
Classroom of the Elite: Maniac’s Formidable Strength

Synopsis: Ying Ye Zhenshi- A student admitted to the Advanced Nurturing High due to special circumstances. Enrolled as a class D student, he will have to navigate his way around this unique environment, all while digging up information on the school’s rules and bending them as he desires. Note: The MC does not have knowledge of the plot. [T/N: Basically, someone with no knowledge of the plot enters the school. He has a problematic background and a twisted personality, etching him as one of the problem kids in class D and Year 1 as a whole. Funnily enough, the problem kids seem to band together in such novels *wink Kushida wink*. Oh, MC’s pretty funny too.] Extra Tags: Academy, Bullying, Carefree Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Contracts, Crazy Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Curious Protagonist, Delinquents, Fearless Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Money Grubber, Mysterious Past, Playful Protagonist, Pretend Lovers, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Ruthless Protagonist, Scheming, Selfish Protagonist, Twisted Personality Patreon.com/countp for access to 12 advanced chapters of this story. Check out my other projects! • Fucking Streamers With My Infinite Coins Cheat • Transmigrated To Another World The Day Before Finals (R18) I am not the author of this work! I am just improving general readability. OG Title and Author are posted in the top review.

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98 Chs

Chapter 68.3

The students had enrolled at this school thinking that these three years would be but a breeze, and that when they finally graduated high school, they could all get into whatever university they wanted and be directly given a costly scholarship programme.

There were also some who dreamed of various professional job opportunities, which could be attained just by making it through these next three years.

But Chabashira Sae's words ruthlessly shattered any dreams and hopes of the students in front of her.

Now their class points was 0, and class A's points were almost 1000 away.

Even if they got rewarded every time they did well on the exams, there would no doubt be rewards given to Class A for doing the same.

If things were calculated in this way, as long as Class A did not make any major mistakes, it was nigh impossible for them to fall from their spot at Class A to Class B or C, let alone class D.

Thinking along those lines, many students started to feel even more resentful towards Ying Ye Zhenshi.

It was fine to have sold the intelligence, but why hadn't he sold it to his own class?

"How shameful. There's nothing as pitiful as boys making a commotion and panicking at having some fanciful dreams shattered."

Pretty boy Kouenji incited everyone in the class yet again.

"Huh, why are you so relaxed?"

He had brought the attention back to himself.

If one said Ying Ye Zhenshi was considered the most hated and repelled individual in the class, then Kouenji would quite easily take the second place.

No one liked his attitude of thinking himself superior to everyone else and his free spirited roguish behaviour.

And so this relaxed appearance of his had them confused about his thoughts.

But after hearing his answer, they became even more agitated about their own situations.

"Why would I not be? I value, respect, and regard myself greatly, more than any other person. Even if the school puts me in class D, it means nothing to me. If, for example, I have to drop out of school, it's completely fine. After all, it's the school that will come crawling back for me. Anyway, I'm not looking to go to college or find a job somewhere after I graduate. It's been decided that I will lead the Koenji Conglomerate in the future. It doesn't matter whether I'm in class A or class D. Of course, I don't agree with the school arbitrarily placement of me in class D, but it's like what the scheming boy said. A person must rely on themselves. If you are excellent enough, you can choose to go anywhere you want."

Kouenji's attitude made his way of thinking out to be as though the most normal thought process.

But in reality, it just was not.

"This Kouenji is too rich."

"Why is such a guy in Class D?"

"Is Class D really made up of defective products?"

The students would not have thought that such a big silver spoon kid was actually sitting right beside them.

Honestly, at this point, they all just wanted to look for a street lamp or something, and just throw it at Kouenji.

At the same time, they all began to doubt themselves, as they wondered why there were so many competent outliers in the class.

Moreover, with so many of such students, how could their class have still fallen to 0 points?

What kind of talent they they have to have run their class situation so deep in the mud?

With such thoughts, the students couldn't help but look over at the individuals who had probably contributed most to the deduction in their points.

Kanji Ike, Haruki Yamauchi, Ken Sudou, and the girls playing with their mobile phones in class— none of them could escape their seething gazes.

These people were the root of all evil in class D.

Because of Kouenji's interjection, those with decent personal competency had calmed down a little.

But those who had only ever thought of getting into their various dream institutions with the relationship they had forged with the school, and those who were just average, had ugly expressions on their faces.

They were feeling full of gloom, as though they were entering hell.


In such a situation, joy was clearly written on Ying Ye Zhenshi's face.

With rapt attention, he watched the show conducted the students in his class, especially in the last few moments.

Looking at their disappointed and desperate expressions, he couldn't help but chuckle internally.

"Although Kouenji's words are a bit straightforward, that is the crux of it. These are the rules of the school. Opportunities can be found within them, and you all have equal opportunity to fight for them. If you can't get them, then you will have to blame yourself. Didn't a certain someone say it already? A person must rely on themselves, so work hard. If you really can't accept the circumstances, then I will reiterate the same thing. Just come and fill out the withdrawal application, and I will send you away on the same day."

Sae Chabashira looked at the 'tragic' expressions in the class and informed them plain and Simple.

These words of hers directly made everyone in the class want to drop out of school right there and then, as they thought of the miseries of the coming few years.

However, if they dropped out of school, they may just be miserable for a lifetime.

There was also the consideration about their families that had to be taken into account.

Many students thought that if they went back home, having dropped out, they would probably be beaten to death by their parents.

They may even pretend not to know their own child, and then they wouldn't even be allowed to enter through the front door ever again, and they would be thrown directly to work in the factory. [T/N: You can tell a Chinese author wrote this, lol.]

One had to think of it as the 'beautiful' consequences for one's own bad decisions.

Ying Ye Zhenshi watched speechlessly as these guys robbed his lines one by one.

'Come, come, why don't you give me the mic. Don't you think I have something to say too? A person must rely on themselves, so go and find your own catchphrase!'

"I understand that everyone is probably panicking inside right now, but we should stay calm. Actually, there is still a chance for us. As long as we study hard, we will gain some class points and an opportunity to compete with the rest. Didn't sensei just say that? We will have a chance to get points in the coming midterm. Now, we just need to reduce the number of points we spend and prepare for the exam."

The class had become rowdy, and at the helm was 'Mother' Hirata who stepped forward to save the day.

"That's right, it's only been a month since school started, so we still have a chance everyone. It's been hard to become friends with everyone, so I hope to graduate with everyone too. No matter what the future holds for us, we must cherish the present~"

Kushida Kikyo stood up in tow.

Naturally, she couldn't miss out on the opportunity to brush up on her classmates' favorability.

Before, the focus had always been on the points of the class and the exams, so she hadn't had such an opportunity to shine.

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