entered this school just for Horikita Manabu... Bro-con?'

Saiki Kusuo muttered to himself.

"I will definitely do it..."

Horikita Suzune said this, but her voice, like her body, was trembling slightly, and she didn't seem confident.

[I, I must be promoted to Class A. Only in this way can I be recognized by my brother... I came to this school just to prove myself in front of my brother... No matter what, everyone needs to be upgraded to Class A! ]

'I see, that's why she is so obsessed with being promoted to Class A.'

"What a disobedient sister."

There was no change in expression on Horikita Manabu's face from beginning to end, but after hearing Horikita Suzune's words, there seemed to be a hint of anger in his tone, and he grabbed Horikita Suzune's hand and pulled her against the wall.

"The one assigned to Class D is my sister. Even if you are upgraded to Class C, it won't make any difference. In the end, it's me who will be embarrassed. Leave this school immediately. You don't have the ability or qualifications to climb up!"

Judging from the tone, Horikita Manabu is very disdainful of his sister Horikita Suzune, but Saiki Kusuo can clearly hear his internal thoughts.

[Really, Suzune, you have talents that may surpass mine, why do you always have to imitate me? I originally wanted to deliberately distance myself from her and let her grow, but in the end she also entered this school... It's really disappointing. She should have been able to find her own path. I used to deliberately lie to her that I like long hair, and she also deliberately kept her hair long... ugh...]

'Yeah, it turns out that my brother is also a person who worries about his sister. He looks cold and arrogant, but he actually cares about his sister very much...'

Saiki Kusuo was drinking coffee while observing the siblings.

'——But wouldn't it be enough to just tell the other person face to face about this kind of thing? Since the brother didn't want his sister to imitate his words, he could have said it directly. Deliberately distancing himself by not mentioning it made the situation more complicated.'

Saiki Kusuo couldn't understand their thought process, but ultimately it was their issue, and he wasn't going to get involved. He decided to return to the dormitory to rest.

[No, Suzune must be made aware of her problem. She must understand how wrong she is! ]

While contemplating this, Horikita Manabu raised his fist, preparing to strike Horikita Suzune.

[I just want to prove myself in front of my brother... It must be because I didn't do well enough, so my brother alienated me…]

[Suzune, why do you have to imitate me? You can obviously go your own way! The more you imitate me, the less you will be able to shine. You completely misunderstood aloofness and loneliness. The real meaning is, this is the reason why you were assigned to Class D... Wait, what did you say?]

"Brother...what did you just say?"


If you want to read more.

Visit my p@treon account.

There are 15 chapters ahead there~
