
Classroom of the Elite: Saiki Kusuo

Our boy Saiki K has been admitted to the chaotic Advance Nurturing High School. How will he fare trying to prevent his peaceful life from being destroyed? . . . . -Story not mine. Just translating it and if the author wants it taken down then please contact me. -The picture is not mine. It is created by Seilo on twitter. Check it out.

CountHeim · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 20: The Long-Awaited Exam Has Finally Arrived

During class the next day, Kushida Kikyo and Saiki Kusuo entered the classroom with thirty-nine copies of the test questions and distributed them to the other students.

[After you have the test questions, you don't have to listen to the lectures in class!]

[The surprise exam should be stable now! But hasn't Chabashira-sensei said anything about the exam yet? Could it be that there is actually no exam today?]

[Just read this test question. It should not be difficult in exams and the like... But I can't understand this test question…]

Having these test questions reassured students who hadn't paid much attention in class before.

However, perhaps because of the test questions, the learning status of the students in the class didn't change much.

Many students were still late every day, and many were still distracted during class. They took these things less seriously than before.

They only thought that class points were related to test scores, and with this test question, the test was not a problem at all. They didn't know that class points were measured far beyond test scores.

Just like those in Class D, many people achieved very good results in the entrance exam.

But after all, the test questions needed some study. After returning to the dormitory every day after school, some students in Class D would gather together independently to study the questions. Even Sudo Takeru and others, who usually didn't study much, would ask other students for solutions to some problems.

Of course, whether they could understand it or not was another matter.


In this way, a week passed quickly, and Chabashira Sae still didn't mention anything about the exam, making some students wonder if there would be no surprise this year.

However, before the first period of today's exam, Sae Chabashira, who usually only came to the classroom every day, arrived five minutes early for a rare occasion.

"There is a surprise test today. Start from the first row and pass the test papers backward."

Sae Chabashira immediately handed out the test paper she carried with her, and a rare and meaningful smile seemed to appear on her face.

[These defectives will definitely not think that there will be a surprise exam within two weeks of the start of school. Some of you will definitely ask why I didn't tell you about the exam and the school's rules in advance - but in this world, there are not so many things that you can prepare for in advance!]

[Looking at your usual state in class, I don't believe you can get high scores!]

[When the class points are announced next month, let me take a good look at your despair!]

'Hey hey hey, you are the head teacher.'

Saiki Kusuo complained in his heart that according to common sense, every homeroom teacher should be thinking about his students getting high scores, and this teacher named Chabashira Sae is basically a teacher in a sense. Freak.

However, reality may be somewhat different from what Sae Chabashira thought.

[Finally, there is news about the surprise exam! Knew it!]

[Fortunately, I bought the test questions in advance, otherwise this exam would have been a disaster!]

[Hurry, send out the test papers! Otherwise, I will forget all the questions I memorized yesterday!]

The students in the class were not surprised at all, and many even felt secretly happy.

The test papers were soon distributed to everyone. Kusuo Saiki glanced at the test paper and found that the questions were exactly the same as the previous year's test questions.

As the best high schools funded by the government, they will never deliberately use the same set of test questions in order to save resources. I am afraid that their purpose is to test students' observation ability outside of study and whether they can detect the existence of the same test questions.

At the same time, it also allows students to further understand that in this school, "everything can be purchased with points."

For Saiki Kusuo, it doesn't matter.

'Yeah, yeah, I didn't think much of it before, but now it seems that the difficulty gap between different questions is not small.'

Saiki Kusuo thought in his heart, but for him, even if he doesn't read the test questions in advance, these questions are not difficult, and he can judge the answers with just a few glances.

For Saiki Kusuo, the most difficult thing is how to control the score to stay at the mid-range level.

'The fact that the test scores are all in the middle might make the teacher a little suspicious. It seems that I have to let my scores in each subject fluctuate a little, but there can't be too big changes, otherwise, it will still look a bit suspicious.'

Saiki Kusuo thought in his heart,

'After all, because of the test questions, other people's scores should have improved to a certain extent, and my score shouldn't be too low'

The most important thing is not how many points he can get in the test, but how many points others can get in the test.

[The questions this time are exactly the same as the test questions, which is great!]

[Fortunately, I prepared in advance!]

[I should be able to get a relatively high score in this exam!]

Saiki Kusuo can clearly hear other people's mental activities, and the next step is to confirm how many points they should be able to get given that they have the test questions.

He turned his head and his eyes fell on someone casually. His eyes gradually penetrated through the other person's body and landed on the test paper to see what their answers were.

'It seems that with the test questions, everyone can get high scores.'

Saiki Kusuo looked at a few people at random. Their answers to the previous questions had a very high rate of accuracy, and they should all be able to get relatively high scores.

His eyes continued to move and fell on Sudou Ken.

[The first question is A, the second question is C, the third question is D...]

At this moment, Sudou Ken was reciting and reciting the answers to the test questions in his mind.

After others obtained the test questions, they studied the solutions to each question, while Sudo Ken memorized the order of their answers and the steps to solve them.

Fortunately, the exam questions were basically the same as last year. Otherwise, if only a few numbers were changed, Suto Ken's 'labor achievements' would fall short.

[Oh, that's bad. What's the answer just now? Is it D or C? Quick, think of it quickly!]

'This guy can't be saved.'

Saiki Kusuo made this judgment in his heart.

Even when there were test questions, it seemed that Sudo Ken didn't memorize the answers very seriously. After just a few choice fill-in-the-blank questions, he forgot what the correct answer was.

'But to a certain extent, you did a good job, Sudou. You should be able to drag down the average score of this exam a little bit.'

The corners of Saiki Kusuo's mouth raised slightly.